Judah Has Broken the Lord's Agreement
1-3 The Lord God told me to say to the people of Judah and Jerusalem:
I, the Lord, am warning you that I will put a curse on anyone who doesn't keep the agreement I made with Israel. So pay attention to what it says. 4 My commands haven't changed since I brought your ancestors out of Egypt, a nation that seemed like a blazing furnace where iron ore is melted. I told your ancestors that if they obeyed my commands, I would be their God, and they would be my people. 5 Then I did what I had promised and gave them this wonderful land, where you now live.
“Yes, Lord,” I replied, “that's true.”
6 Then the Lord told me to say to everyone on the streets of Jerusalem and in the towns of Judah:
Pay attention to the commands in my agreement with you. 7 Ever since I brought your ancestors out of Egypt, I have been telling your people to obey me. But you and your ancestors 8 have always been stubborn. You have refused to listen, and instead you have done whatever your sinful hearts have desired.
You have not kept the agreement we made, so I will make you suffer every curse that goes with it.
9 The Lord said to me:
Jeremiah, the people of Judah and Jerusalem are plotting against me. 10 They have sinned in the same way their ancestors did, by turning from me and worshiping other gods. The northern kingdom of Israel broke the agreement I made with your ancestors, and now the southern kingdom of Judah has done the same.
11 Here is what I've decided to do. I will bring suffering on the people of Judah and Jerusalem, and no one will escape. They will beg me to help, but I won't listen to their prayers. 12-13 Then they will offer sacrifices to their other gods and ask them for help. After all, the people of Judah have more gods than towns, and more shameful altars for Baal than there are streets in Jerusalem. But those gods won't be able to rescue the people of Judah from disaster.
14 Jeremiah, don't pray for these people or beg me to rescue them. If you do, I won't listen, and I certainly won't listen if they pray!
15 Then the Lord told me to say to the people of Judah:

You are my chosen people,
but you have no right
to be here in my temple,
doing such evil things.
The sacrifices you offer me
won't protect you from disaster,
so stop celebrating.
16 Once you were like an olive tree
covered with fruit.
But soon I will send a noisy mob
to break off your branches
and set you on fire.

17 I am the Lord All-Powerful. You people of Judah were like a tree that I had planted, but you have made me angry by offering sacrifices to Baal, just as the northern kingdom did. And now I'm going to pull you up by the roots.
The Plot To Kill Jeremiah
* 18 Some people plotted to kill me.
And like a lamb
being led to the butcher,
I knew nothing
about their plans.
19 But then the Lord told me
that they had planned
to chop me down like a tree—
fruit and all—
so that no one would ever
remember me again.
20 I prayed, “Lord All-Powerful,
you always do what is right,
and you know every thought.
So I trust you to help me
and to take revenge.”

21 Then the Lord said:
Jeremiah, some men from Anathoth say they will kill you, if you keep on speaking for me. 22 But I will punish them. Their young men will die in battle, and their children will starve to death. 23 And when I am finished, no one from their families will be left alive.
Derība ir lauzta
1 Vārdi, kas Jeremijam nāca no Kunga: 2 “Klausieties šīs derības vārdus un sakiet tos Jūdas vīriem un Jeruzālemes iemītniekiem! 3 Saki tiem: tā saka Kungs, Israēla Dievs: nolādēts tas vīrs, kas nepaklausa šīs derības vārdiem, 4 to es pavēlēju jūsu tēviem todien, kad izvedu viņus no Ēģiptes zemes, no dzelzs lietuves, sacīdams: klausieties manā balsī un dariet visu, ko es jums pavēlu, un jūs būsiet mana tauta, un es būšu jūsu Dievs. 5 Tas tādēļ, lai varu pildīt zvērestu, ko es zvērēju jūsu tēviem, ka došu tiem zemi, kur plūst piens un medus, – un tā tur ir vēl šodien!” Un es atbildēju un teicu: “Patiesi, Kungs!”
6 Un Kungs man sacīja: “Sauc šos vārdus Jūdas pilsētās un Jeruzālemes laukumos: klausieties šīs derības vārdus un pildiet tos! – 7 Jo todien, kad es viņus izvedu no Ēģiptes zemes, es jūsu tēviem piekodināju – un līdz šai dienai es piekodinu bez mitas: klausiet manai balsij! – 8 Bet tie neklausīja, pat neieklausījās! Ikviens staigāja pēc savas sirds stūrgalvības! Tādēļ es liku, lai pār tiem nāk visi šīs derības vārdi, kurus es pavēlēju tiem pildīt, bet tie nepildīja.”
9 Kungs man teica: “Jūdas vīri un Jeruzālemes vīri ir pieķerti sazvērestībā, 10 tie ir atkrituši savu sentēvu nekrietnībās – tie liedzās klausīties manos vārdos un staigāja pakaļ citiem dieviem, un kalpoja tiem. Israēla nams un Jūdas nams ir lauzuši manu derību, ko es slēdzu ar viņu tēviem!”
11 Tādēļ tā saka Kungs: “Redzi, es liku, lai pār tiem nāk ļaunums, no kura tie nepaglābsies, tie brēks uz mani, bet es viņos neklausīšos! 12 Un Jūdas pilsētu un Jeruzālemes iedzīvotāji ies un kliegs uz dieviem, kam tie kvēpinājuši, bet tie viņus ļaunā brīdī neglābs. 13 Jūda, cik tev ir pilsētu, tik tev dievu! Jeruzāleme, cik tev ir ielu, tik altārus tu uzcēli, lai darītu kauna darbus, – altārus, kur kvēpināt Baālam!
14 Un tu par šo tautu nelūdzies, nebrēc un nelūdz par tiem, jo es nedzirdu tos, kad tie mani sauc ļaunā brīdī!
15 Kas manai mīļajai manā namā,
ja tā perinājusi viltības?
Vai upuru gaļa glābs tevi?
Jo tu esi līksma tikai tad,
kad dari ļaunu!
16 Zaļojošs olīvkoks,
jauks saviem pilnbrieda augļiem –
tā tevi sauca Kungs, –
viņš to aizdedzināja
ar lielu troksni,
un tā zari gāja bojā.
17 Pulku Kungs, kas tevi dēstīja, nu runā par tevi ļaunu, jo mani kaitina Israēla nama un Jūdas nama ļaunums, ko tie darījuši, kvēpinot Baālam.”
Sazvērestība pret Jeremiju
18 Kungs lika man zināt, un nu zinu, viņš man parādīja to darbus. 19 Bet es biju kā rāms jērs, uz kaušanu novests, un es nezināju, ka tie pret mani perina ienaidu: sapūdēsim koku kopā ar augli un nocirtīsim to no dzīvo zemes, lai viņa vārdu vairs neatceras!
20 Pulku Kungs,
tu tiesā taisni!
Tu pārbaudi sirdis un nieres!
Es taču redzēšu, kā tu tiem atrieb,
jo tev es uzticu savu lietu!
21 Tādēļ tā saka Kungs Anātotas vīriem, kuri dzenas pēc manas dzīvības: “Nepravietojiet Kunga vārdā, tad nemirsiet no mūsu rokas!”
22 Tādēļ tā saka Pulku Kungs: “Redzi, es viņus piemeklēju! Viņu jaunekļi mirs no zobena, viņu dēli un meitas mirs badā! 23 Tiem nekas nepaliks pāri, jo es nesīšu ļaunu Anātotas vīriem tai gadā, kad tie tiks piemeklēti!”