Judgment on Moab
1 The Lord said:
I will punish Moab
for countless crimes,
and I won't change my mind.
They made lime from the bones
of the king of Edom.
2 Now I will send fire to destroy
the fortresses of Kerioth.
Battle shouts and trumpet blasts
will be heard as I destroy Moab
3 with its king and leaders.
I, the Lord, have spoken!
Judgment on Judah
4 The Lord said:
I will punish Judah
for countless crimes,
and I won't change my mind.
They have rejected my teachings
and refused to obey me.
They were led astray
by the same false gods
their ancestors worshiped.
5 Now I will send fire on Judah
and destroy the fortresses
of Jerusalem.
Judgment on Israel
6 The Lord said:
I will punish Israel
for countless crimes,
and I won't change my mind.
They sell honest people for money,
and the needy are sold
for the price of sandals.
7 They smear the poor in the dirt
and push aside
those who are helpless.
My holy name is dishonored,
because fathers and sons sleep
with the same young women.
8 They lie down beside altars
on clothes taken
as security for loans.
And they drink wine in my temple,
wine bought with the money
they received from fines.
9 Israel, the Amorites were there
when you entered Canaan.
They were tall as cedars
and strong as oaks.
But I wiped them out—
I destroyed their branches
and their roots.
10 I had rescued you from Egypt,
and for forty years I had led you
through the desert.
Then I gave you the land
of the Amorites.
11 I chose some of you
to be prophets
and others to be Nazirites.
People of Israel,
you know this is true.
I, the Lord, have spoken!
12 But you commanded the prophets
not to speak their message,
and you pressured the Nazirites
into drinking wine.
13 And so I will crush you,
just as a wagon full of grain
crushes the ground.
14 No matter how fast you run,
you won't escape.
No matter how strong you are,
you will lose your strength
and your life.
15 Even if you are an expert
with a bow and arrow,
you will retreat.
And you won't get away alive,
not even if you run fast
or ride a horse.
16 You may be brave and strong,
but you will run away,
stripped naked.
I, the Lord, have spoken!
Vēstījums Moābam
1 Tā saka Kungs:
“Trīs, vēl vairāk četru noziegumu dēļ es Moābam neatlaidīšu –
par to, ka viņš Edoma ķēniņa kaulus
sadedzināja kaļķos!
2 Es uzsūtīšu uguni Moābam,
un tā aprīs Kerījotas nocietinājumus,
un Moābs mirs kara troksnī –
aurošanā un raga skaņās!
3 Es iznīdēšu turienes soģi,
visus augstmaņus es nokaušu kopā ar viņu!”
saka Kungs.
Vēstījums Jūdai
4 Tā saka Kungs:
“Trīs, vēl vairāk četru noziegumu dēļ es Jūdai neatlaidīšu –
jo tie atmeta Kunga bauslību,
viņa likumus neturēja,
viņus pavedināja tie dievekļi,
kuriem staigāja pakaļ jau viņu tēvi!
5 Es uzsūtīšu uguni Jūdai,
un tā aprīs Jeruzālemes nocietinājumus!”
Vēstījums Israēlam
6 Tā saka Kungs:
“Trīs, vēl vairāk četru noziegumu dēļ es Israēlam neatlaidīšu –
jo taisno viņi par sudrabu pārdod
un nabagu par sandaļu pāri!
7 Nabagu tie zemē pīšļos iemin,
apspiesto nostumj pie malas,
gan dēls, gan tēvs iet pie tās pašas meitas –
apgāna manu svēto vārdu!
8 Drēbēs, ko apķīlājuši,
tie gulstas pie katra altāra
un par netaisni pelnītu naudu
pērk vīnu un dzer sava Dieva namā!
9 Kaut es viņu priekšā iznīcināju amoriešus,
kas ciedru augumā bija, stipri kā ozoli bija, –
es tos iznīcināju no augšas, kur augļi,
un no apakšas, kur saknes!
10 Un es ņēmu jūs no Ēģiptes zemes,
vedu pa tuksnesi četrdesmit gadus,
lai jūs iemantotu amoriešu zemi,
11 un jūsu dēlus es iecēlu par praviešiem
un jūsu jaunekļus par nazīriešiem! –
vai tā nebija, Israēla dēli?! –
saka Kungs.
12 Bet jūs nazīriešus apdzirdījāt ar vīnu
un praviešiem pavēlējāt: nepravietojiet!
13 Redzi, es jūs nospiedīšu
kā apgāzti rati, kas pilni salmu!
14 Veiklais vairs neaizbēgs,
un stiprais vairs negūsies spēka,
varenais pats nepaglābsies,
15 un loka šāvējs pretī nenostāvēs,
un tas, kam veiklas kājas, neaizbēgs,
un jātnieks savu dzīvību neglābs,
16 un tas, kas starp varoņiem drošsirdis,
pliks bēgs tajā dienā,”
saka Kungs.