The Lord Promises Abraham a Son
1 One hot summer afternoon while Abraham was sitting by the entrance to his tent near the sacred trees of Mamre, the Lord appeared to him. 2 Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. He quickly ran to meet them, bowed with his face to the ground, 3 and said, “Please come to my home where I can serve you. 4 I'll have some water brought, so you can wash your feet, then you can rest under a tree. 5 Let me get you some food to give you strength before you leave. I would be honored to serve you.”
“Thank you very much,” they answered. “We accept your offer.”
6 Abraham went quickly to his tent and said to Sarah, “Hurry! Get a large sack of flour and make some bread.” 7 After saying this, he rushed off to his herd of cattle and picked out one of the best calves, which his servant quickly prepared. 8 He then served his guests some yogurt and milk together with the meat.
While they were eating, he stood near them under the tree, 9 and they asked, “Where's your wife Sarah?”
“She is right there in the tent,” Abraham answered.
10 One of the guests was the Lord, and he said, “I'll come back about this time next year, and when I do, Sarah will already have a son.”
Sarah was behind Abraham, listening at the entrance to the tent. 11 Abraham and Sarah were very old, and Sarah was well past the age for having children. 12 So she laughed and said to herself, “Now that I am worn out and my husband is old, will I really know such happiness?”
13 The Lord asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh? Does she doubt that she can have a child in her old age? 14 I am the Lord! There is nothing too difficult for me. I'll come back next year at the time I promised, and Sarah will already have a son.”
15 Sarah was so frightened that she lied and said, “I didn't laugh.”
“Yes, you did!” he answered.
Abraham Prays for Sodom
16 When the three men got ready to leave, they looked down toward Sodom, and Abraham walked part of the way with them.
17 The Lord said to himself, “I should tell Abraham what I am going to do, 18 since his family will become a great and powerful nation that will be a blessing to all the other nations on earth. 19 I have chosen him to teach his family to obey me forever and to do what is right and fair. If they do, I will give Abraham many descendants, just as I promised.”
20 The Lord said, “Abraham, I have heard that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah are doing all kinds of evil things. 21 Now I am going down to see for myself if those people really are that bad. If they aren't, I would like to know.”
22 The men turned and started toward Sodom. But the Lord stayed with Abraham. 23 And Abraham asked him, “Lord, when you destroy the evil people, are you also going to destroy those who are good? 24 Wouldn't you spare the city if there are only 50 good people in it? 25 You surely wouldn't let them be killed when you destroy the evil ones. You are the judge of all the earth, and you do what is right.”
26 The Lord replied, “If I find 50 good people in Sodom, I will save the city to keep them from being killed.”
27 Abraham answered, “I am nothing more than the dust of the earth. Please forgive me, Lord, for daring to speak to you like this. 28 But suppose there are only 45 good people in Sodom. Would you still wipe out the whole city?”
“If I find 45 good people,” the Lord replied, “I won't destroy the city.”
29 “Suppose there are just 40 good people?” Abraham asked.
“Even for them,” the Lord replied, “I won't destroy the city.”
30 Abraham said, “Please don't be angry, Lord, if I ask you what you will do if there are only 30 good people in the city.”
“If I find 30,” the Lord replied, “I still won't destroy it.”
31 Then Abraham said, “I don't have any right to ask you, Lord, but what would you do if you find only 20?”
“Because of them, I won't destroy the city,” was the Lord's answer.
32 Finally, Abraham said, “Please don't get angry, Lord, if I speak just once more. Suppose you find only 10 good people there.”
“For the sake of 10 good people,” the Lord told him, “I still won't destroy the city.”
