Cyrus Obeys the Lord's Commands
1 The Lord said to Cyrus, his chosen one:

I have taken hold
of your right hand
to help you capture nations
and remove kings from power.
City gates will open for you;
not one will stay closed.
2 As I lead you,
I will level mountains
and break the iron bars
on bronze gates of cities.

3 I will give you treasures
hidden in dark
and secret places.
Then you will know that I,
the Lord God of Israel,
have called you by name.
4 Cyrus, you don't even know me!
But I have called you by name
and highly honored you
because of Israel,
my chosen servant.

5 Only I am the Lord!
There are no other gods.
I have made you strong,
though you don't know me.
6 Now everyone from east to west
will learn that I am the Lord.
No other gods are real.
7 I create light and darkness,
happiness and sorrow.
I, the Lord, do all this.

8 Tell the heavens
to send down justice
like showers of rain.
Prepare the earth
for my saving power
to sprout and produce justice
that I, the Lord, create.
The Lord's Mighty Power
The Lord said:

9 Israel, you have no right
to argue with your Creator.
You are merely a clay pot
shaped by a potter.
The clay doesn't ask,
“Why did you make me this way?
Where are the handles?”
10 Children don't have the right
to demand of their parents,
“What have you done
to make us what we are?”

11 I am the Lord, the Creator,
the holy God of Israel.
Do you dare question me
about my own nation
or about what I have done?
12 I created the world
and covered it with people;
I stretched out the sky
and filled it with stars.
13 I have done the right thing
by placing Cyrus in power,
and I will make the roads easy
for him to follow.
I am the Lord All-Powerful!
Cyrus will rebuild my city
and set my people free
without being paid a thing.
I, the Lord, have spoken.
The Lord Alone Can Save
14 My people, I, the Lord, promise
that the riches of Egypt
and the treasures of Ethiopia
will belong to you.
You will force into slavery
those tall people of Seba.

They will bow down and say,
“The only true God is with you;
there are no other gods.”
15 People of Israel,
your God is a mystery,
though he alone can save.
16 Anyone who makes idols
will be confused
and terribly disgraced.
17 But Israel, I, the Lord,
will always keep you safe
and free from shame.
Everyone Is Invited
18 The Lord alone is God!
He created the heavens
and made a world
where people can live,
instead of creating
an empty desert.
The Lord alone is God;
there are no others.
19 The Lord did not speak
in a dark secret place
or command Jacob's descendants
to search for him in vain.

The Lord speaks the truth,
and this is what he says
20 to every survivor
from every nation:
“Gather around me!
Learn how senseless it is
to worship wooden idols
or pray to helpless gods.

21 “Why don't you get together
and meet me in court?
Didn't I tell you long ago
what would happen?
I am the only God!
There are no others.
I bring about justice,
and have the power to save.

22 “I invite the whole world
to turn to me and be saved.
I alone am God!
No others are real.
23 I have made a solemn promise,
one that won't be broken:
Everyone will bow down
and worship me.
24 They will admit that I alone
can bring about justice.
Everyone who is angry with me
will be terribly ashamed
and will turn to me.
25 I, the Lord, will give
victory and great honor
to the people of Israel.”
Kīrs – Dieva svaidītais
1 Tā saka Kungs savam svaidītajam, Kīram,
ko es esmu satvēris pie labās rokas,
lai viņam pakļautu tautas,
lai ķēniņiem gurnautus atraisītu –
viņa priekšā vērsies durvis
un vārtus neaizdarīs!
2 “Es iešu tev pa priekšu
un nolīdzināšu kalnus,
sadragāšu vara durvis
un satriekšu dzelzs aizšaujamos!
3 Es došu tev dārgumus, kas tumsā,
un apslēptas dārglietas,
lai tu zinātu, ka es esmu Kungs,
kas tevi vārdā saucis, –
es, Israēla Dievs!
4 Mana kalpa Jēkaba un mana izredzētā Israēla dēļ
es tevi saucu vārdā un tevi pagodināju,
kaut tu mani nepazini!
5 Es esmu Kungs, nav neviena cita,
nav cita Dieva, tik es,
es apjozu tevi,
kaut tu mani nepazini!
6 No saules lēkta līdz vakariem lai zināms,
ka nav neviena bez manis,
es esmu Kungs, un nav cita!
7 Es darinu gaismu un radu tumsu,
es dodu mieru un radu ļaunu,
es esmu Kungs, kas to visu dara!
8 Lejiet lietu, jūs debesis, augšā,
padebesis lai taisnību raso,
lai zeme atveras un glābšana dīgst,
un taisnība sazeļ –
es, Kungs, to radījis!

