Joseph Tells His Brothers Who He Is
1 Since Joseph could no longer control his feelings in front of his servants, he sent them out of the room. When he was alone with his brothers, he told them, “I am Joseph.” 2 Then he cried so loudly that the Egyptians heard him and told about it in the king's palace.
3 Joseph asked his brothers if his father was still alive, but they were too frightened to answer. 4 Joseph told them to come closer to him, and when they did, he said:
Yes, I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt. 5 Don't worry or blame yourselves for what you did. God is the one who sent me ahead of you to save lives.
6 There has already been a famine for two years, and for five more years no one will plow fields or harvest grain. 7 But God sent me on ahead of you to keep your families alive and to save you in this wonderful way. 8 After all, you weren't really the ones who sent me here—it was God. He made me the highest official in the king's court and placed me over all Egypt.
9 Now hurry back and tell my father that his son Joseph says, “God has made me ruler of Egypt. Come here as quickly as you can. 10 You will live near me in the region of Goshen with your children and grandchildren, as well as with your sheep, goats, cattle, and everything else you own. 11 I will take care of you there during the next five years of famine. But if you don't come, you and your family and your animals will starve to death.”
12 All of you, including my brother Benjamin, can tell by what I have said that I really am Joseph. 13 Tell my father about my great power here in Egypt and about everything you have seen. Hurry and bring him here.
14 Joseph and Benjamin hugged each other and started crying. 15 Joseph was still crying as he kissed each of his other brothers. After this, they started talking with Joseph.
16 When it was told in the palace that Joseph's brothers had come, the king and his officials were happy. 17 So the king said to Joseph:
Tell your brothers to load their donkeys and return to Canaan. 18 Tell them to bring their father and their families here. I will give them the best land in Egypt, and they can eat and enjoy everything that grows there. 19 Also tell your brothers to take some wagons from Egypt for their wives and children to ride in. And be sure they bring their father. 20 They can leave their possessions behind, because they will be given the best of everything in Egypt.
21 Jacob's sons agreed to do what the king had said. And Joseph gave them wagons and food for their trip home, just as the king had ordered. 22 Joseph gave some new clothes to each of his brothers, but to Benjamin he gave five new outfits and 300 pieces of silver. 23 To his father he sent ten donkeys loaded with the best things in Egypt, and ten other donkeys loaded with grain and bread and other food for the return trip. 24 Then he sent his brothers off and told them, “Don't argue on the way home!”
25 Joseph's brothers left Egypt, and when they arrived in Canaan, 26 they told their father that Joseph was still alive and was the ruler of Egypt. But their father was so surprised that he could not believe them. 27 Then they told him everything Joseph had said. When he saw the wagons Joseph had sent, he felt much better 28 and said, “Now I can believe you! My son Joseph must really be alive, and I will get to see him before I die.”