33 After speaking with Abraham, the Lord left, and Abraham went back home.
Ābrahāmam un Sārai tiek apsolīts dēls
(Ebr 13:2)
1 Un Kungs viņam parādījās pie Mamres ozoliem – viņš sēdēja telts ejā kā jau dienas karstumā. 2 Viņš pacēla savas acis, paskatījās, un redzi – tur priekšā stāvēja trīs vīri, un viņš tos ieraudzīja, skrēja tiem pretī no telts ejas un klanījās līdz zemei. 3 Viņš sacīja: “Mans Kungs, kaut jel es gūtu tavu vēlību! Nepaej garām savam kalpam! 4 Ņemiet jel mazliet ūdens, mazgājiet savas kājas un atgulieties zem šā koka! 5 Bet es ņemšu klaipu maizes – stiprinieties, un pēc tam varat doties tālāk – dariet, kā pie sava kalpa iegriezdamies!” Un viņi teica: “Dari, kā teici!” 6 Un Ābrahāms steidzās teltī pie Sāras un teica: “Ātri ņem trīs mērus smalka maluma miltu, mīci un sacep plāceņus!” 7 Un Ābrahāms skrēja pie ganāmpulka, paņēma teļu, mīkstu un labu, un deva to puisim, un tas steidza to gatavot. 8 Un viņš ņēma krējumu un pienu, un teļu, kas sagatavots, un lika visu tiem priekšā – viņš stāvēja kopā ar tiem zem koka, un tie ēda. 9 Un tie viņam teica: “Kur ir tava sieva Sāra?” Viņš teica: “Redzi, teltī!” 10 Tad viens teica: “Es noteikti atkal nākšu pie tevis nākamajā gadā ap šo laiku, un, redzi, tavai sievai Sārai būs dēls!” Bet Sāra klausījās telts ejā, tā bija viņam aizmugurē. 11 Ābrahāms un Sāra bija jau paveci gados, un Sārai vairs nenotika, kā sievām mēdz notikt. 12 Un Sāra smējās pie sevis: “Kad esmu jau veca, man vēl būs tīksme? Un mans kungs arī ir vecs!” 13 Un Kungs teica Ābrahāmam: “Kādēļ Sāra smējās, sacīdama: vai tad patiesi es dzemdēšu?! Es taču esmu par vecu! 14 Vai Kungam ir kas neiespējams? Noliktajā laikā es nākšu pie tevis – nākamajā gadā ap šo laiku Sārai būs dēls!” 15 Bet Sāra liedzās: “Es nesmējos!” – jo viņa izbijās, bet viņš teica: “Nē, tu taču smējies!”
Ābrahāms lūdz par Sodomu
16 Un tie vīri devās tālāk no turienes un lūkojās uz Sodomas pusi, un Ābrahāms gāja kopā ar viņiem, lai pavadītu. 17 Un Kungs teica: “Vai man slēpt no Ābrahāma to, ko es darīšu? 18 Ābrahāms taču kļūs par lielu un stipru tautu, un viņā tiks svētītas visas zemes tautas. 19 Par viņu es zinu, ka viņš pavēlēs saviem dēliem un savam namam pēc viņa, un tie sargās Kunga ceļu un darīs tiesu un taisnību tādēļ, lai Kungs dotu Ābrahāmam to, ko viņam solījis!” 20 Un Kungs teica: “Sodomā un Gomorā ir jo liela kliegšana, un viņu grēki jo smagi! 21 Nolaidīšos jel un paraudzīšos, vai viņi visi dara pēc tā, kā kliegšana pie manis nonākusi, – lai es zinātu.” 22 Un tie vīri tur pagriezās un devās uz Sodomu, bet Ābrahāms vēl stāvēja Kunga priekšā. 23 Un Ābrahāms tuvojās un sacīja: “Vai patiesi tu aizrausi taisno kopā ar ļaundari? 24 Varbūt tur pilsētā ir piecdesmit taisnie – vai tiešām tu aizrausi un neapžēlosies piecdesmit taisno dēļ, kas tur ir? 25 Lai tas ir tālu no tevis – nedari tā, nenonāvē taisno kopā ar ļaundari, lai nav taisnajam kā ļaundarim! Lai tas ir tālu no tevis! Vai visas zemes Soģis nebūs taisns?!” 26 Un Kungs teica: “Ja es atradīšu visā Sodomas pilsētā piecdesmit taisnos, tad es viņu dēļ saudzēšu visu to vietu!” 27 Ābrahāms atbildēja un teica: “Redzi nu! Es esmu uzdrīkstējies runāt ar Kungu, bet esmu tikai pīšļi un pelni! 28 Varbūt līdz piecdesmit taisnajiem pietrūkst piecu, vai piecu dēļ tu izpostīsi visu pilsētu?” Un viņš teica: “Neizpostīšu, ja atradīšu tur četrdesmit piecus!” 29 Un tas turpināja runāt ar viņu un teica: “Varbūt tur atradīsies četrdesmit!” Un viņš teica: “Es to nedarīšu četrdesmit dēļ!” 30 Un tas teica: “Lai nedusmo Kungs, ka es runāju, – varbūt tur atrodas trīsdesmit!” Un viņš teica: “Es to nedarīšu, ja atradīšu tur trīsdesmit!” 31 Un tas teica: “Redzi nu, es esmu uzdrīkstējies runāt ar Kungu – varbūt tur atrodas divdesmit!” Un viņš teica: “Nepostīšu divdesmit dēļ!” 32 Un tas teica: “Lai nedusmo Kungs, ka runāju vēl šoreiz – varbūt tur atrodas desmit!” Un viņš teica: “Es nepostīšu desmit dēļ!” 33 Un Kungs gāja prom, beidzis runāt ar Ābrahāmu, bet Ābrahāms atgriezās savā vietā.