Job Complains to God
I Am Sick of Life!
1 I am sick of life!
And from my deep despair,
I complain to you, my God.
2 Don't just condemn me!
Point out my sin.
3 Why do you take such delight
in destroying those you created
and in smiling on sinners?
4 Do you look at things
the way we humans do?
5 Is your life as short as ours?
6 Is that why you are so quick
to find fault with me?
7 You know I am innocent,
but who can defend me
against you?
8 Will you now destroy
someone you created?
9 Remember that you molded me
like a piece of clay.
So don't turn me back
into dust once again.
10 As cheese is made from milk,
you created my body
from a tiny drop.
11 Then you tied my bones together
with muscles and covered them
with flesh and skin.
12 You, the source of my life,
showered me with kindness
and watched over me.
You Have Not Explained
13 You have not explained
all of your mysteries,
14 but you catch and punish me
each time I sin.
15 Guilty or innocent,
I am condemned and ashamed
because of my troubles.
16 No matter how hard I try,
you keep hunting me down
like a powerful lion.
17 You never stop accusing me;
you become furious and attack
over and over again.

18 Why did you let me be born?
I would rather have died
before birth
19 and been carried to the grave
without ever breathing.
20 I have only a few days left.
Why don't you leave me alone?
Let me find some relief,
* 21 before I travel to the land
22 of darkness and despair,
the place of no return.
Ījabs: man riebj mana dzīve
1 Manai dvēselei apriebies dzīvot!
Nu ļaušu vaļu žēlabām!
Runāšu dvēseles rūgtumā!
2 Sacīšu Dievam: nevaino mani!
Teic man – par ko tu mani apsūdzi?!
3 Vai tev labi, kad pāri dari,
kad atmet pats savu roku darbu,
bet ļaundaru padomam liec mirdzēt?
4 Vai tev ir miesas acis?
Vai tu raugies tāpat kā cilvēks?
5 Vai tavas dienas kā cilvēka dienas?
Vai tavi gadi kā vīra gadi?
6 Ko tu meklē manas vainas,
pēc mana grēka kādēļ tu lūko,
7 kaut zini, ka nedzenu negantību?
Nav neviena, kas glābtu no tevis!
8 Tavas rokas veidoja un darīja mani
no visām pusēm! – Nu tu mani aprij!
9 Atceries, mālā tu veidoji mani,
nu tu pīšļos vērt mani atpakaļ!
10 Vai kā pienu tu mani nelēji?
Vai kā sieru tu nesēji mani?
11 Ādā un miesā tu ieģērbi mani,
kauliem un dzīslām saaudi mani,
12 dzīvību un žēlastību devi tu man,
tavs skatiens sargāja manu garu.
13 Un, redzi, ko tu slēpi savā sirdī!
Zinu, kas tev prātā!
14 Tik nogrēkošos – tu jau pamani,
manu vainu tu man neatlaid!
15 Tikko noziegšos – vai man! –
pat ja es taisns – necelšu galvu,
atēdies negoda, atskatījies posta!
16 Tik atgūšos – kā lauva tu mani lenc,
ik brīdi tu rādi, cik dižs tu pār mani,
17 no jauna tu liecības cel pret mani,
vairo savas dusmas pret mani,
jaunus pulkus pret mani!
18 Kam vedi no mātes miesām mani?
Būtu es iznīcis, neredzētu acs mani –
19 it kā manis nebūtu bijis,
no mātes klēpja – un tūliņ kapā!
20 Vai nav īss mans mūžs,
mities no manis,
atstājies, lai drusku atspirgstu,
21 pirms es eju – un neatgriežos –
uz tumsas un nāves ēnas zemi,
22 zemi, kas kā dziļa tumsa,
kur nāves ēna un maldīšanās,
kur pat gaisma kā tumsa!”