9 Vai! tam, kas savu Radītāju apstrīd –
tas tik šķemba no māla trauka!
Vai māls teiks savam veidotājam:
ko tu taisi? –
Darbs prasīs darītājam:
vai tev nav roku? –
10 Vai! tam, kas saka tēvam:
kādēļ tu dzemdini? –
un sievai: kādēļ tu dzemdē? –
11 Tā saka Kungs,
Israēla Svētais un Radītājs:
par nākamām lietām jautājiet man!
Par maniem dēliem un to, ko es darījis, –
man prasiet!
12 Es taisīju zemi
un radīju uz tās cilvēku,
ar savām rokām izpletu debesis
un visiem to pulkiem pavēlēju!
13 Es viņu atmodināju taisnībā,
visus viņa ceļus es nolīdzināju,
viņš uzcels manu pilsētu,
manus gūstekņus atsvabinās –
ne par maksu un ne par algu!”
saka Pulku Kungs.

14 Tā saka Kungs:
“Ēģiptes labumi un Kūšas preces,
un sebiešu lielie vīri
tiks tev un būs tavi,
tie staigās tev pakaļ važās,
tie zemosies tev un tevi lūgsies:
tik tev ir Dievs, nevienam citam nav Dieva!”
15 Tiešām tu esi apslēpies Dievs,
Israēla Dievs, Glābējs!
16 Apkaunoti un piebeigti tie visi,
staigā kaunā elku taisītāji!
17 Israēls glābsies pie Kunga,
paglābts uz mūžiem,
nepaliks kaunā un apsmieklā
nekad un nemūžam!

18 Jo tā saka Kungs,
kas radījis debesis,
viņš ir Dievs,
kas taisījis zemi un veidojis to –
viņš to ir iedibinājis!
Viņš to radījis ne tādēļ, lai tā būtu tukša,
viņš to veidojis, lai tā tiktu apdzīvota!
“Es esmu Kungs, un nav cita!
19 Ne noslēpumos es runāju,
ne kādā tumšā vietā uz zemes,
es nesacīju Jēkaba pēcnācējiem:
tukšībā meklējiet mani, –
es esmu Kungs, kas taisnību runā
un saka, kas patiess!
Vienīgi Kungā ir taisnība un palīdzība
20 Sapulcējieties un nāciet šurp visi,
kas izbēguši no citu tautu vidus!
Nav sajēgas tiem,
kas koka dievekļus apkārt staipa
un pielūdz dievu, kas nevar glābt!
21 Runājiet un apspriedieties,
kopā padomu rodiet –
kurš bija tas, kas jau sen to teica,
kas jau no senlaikiem stāstīja?
Vai ne es, kas esmu Kungs?
Nav cita Dieva bez manis,
nav cita taisna un glābjoša Dieva bez manis!
22 Pievērsieties man,
un jūs būsiet glābti,
jūs, kas visās zemes malās,
jo es esmu Dievs un nav cita!
23 Pats pie sevis es esmu zvērējis,
mana mute taisnību runājusi,
vārdus, kas neatsaucami, –
manā priekšā locīsies visi ceļi,
un man zvērēs ik mēle!
24 Vienīgi Kungs,
tā teiks par mani,
taisnīgs un stiprs!
Tad ies pie viņa;
kaunā paliks visi,
kas strīdā ar viņu!
25 Kungā tiks attaisnoti un pagodināti
visi Israēla pēcnācēji!”