Jāzeps atklāj sevi brāļiem
1 Jāzeps nevarēja valdīties, klātesot tiem, kuri bija pie viņa, un viņš uzkliedza: “Ejiet visi prom no manis!” Un, kad viņš atklāja sevi brāļiem, neviens cits pie viņa nebija palicis. 2 Viņš sāka tā raudāt, ka dzirdēja ēģiptieši un dzirdēja faraona nams. 3 Jāzeps teica saviem brāļiem: “Es esmu Jāzeps! Vai mans tēvs vēl ir dzīvs?!” – bet viņa brāļi nespēja tam atbildēt, jo bija nobijušies no viņa. 4 Un Jāzeps teica saviem brāļiem: “Nāciet jel tuvāk pie manis!” Tie panācās tuvāk, un viņš teica: “Es esmu Jāzeps, jūsu brālis, kuru jūs pārdevāt uz Ēģipti! 5 Un nu – neesiet drūmi un nedusmojiet uz sevi par to, ka pārdevāt mani uz šejieni, jo Dievs mani ir sūtījis jums pa priekšu, lai mēs izdzīvotu! 6 Jau šos divus gadus visā zemē bija bads, un nāks vēl pieci gadi, kuros nebūs ne aršanas, ne ražas! 7 Dievs mani ir sūtījis jums pa priekšu, lai jums saglabātu atlikumu zemē, lai jūs paliktu dzīvi varenai izglābšanai! 8 Tad nu – ne jūs mani uz šejieni sūtījāt, bet Dievs. Viņš mani darīja par tēvu faraonam, par kungu visam viņa namam un par valdnieku visai Ēģiptes zemei! 9 Steidziet un ejiet pie mana tēva, sakiet viņam: tā saka tavs dēls Jāzeps: Dievs mani ir darījis par kungu visā Ēģiptē, nekavējies, nāc pie manis! 10 Apmeties Gošenes zemē, un tu būsi man tuvu – tu un tavi dēli, tavu dēlu dēli, tavas avis, tavi vērši un viss, kas tev ir. 11 Un es tevi tur apgādāšu, jo vēl piecus gadus būs bads, lai neizputētu tu un tavs nams, un viss, kas tev ir! 12 Redzi – gan jūs, gan mans brālis Benjamīns redzat, ka es tas esmu, kas ar jums runā! 13 Pastāstiet manam tēvam par visu manu varenību Ēģiptē un par visu, ko jūs redzējāt! Steidziet un atvediet šurp manu tēvu!” 14 Un viņš krita ap kaklu savam brālim Benjamīnam un raudāja, un Benjamīns raudāja, apķēries viņam ap kaklu. 15 Un viņš skūpstīja visus savus brāļus un raudāja, un pēc tam viņa brāļi runāja ar viņu.
16 Un ziņa par to nonāca faraona namā: “Ir atnākuši Jāzepa brāļi!” – un tas patika faraonam un viņa kalpiem. 17 Un faraons teica Jāzepam: “Saki saviem brāļiem: dariet tā – apkraujiet savus lopus un dodieties atpakaļ uz Kanaāna zemi! 18 Ņemiet savu tēvu un visus, kas jūsu namos, un nāciet pie manis! Es došu jums labāko Ēģiptes zemi, un jūs ēdīsiet no zemes taukuma! 19 Un tu pavēli: dariet tā – ņemiet no Ēģiptes zemes ratus saviem mazuļiem un sievām un atvediet savu tēvu! Nāciet! 20 Jūsu acis lai neskumst par atstātajām lietām, jo labākais visā Ēģiptes zemē – tiks jums!” 21 Un Israēla dēli tā darīja, un Jāzeps deva tiem ratus, kā faraons bija teicis, un deva tiem ceļamaizi. 22 Katram no tiem viņš deva vairākas kārtas drēbju, bet Benjamīnam viņš deva trīs simti sudraba gabalu un piecas drēbju kārtas. 23 Savam tēvam viņš sūtīja šo: desmit ēzeļus, apkrautus Ēģiptes labumiem, un desmit ēzeļmātes ar labību, maizi un iztiku viņa tēvam ceļā. 24 Viņš atlaida savus brāļus, tie devās ceļā, un viņš tiem piekodināja: “Ceļā nekašķējieties!” 25 Viņi devās projām no Ēģiptes un nonāca Kanaāna zemē pie sava tēva Jēkaba. 26 Viņi tam stāstīja: “Jāzeps vēl ir dzīvs! Tiešām – viņš ir tas, kurš valda pār visu Ēģiptes zemi!” – un viņa sirds satrūkās, jo viņš nespēja tiem ticēt. 27 Un viņi tam pastāstīja visu, ko bija teicis Jāzeps, ko viņš tiem bija stāstījis, un viņš redzēja ratus, kurus bija sūtījis Jāzeps, lai viņu atvestu, un viņu tēva Jēkaba gars atkal atlaba. 28 Un Israēls teica: “Gana! Jāzeps, mans dēls, vēl dzīvs! Iešu un redzēšu viņu, pirms mirstu!”