The Defeat of King Og of Bashan
(Numbers 21.31-35)
Moses said to Israel:
1 When we turned onto the road that leads to Bashan, King Og of Bashan led out his whole army to fight us at Edrei. 2 But the Lord told me, “Moses, don't be afraid of King Og. I am going to help you defeat him and his army and take over his land. Destroy him and his people, just as you did with the Amorite King Sihon of Heshbon.”
3-6 The Lord our God helped us destroy Og and his army and conquer his entire kingdom of Bashan, including the Argob region. His kingdom had lots of villages and 60 towns with high walls and gates that locked with bars. We completely destroyed them all, killing everyone, 7 but keeping the livestock and everything else of value.
8 Sihon and Og had ruled Amorite kingdoms east of the Jordan River. Their land stretched from the Arnon River gorge in the south to Mount Hermon in the north, and we captured it all. 9 Mount Hermon is called Mount Sirion by the people of Sidon, and it is called Mount Senir by the Amorites. 10 We captured all the towns in the highlands, all of Gilead, and all of Bashan as far as Salecah and Edrei, two of the towns that Og had ruled.
Og's Coffin
11 King Og was the last of the Rephaim, and his coffin is in the town of Rabbah in Ammon. It is made of hard black rock and is four meters long and almost two meters wide.
The Land East of the Jordan River Is Divided
(Numbers 32.1-42)
Moses said to Israel:
12-17 I gave some of the land and towns we captured to the tribes of Reuben and Gad. Their share started at the Arnon River gorge in the south, took in the town of Aroer on the edge of the gorge, and went far enough north to include the southern half of the Gilead region. The northern part of their land went as far east as the upper Jabbok River gorge, which formed their border with the Ammonites. I also gave them the eastern side of the Jordan River valley, from Lake Galilee south to the Dead Sea below the slopes of Mount Pisgah.
I gave the northern half of Gilead and all of the Bashan region to half the tribe of Manasseh. Bashan had belonged to King Og, and the Argob region in Bashan used to be called the Land of the Rephaim. Jair from the Manasseh tribe conquered the Argob region as far west as the kingdoms of Geshur and Maacah. The Israelites even started calling Bashan by the name “Villages of Jair,” and that is still its name. I gave the northern half of Gilead to the Machir clan.
18-19 At that time I told the men of Reuben, Gad, and East Manasseh:
The Lord our God told me to give you this land with its towns, and that's what I have done. Now your wives and children can stay here with your large flocks of sheep and goats and your large herds of cattle. But all of you men that can serve in our army must cross the Jordan River and help the other tribes, because they are your relatives. 20 The Lord will let them defeat the enemy nations on the west side of the Jordan and take their land. Afterwards, you can come back here to the land I gave you.
21-22 Then I told Joshua, “You saw how the Lord our God helped us destroy King Sihon and King Og. So don't be afraid! Wherever you go, the Lord will fight on your side and help you destroy your enemies.”
God Refused To Let Moses Enter Canaan
Moses said to Israel:
23 At that time I prayed and begged, 24 “Our Lord, it seems that you have just begun to show me your great power. No other god in the sky or on earth is able to do the mighty things that you do. 25 The land west of the Jordan is such good land. Please let me cross the Jordan and see the hills and the Lebanon Mountains.”
26 But the Lord was angry with me because of you people, and he refused to listen. “That's enough!” he said. “I don't want to hear any more. 27 Climb to the top of Mount Pisgah and look north, south, east, and west. Take a good look, but you are not going to cross the Jordan River. 28 Joshua will lead Israel across the Jordan to take the land, so help him be strong and brave and tell him what he must do.”
29 After this we stayed in the valley at Beth-Peor.
Ķēniņa Oga sakāve
(4Moz 21:33–35)
1 Tad mēs devāmies ceļā un gājām uz Bāšānu. Bāšānas ķēniņš Ogs iznāca mums pretī – viņš un visi viņa ļaudis, lai cīnītos Edreī. 2 Un Kungs man teica: nebaidies no viņa, jo es viņu, viņa tautu un viņa zemi atdošu tev, un tu viņam darīsi tāpat, kā darīji amoriešu ķēniņam Sīhonam, kurš dzīvoja Hešbonā. 3 Un Kungs, mūsu Dievs, atdeva mums arī Bāšānas ķēniņu Ogu un visu viņa tautu, un mēs viņu sakāvām, tā ka neviens tam neatlika. 4 Tolaik mēs sagrābām visas viņa pilsētas, nebija pilsētas, ko mēs tam nebūtu atņēmuši, sešdesmit pilsētas, visu Argobas apgabalu, Oga ķēniņvalsti Bāšānā. 5 Tās visas bija nocietinātas pilsētas ar augstiem mūriem, vārtiem un aizšaujamām bultām; un vēl arī daudzas nenocietinātas pilsētas. 6 Mēs viņus izdeldējām tāpat kā Hešbonas ķēniņu Sīhonu – iznīcinājām visas pilsētas, vīrus, sievas un bērnus! 7 Un mēs nolaupījām visus lopus un visu, kas pilsētās laupāms.
