1 Bet, ja kāds grib nest Tam Kungam ēdamo upuri, tad viņa upurim jābūt no kviešu miltiem, kam pārlieta eļļa un pārkaisīts vīraks. 2 Un tad viņam tas jāpienes Ārona dēliem, priesteriem, un tiem jāgrābj pilna sauja kviešu miltu un arī eļļa līdz ar vīraku pāri tai; tad priesteris to aizdedzina kā piemiņas tiesu uz altāra; tas ir uguns upuris Tam Kungam par patīkamu smaržu. 3 Atlikums no ēdamā upura pieder Āronam un viņa dēliem; tas ir augsti svēts no Tā Kunga uguns upuriem. 4 Bet, ja tu gribi nest ēdamo upuri no tā, kas cepts krāsnī, tad tam jābūt neraudzētam no kviešu miltiem, kas iejaukti eļļā, vai arī plāniem raušiem no neraudzētas mīklas, kas ar eļļu apziesti. 5 Bet, ja tavs upuris ir ēdamais upuris, kas cepts pannā, tad arī tam ir jābūt neraudzētam no eļļā iejauktiem kviešu miltiem. 6 Saberz to gabaliņos un uzlej eļļu; tas ir ēdamais upuris. 7 Bet, ja tavs upuris ir ēdamais upuris, kas vārāms katlā, tad tas tev sataisāms no kviešu miltiem ar eļļu. 8 Tad tev ēdamais upuris, kas tā ir sataisīts, ir jāatnes Tam Kungam; tev tas jādod priesterim, un viņam tas jāliek uz altāra. 9 Un no visa ēdamā upura priesterim jāpaņem piemiņas tiesa un ir jāsadedzina kā upuris uz altāra; tas ir uguns upuris Tam Kungam par patīkamu smaržu. 10 Atlikums no ēdamā upura pieder Āronam un viņa dēliem; tas ir augsti svēts no Tā Kunga uguns upuriem. 11 Nevienu ēdamo upuri, ko jūs pienesat Tam Kungam, negatavojiet no raudzēta, jo ne raugs, ne medus nav dedzināms kā uguns upuris Tam Kungam. 12 Jūs varat to nest kā pirmo augļu upuri Tam Kungam, bet uz altāra tas nav dedzināms par patīkamu smaržu. 13 Bet visi tavi ēdamie upuri tev ar sāli jāsālī, un lai nekad netrūkst pie tava ēdamā upura tava Dieva derības sāls; nesot savus upurus, tev tos būs upurēt ar sāli. 14 Bet, ja tu gribi Tam Kungam nest par ēdamo upuri ko no pirmajiem augļiem, tad šim pirmo augļu ēdamam upurim ir jābūt no briedušām vārpām, kas ugunī grauzdētas un smalki sagrūstas. 15 Tad tam jāuzlej eļļa un jāpieliek vīraks; tas ir ēdamais upuris. 16 Un priesterim jāieliek ugunī piemiņas tiesa no sagrūstiem graudiem un no eļļas ar visu vīraku; tas ir uguns upuris Tam Kungam.
Sacrifices To Give Thanks to the Lord
The Lord said:
1 When you offer sacrifices to give thanks to me, you must use only your finest flour. Put it in a dish, sprinkle olive oil and incense on the flour, 2 and take it to the priests from Aaron's family. One of them will scoop up the incense together with a handful of the flour and oil. Then, to show that the whole offering belongs to me, the priest will lay this part on the bronze altar and send it up in smoke with a smell that pleases me. 3 The rest of this sacrifice is for the priests; it is very holy because it was offered to me.
4 If you bake bread in an oven for this sacrifice, use only your finest flour, but without any yeast. You may make the flour into a loaf mixed with olive oil, or you may make it into thin wafers and brush them with oil.
5 If you cook bread in a shallow pan for this sacrifice, use only your finest flour. Mix it with olive oil, but do not use any yeast. 6 Then break the bread into small pieces and sprinkle them with oil. 7 If you cook your bread in a pan with a lid on it, you must also use the finest flour mixed with oil.
8 You may prepare sacrifices to give thanks in any of these three ways. Bring your sacrifice to a priest, and he will take it to the bronze altar. 9 Then, to show that the whole offering belongs to me, the priest will lay part of it on the altar and send it up in smoke with a smell that pleases me. 10 The rest of this sacrifice is for the priests; it is very holy because it was offered to me.
11 Yeast and honey must never be burned on the altar, so don't ever mix either of these in a grain sacrifice. 12 You may offer either of them separately, when you present the first part of your harvest to me, but they must never be burned on the altar.
13 Salt is offered when you make an agreement with me, so sprinkle salt on these sacrifices.
14 Freshly cut grain, either roasted or coarsely ground, must be used when you offer the first part of your grain harvest. 15 You must mix in some olive oil and put incense on top, because this is a grain sacrifice. 16 A priest will sprinkle all of the incense and some of the grain and oil on the altar and send them up in smoke to show that the whole offering belongs to me.