The Evil City of Sodom
1 That evening, while Lot was sitting near the city gate, the two angels arrived in Sodom. When Lot saw them, he got up, bowed down low, 2 and said, “Gentlemen, I am your servant. Please come to my home. You can wash your feet, spend the night, and be on your way in the morning.”
They told him, “No, we'll spend the night in the city square.” 3 But Lot kept insisting, until they finally agreed and went home with him. He quickly baked some bread, cooked a meal, and they ate.
4 Before Lot and his guests could go to bed, every man in Sodom, young and old, came and stood outside his house 5 and started shouting, “Where are your visitors? Send them out, so we can have sex with them!”
6 Lot went outside and shut the door behind him. 7 Then he said, “Friends, please don't do such a terrible thing! 8 I have two daughters who have never had sex. I'll bring them out, and you can do what you want with them. But don't harm these men. They are guests in my home.”
9 “Don't get in our way,” the crowd answered. “You're a foreigner. What right do you have to order us around? We'll do worse things to you than we're going to do to them.”
The crowd kept arguing with Lot. Finally, they rushed toward the door to break it down. 10 But the two angels in the house reached out and pulled Lot safely inside. 11 Then they struck blind everyone in the crowd, and none of them could even find the door.
12-13 The two angels said to Lot, “The Lord has heard many terrible things about the people of Sodom, and he has sent us here to destroy the city. Take your family and leave. Take every relative you have in the city, as well as the men your daughters are going to marry.”
14 Lot went to the men who were engaged to his daughters and said, “Hurry up and get out of here! The Lord is going to destroy this city.” But they thought he was joking, and they laughed at him.
15 Early the next morning the two angels tried to make Lot hurry and leave. They said, “Take your wife and your two daughters and get away from here as fast as you can! If you don't, every one of you will be killed when the Lord destroys the city.” 16 At first, Lot just stood there. But the Lord wanted to save him. So the angels took Lot, his wife, and his two daughters by the hand and led them out of the city. 17 When they were outside, one of the angels said, “Run for your lives! Don't even look back. And don't stop in the valley. Run to the hills, where you'll be safe.”
18-19 Lot answered, “You have done us a great favor, sir. You have saved our lives, but please don't make us go to the hills. That's too far away. The city will be destroyed before we can get there, and we will be killed when it happens. 20 There's a town near here. It's only a small place, but my family and I will be safe, if you let us go there.”
21 “All right, go there,” he answered. “I won't destroy that town. 22 Hurry! Run! I can't do anything until you are safely there.”
The town was later called Zoar because Lot had said it was small.
Sodom and Gomorrah Are Destroyed
23 The sun was coming up as Lot reached the town of Zoar, 24 and the Lord sent burning sulfur down like rain on Sodom and Gomorrah. 25 He destroyed those cities and everyone who lived in them, as well as their land and the trees and grass that grew there.
26 On the way, Lot's wife looked back and was turned into a block of salt.
27 That same morning Abraham got up and went to the place where he had stood and spoken with the Lord. 28 He looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah and saw smoke rising from all over the land—it was like a flaming furnace.
29 When God destroyed the cities of the valley where Lot lived, he remembered his promise to Abraham and saved Lot from the terrible destruction.
Moab and Ammon
30 Lot was afraid to stay on in Zoar. So he took his two daughters and moved to a cave in the hill country. 31 One day his older daughter said to her sister, “Our father is old, and there are no men anywhere for us to marry. 32 Let's get our father drunk! Then we can sleep with him and have children.” 33 That night they got their father drunk, and the older daughter got in bed with him, but he was too drunk even to know she was there.
34 The next day the older daughter said to her sister, “I slept with my father last night. We'll get him drunk again tonight, so you can sleep with him, and we can each have a child.” 35 That night they got their father drunk, and this time the younger sister slept with him. But once again he was too drunk even to know she was there.
36 That's how Lot's two daughters had children. 37 The older daughter named her son Moab, and he is the ancestor of the Moabites. 38 The younger daughter named her son Benammi, and he is the ancestor of the Ammonites.
Sodomas izvirtība
1 Un vakarā divi eņģeļi nāca uz Sodomu, bet Lats sēdēja Sodomas vārtos. Lats tos ieraudzīja, nāca tiem pretī un noliecās ar seju līdz zemei. 2 Un viņš teica: “Klau, mani kungi, iegriezieties sava kalpa namā un palieciet pa nakti, mazgājiet savas kājas, celieties tik rīta agrumā un ejiet savu ceļu tālāk!” Bet tie teica: “Nē, mēs pārnakšņosim laukumā!” 3 Bet viņš uzstāja jo stipri, un tie iegriezās pie viņa un iegāja namā, un viņš tiem rīkoja dzīres un cepa nereaudzētu maizi, un tie ēda. 4 Pirms tie vēl bija likušies gulēt, tās pilsētas vīri, Sodomas vīri, apstāja māju – gan jauni, gan veci, visi ļaudis no malu malām. 5 Un tie teica Latam: “Kur ir tie vīri, kas šonakt pie tevis atnākuši? Izved tos pie mums, un mēs tos iegūsim!” 6 Un Lats iznāca pie viņiem pa durvīm, bet durvis aiz sevis aizdarīja. 7 Un viņš teica: “Nē jel, mani brāļi, nedariet ļauna! 8 Re, man ir divas meitas, kas vīrieša nepazīst. Nu lieciet, lai jums izvedu viņas, un dariet tām, kā jums tīk, tik šiem vīriem neko nedariet, tik tiešām! – jo zem manas pajumtes tie ir nonākuši!” 9 Bet viņi teica: “Taisies malā!” Viņi teica: “Vai šis nav nācis, lai apmestos te uz dzīvi?! Tagad šis te vēl spriedīs?! Mēs izdarīsim tev vēl vairāk ļauna nekā tiem!” Un viņi uzmācās tam vīram, Latam, un spiedās, lai uzlauztu durvis. 10 Bet tie vīri ņēma un ievilka Latu pie sevis namā, un aizdarīja durvis. 11 Bet vīrus, kas bija pie nama durvīm, tie sita ar aklumu – no maza līdz lielam, un viņi piekusa, meklējot durvis.
