Job Complains to God
My Hopes Have Died
1 My hopes have died,
my time is up,
and the grave is ready.
2 All I can see are angry crowds,
making fun of me.
3 If you, Lord, don't help,
who will pay the price
for my release?
4 My friends won't really listen,
all because of you,
and so you must be the one
to prove them wrong.
5 They have condemned me,
just to benefit themselves;
now blind their children.

6 You, God, are the reason
I am insulted and spit on.
7 I am almost blind with grief;
my body is a mere shadow.

8 People who are truly good
would feel so alarmed,
that they would become angry
with my worthless friends.
9 They would do the right thing
and because they did,
they would grow stronger.
10 But none of my friends
show any sense.

11 My life is drawing to an end;
hope has disappeared.
12 But all my friends can do
is offer empty hopes.
13 I could tell the world below
to prepare me a bed.
14 Then I could greet the grave
as my father
and say to the worms,
“Hello, mother and sisters!”

15 But what kind of hope is that?
16 Will it keep me company
in the world of the dead?
Ījabs: dod man atdusu kaut vai kapā
1 Mans gars ir salauzts,
manas dienas izsīkušas –
kaps klāt!
2 Vai neesmu izsmieklā likts?
Viņu ņirgās man kavējas skatiens!
3 Galvo pats sev par mani!
Kurš cits sitīs man saujā?
4 Viņu sirdis tu esi saprātam slēdzis,
tad jau tu viņus nepaaugstināsi!
5 Kas draugus savtīgi nosūdz,
tā dēliem acis izīgs!
6 Viņš mani licis tautām par parunu,
par tādu, kam vaigā spļauj, esmu kļuvis.
7 No bēdām acis man tumst,
visi mani locekļi kā ēnas.
8 Taisnie iztrūcinātos par to,
un šķīstais noskaistos uz bezgodi.
9 Taisnais turēsies uz sava ceļa,
kam tīras rokas, tas pieaugs spēkā!
10 Nu visi nāciet vēlreiz pret mani!
Tik nerodu gudra jūsu vidū –
11 manas dienas ir garām, mani nodomi prom,
manas sirds alkas –
12 tās darītu nakti par dienu,
gaisma nāktu tūlīt pēc tumsas.
13 Ja kapu es cerētu sev par namu,
ja tumsā uzklātu cisas,
14 sacītu bedrei: tu mans tēvs! –
un tārpam: mana māte un māsa! –
15 Kur tad būtu mana cerība?
Kurš manu cerību ieraudzītu?
16 Vai tā nokāps man kapā līdzi?
Vai mēs kopā gulsimies pīšļos?”