1 Un notiks, kad tu nonāksi tanī zemē, ko Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tev dod iemantot, un tu būsi to dabūjis un tur dzīvosi, 2 tad tev būs ņemt no visiem zemes augļiem pirmo ražu, ko tu ievāksi no savas zemes, kuru Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tev dod, un likt grozā un iet uz to vietu, ko Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, Sev izraudzīs, lai tur mājotu Viņa Vārds. 3 Un tev būs iet pie priestera, kas tanī laikā būs, un viņam sacīt: es šodien apliecinu Tā Kunga, tava Dieva, priekšā, ka es esmu ienācis tanī zemē, ko Tas Kungs, mūsu tēvu Dievs, mūsu tēviem ir apsolījis ar zvērestu dot. 4 Tad lai priesteris ņem grozu no tavas rokas un lai viņš to noliek Tā Kunga, tava Dieva, altāra priekšā. 5 Un tev jāatbild un jāsaka Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, priekšā: mans ciltstēvs bija aramiešu klejotājs, un viņš nogāja uz Ēģipti un mita tur kā svešinieks ar nedaudz ļaudīm, kas tur pieauga par varenu, stipru un lielu tautu. 6 Bet ēģiptieši darīja mums ļaunu, tie mūs apspieda un mums uzlika smagus darbus, 7 un tad mēs sākām brēkt uz To Kungu, savu tēvu Dievu, un Tas Kungs paklausīja mūsu balsij un ieraudzīja mūsu bēdas, mūsu grūtumu un mūsu nomāktību; 8 un Tas Kungs mūs izveda no Ēģiptes ar stipru roku un ar izstieptu elkoni, ar lielām izbailēm, ar zīmēm un brīnumiem; 9 un Viņš mūs ir vedis uz šo vietu un mums ir devis šo zemi - zemi, kur piens un medus tek. 10 Un nu tagad, redzi, es esmu atnesis zemes pirmos augļus no tās zemes, ko Tas Kungs ir man devis. Tad tev tos būs atstāt Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, priekšā un pielūgt To Kungu, savu Dievu, 11 un tev jābūt priecīgam par visu to labo, ko Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tev un tavam namam ir devis, tev un tavam levītam, un tavam svešiniekam, kas ir tavā vidū. 12 Un, kad tu būsi pabeidzis nodalīt desmito tiesu no visas savas ražas trešajā gadā, kas ir desmitās tiesas upura gads, un tu būsi devis levītam, svešiniekam, bārenim un atraitnei, ka tie tavos vārtos ēd un ir paēduši, 13 tad tev būs Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, vaiga priekšā sacīt: es to, kas ir svētīts, esmu iznesis no sava nama un esmu to devis gan levītam, gan svešiniekam, gan bārenim, gan atraitnei pēc visām Tavām pavēlēm, ko Tu man esi pavēlējis,- Tavus baušļus es neesmu ne pārkāpis, ne aizmirsis. 14 Es neesmu no tā neko ēdis savās bēdās un neesmu no tā neko atrāvis, kad biju nešķīsts, un es no tā neesmu arī neko devis mirušajiem; es esmu klausījis Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, balsij un esmu darījis, ko Viņš man ir pavēlējis. 15 Raugies lejup no Savas svētās vietas, no debesīm, un svētī Savu Israēla tautu un šo zemi, ko Tu esi mums devis, kā Tu ar zvērestu mūsu tēviem esi apsolījis,- zemi, kur piens un medus tek. 16 Šodien Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tev pavēl šos likumus un šīs tiesas pildīt; tad nu turi tos un dari no visas savas sirds un no visas savas dvēseles. 17 Šodien tu esi Tam Kungam sacījis, lai Viņš ir tev par Dievu un ka tu staigāsi visur Viņa ceļos, turēsi Viņa likumus, Viņa baušļus un Viņa tiesas un klausīsi Viņa balsij. 18 Un Tas Kungs tev šodien ir sacījis, ka tu Viņam esi par īpašuma tautu, kā Viņš to bija teicis, un ka tu turi visus Viņa baušļus 19 un ka Viņš tevi augstu cels pār visām tautām, ko Viņš ir radījis, ka tu būtu pagodināta, slavināta un teikta un būtu par svētu tautu Tam Kungam, savam Dievam, kā Viņš ir sacījis."
Give the Lord the First Part of Your Harvest
Moses said to Israel:
1 The Lord is giving you the land, and soon you will conquer it, settle down, 2 and plant crops. And when you begin harvesting each of your crops, the very first things you pick must be put in a basket. Take them to the place where the Lord your God chooses to be worshiped, 3 and tell the priest, “Long ago the Lord our God promised our ancestors that he would give us this land. And today, I thank him for keeping his promise and giving me a share of the land.”
4 The priest will take the basket and set it in front of the Lord's altar. 5 Then, standing there in front of the place of worship, you must pray:

My ancestor was homeless,
an Aramean who went to live
in Egypt.
There were only a few
in his family then,
but they became great
and powerful,
a nation of many people.

6 The Egyptians were cruel
and had no pity on us.
They mistreated our people
and forced us into slavery.
7 We called out for help
to you, the Lord God
of our ancestors.
You heard our cries;
you knew we were in trouble
and abused.
8 Then you terrified the Egyptians
with your mighty miracles
and rescued us from Egypt.
9 You brought us here
and gave us this land
rich with milk and honey.
10 Now, Lord, I bring to you
the best of the crops
that you have given me.

After you say these things, place the basket in front of the Lord's altar and bow down to worship him.
11 Then you and your family must celebrate by eating a meal at the place of worship to thank the Lord your God for giving you such a good harvest. And remember to invite the Levites and the foreigners who live in your town.
Ten Percent of the Harvest
Moses said to Israel:
12 Every year you are to give ten percent of your harvest to the Lord. But every third year, this ten percent must be given to the poor who live in your town, including Levites, foreigners, orphans, and widows. That way, they will have enough to eat. 13 Then you must pray:
Our Lord and our God, you have said that ten percent of my harvest is sacred. I have obeyed your command and given this to the poor, including the Levites, foreigners, orphans, and widows.
14 I have not eaten any of this sacred food while I was in mourning; in fact, I never touched it when I was unclean. And none of it has been offered as a sacrifice to the spirits of the dead. I have done everything exactly as you commanded.
15 Our Lord, look down from your temple in heaven and bless us and our land. You promised our ancestors that you would give us this land rich with milk and honey, and you have kept your promise.
The Lord Is Your God, and You Are His People
Moses said to Israel:
16 Today the Lord your God has commanded you to obey these laws and teachings with all your heart and soul.
17 In response, you have agreed that the Lord will be your God, that you will obey all his laws and teachings, and that you will listen when he speaks to you.
18 Since you have agreed to obey the Lord, he has agreed that you will be his people and that you will belong to him, just as he promised. 19 The Lord created all nations, but he will make you more famous than any of them, and you will receive more praise and honor. You will belong only to the Lord your God, just as he promised.