8 Tolaik mēs atņēmām diviem amoriešu ķēniņiem zemi viņpus Jordānai no Arnonas upes līdz Hermona kalnam – 9 sidonieši Hermonu sauc par Sirjonu, bet amorieši to sauc par Senīru –, 10 visas līdzenuma pilsētas un Gileādu, un visu Bāšānu līdz Salhai un Edreī, Bāšānas Oga ķēniņvalsts pilsētām. 11 Jo no milžiem bija atlicis tikai Bāšānas ķēniņš Ogs, rau, viņa guļvieta bija no dzelzs – vai tā nestāv Amona dēlu Rabā?! – deviņus elkoņus gara un četrus elkoņus plata, pēc cilvēka elkoņa mērot. 12 Tolaik mēs iemantojām šo zemi – no pašas Aroēras, kas Arnonas ielejā. Pusi Gileāda kalnienes kopā ar tās pilsētām es atdevu rūbeniešiem un gadiešiem. 13 To, kas no Gileādas atlika, un visu Bāšānu, Oga ķēniņvalsti, es atdevu pusei Manases cilts – visu Argobas apgabalu, tā ir visa Bāšāna, kas tiek saukta par milžu zemi. 14 Jaīrs, Manases dēls, paņēma visu Argobas apgabalu līdz gešūriešu un maahiešu robežām un nosauca to savā vārdā – Bāšāna nu ir Jaīra ciemi līdz pat šai dienai. 15 Māhīram es atdevu Gileādu. 16 Un rūbeniešiem un gadiešiem es atdevu šo – no Gileādas līdz Arnonas upei, upes vidus ir robeža, un līdz Jabokas upei, kur Amona dēlu robeža, 17 un arī klajumu, Jordāna ir robeža, no Kineretas līdz klajumu jūrai – Sāls jūrai, līdz Pisgas nogāzēm austrumos.
18 Un tolaik es jums pavēlēju: Kungs, jūsu Dievs, ir devis jums šo zemi, lai jūs to iemantotu, – visi jūsu karavīri lai bruņoti dodas pa priekšu saviem brāļiem, Israēla dēliem! 19 Tikai jūsu sievas, bērni un ganāmpulki – es zinu, ka jums ir daudz ganāmpulku, – lai paliek jūsu pilsētās, ko es jums devu, 20 līdz Kungs ļaus apmesties jūsu brāļiem tāpat kā jums, un arī viņi iemantos zemi, ko Kungs, jūsu Dievs, dod tiem viņpus Jordānas. Pēc tam ikviens var atgriezties savā īpašumā, ko es jums esmu devis. 21 Un Jozuam es tolaik pavēlēju: tu esi redzējis visu, ko Kungs, tavs Dievs, ir darījis šiem abiem ķēniņiem – tā Kungs darīs visām ķēniņvalstīm, kurām jūs iesiet cauri! 22 Nebaidieties no viņiem, jo par jums cīnīsies Kungs, jūsu Dievs!
Mozus nedrīkst celties pāri Jordānai
23 Tolaik es lūdzos Kungu, sacīdams: 24 Kungs Dievs, tu esi sācis rādīt savam kalpam savu varenību un stipro roku, jo kurš dievs debesīs vai uz zemes var darīt tādus darbus kā tu un tādus varoņdarbus kā tu?! 25 Ļauj jel man iet un ieraudzīt to labo zemi, kas viņpus Jordānas, to labo kalnieni un Lebanonu! 26 Bet jūsu dēļ Kungs iedegās dusmās uz mani, viņš neklausījās manī, un Kungs man teica: gana tev! Nerunā vairs ar mani par šo! 27 Kāp Pisgas virsotnē, paraugies uz rietumiem, uz ziemeļiem, uz dienvidiem un uz austrumiem un skaties ar acīm – tu Jordānu nešķērsosi! 28 Pavēli Jozuam, drošini un stiprini viņu, jo viņš to šķērsos šīs tautas priekšā un viņš tiem iegūs īpašumā zemi, ko tu redzi! 29 Un mēs palikām ielejā iepretī Bētpeorai.