Sodomas un Gomoras izpostīšana
(Mt 11:23–24Lk 17:28–32)12 Un tie vīri teica Latam: “Ved prom no šīs vietas visus, kas tev te vēl ir no taviem znotiem, taviem dēliem un tavām meitām, un visus, kas tev ir pilsētā, 13 jo mēs nopostīsim šo vietu, tādēļ ka tās kliegšana ir jo liela Kunga priekšā – Kungs mūs ir sūtījis to nopostīt!” 14 Un Lats gāja un teica saviem znotiem, kas grasījās precēt viņa meitas, un sacīja: “Celieties, dodieties prom no šīs vietas, jo Kungs šo pilsētu nopostīs!” Bet viņa znotiem šķita, ka viņš smejas.
15 Rītausmā eņģeļi steidzināja Latu: “Celies, ņem savu sievu un abas meitas, kas te ir, ka netiec aizrauts šīs pilsētas vainas dēļ!” 16 Bet viņš vilcinājās, un tie vīri sagrāba viņu aiz rokas un viņa sievu un abas viņa meitas aiz rokas, izveda viņu laukā un atstāja ārpus pilsētas, jo Kungs bija viņu pasaudzējis. 17 Un, kad tie viņus bija izveduši laukā, tie teica: “Glāb savu dzīvību, neskaties atpakaļ un ielejā neapstājies! Glābies kalnos, ka netiec aizrauts!” 18 Bet Lats tiem teica: “Nē jel, mani kungi! 19 Redzi – tavs kalps guva tavu vēlību, un tu vairoji savu žēlastību, ko tu darīji man, atstādams dzīvu manu dvēseli, bet es nevaru glābties kalnos! Ka mani neķer ļaunums un es nemirstu! 20 Redzi, šī pilsēta ir gana tuvu, lai uz turieni bēgtu, un tā ir maza! Glābšos tur! Vai tā nav maza? Un mana dvēsele būs glābta!” 21 Un viņš tam teica: “Es piekrītu tev arī šajā lietā – es neizpostīšu to pilsētu, par ko tu runāji! 22 Steidz glābties uz turieni, jo es nevaru ķerties pie lietas, kamēr tu neesi tur nonācis!” Tādēļ tās pilsētas vārdu nosauca Coara . 23 Saule pacēlās pār zemi, kamēr Lats tika līdz Coarai. 24 Kungs lika līt pār Sodomu un Gomoru sēram un ugunij – no Kunga, no debesīm. 25 Viņš apgrieza otrādi šīs pilsētas un visu ieleju – visus to pilsētu iemītniekus un augus, kas bija zemē. 26 Bet Lata sieva paskatījās atpakaļ un kļuva par sālsstabu. 27 Un Ābrahāms rīta agrumā devās uz to vietu, kur bija stāvējis Kunga priekšā. 28 Viņš nolūkojās lejup uz Sodomu un Gomoru un uz visu ielejas zemes virsu, viņš paskatījās, un redzi – dūmi no zemes cēlās kā dzelzs lietuves dūmi!
29 Kad Dievs bija nopostījis ielejas pilsētas, Dievs atcerējās Ābrahāmu un sūtīja Latu projām no postažas – kad viņš bija nopostījis pilsētas, kurās Lats dzīvoja.
Lata meitas
30 Lats aizgāja no Coaras un dzīvoja kalnos kopā ar abām meitām – jo viņš baidījās dzīvot Coarā un kopā ar abām meitām dzīvoja alā. 31 Un pirmdzimtā teica jaunākajai: “Mūsu tēvs ir vecs, un uz zemes nav vīra, kas nāktu pie mums, kā pieņemts visur uz zemes. 32 Ejam, piedzirdām mūsu tēvu ar vīnu un guļam ar viņu – un mums būs pēcnācējs no mūsu tēva!” 33 Un tonakt viņas piedzirdīja savu tēvu ar vīnu, un pirmdzimtā gāja un gulēja ar savu tēvu, bet viņš nemanīja, ne kā viņa gūlās, ne kā viņa cēlās. 34 Un nākamajā rītā pirmdzimtā teica jaunākajai: “Re, vakarnakt es gulēju ar savu tēvu! Piedzirdām viņu arī šonakt ar vīnu, un ej tu un guli ar viņu – un mums būs pēcnācējs no mūsu tēva!” 35 Un arī tonakt viņas piedzirdīja savu tēvu ar vīnu, un jaunākā gāja un gulēja ar savu tēvu, bet tas nemanīja, ne kā viņa gūlās, ne kā viņa cēlās. 36 Un abas Lata meitas kļuva grūtas no sava tēva. 37 Pirmdzimtā dzemdēja dēlu un nosauca viņu vārdā Moābs – viņš ir moābiešu tēvs līdz šai dienai. 38 Un jaunākā, arī viņa dzemdēja dēlu un nosauca viņu vārdā Benammī – viņš ir amoniešu tēvs līdz šai dienai.