1 Un Isašara dēli bija Tola un Pūva, Jašubs un Šimrons, četri. 2 Un Tolas dēli bija Usijs, Refaja, Jeriēls, Jahmajs, Jibšāms un Samuēls, Tolas tēvu namu galvenie; tie bija varonīgi karotāji savās paaudzēs; viņu skaits Dāvida laikā bija divdesmit divi tūkstoši seši simti. 3 Usija dēls bija Jizrahja, un Jizrahjas dēli bija Mihaēls, Obadja, Joēls un Jišija, visi pieci tēvu namu galvenie. 4 Bet viņiem savās paaudzēs, pēc viņu tēvu namiem, viņu karaspēka pulkos bija trīsdesmit seši tūkstoši vīru, jo tiem bija daudz sievu un bērnu. 5 Un viņu brāļu, varonīgu karotāju, visās Isašara dzimtās bija astoņdesmit septiņi tūkstoši, kuri visi tika ierakstīti ciltsrakstos. 6 Un Benjamīna dēli bija Bela, Behers un Jediaēls, trīs. 7 Un Belas dēli bija Ecbons, Usijs, Usiēls, Jerimots un Īrijs, pieci, savu tēvu namu galvenie, varonīgi karotāji; viņi tika ierakstīti - divdesmit divi tūkstoši trīsdesmit četri. 8 Un Behera dēli bija Zemīra, Joass, Ēliēzers, Ēlihoenajs, Omrijs, Jerimots, Abija, Anatots un Allemets, visi šie bija Behera dēli. 9 Un viņi tika ierakstīti ciltsrakstos pa savām paaudzēm kā savu tēvu namu galvenie, varonīgi karotāji - divdesmit tūkstoši divi simti. 10 Un Jediaēla dēls bija Bilhans, un Bilhana dēli: Jehuss, Benjamīns, Ehuds, Kenaāna, Zeitans, Taršišs un Ahišahars. 11 Visi šie bija Jediaēla dēli, savu tēvu namu galvenie, varonīgi karotāji - septiņpadsmit tūkstoši divi simti vīru, kas gāja karā. 12 Un Šupims un Hupims bija Ira dēli; Hušims bija Ahera dēls. 13 Naftaļa dēli bija Jahaciēls, Gunijs, Jecers un Šalums, Bilhas pēcnācēji. 14 Manases dēli bija Asriēls, kuru dzemdēja viņa blakussieva, aramiete, viņa dzemdēja arī Mahīru, Gileāda tēvu. 15 Un Mahīrs ņēma Hupima un Šupima māsu par sievu, viņas vārds bija Maāha, un viņa māsas vārds bija Hamoleheta, bet viņa brāļa vārds bija Celofehads, un Celofehadam bija tikai meitas. 16 Un Maāha, Mahīra sieva, dzemdēja dēlu un nosauca tā vārdu Perešs; viņa brāļa vārds bija Šerešs, un tā dēli bija Ulāms un Rekems. 17 Un Ulāma dēls bija Bedans. Šie bija Gileāda dēli, tas Mahīra dēls un tas Manases dēls. 18 Bet viņa māsa Hamoleheta dzemdēja Īšhodu, Abiēzeru un Mahlu. 19 Un Šemīdas dēli bija Ahjans, Šekems, Likhijs un Aniāms. 20 Un Efraima dēli bija Šūtelahs, tā dēls Bereds, tā dēls Tahats, tā dēls Ēlads, tā dēls Tahats, 21 tā dēls Zabāds, tā dēls Šūtelahs, un Ēzers un Ēlads. Bet Gātas vīri, tās zemes iedzīvotāji, viņus nogalināja, tāpēc ka tie bija nākuši lejā laupīt viņu ganāmpulkus. 22 Un viņu tēvs Efraims sēroja vairākas dienas, un viņa brāļi nāca viņu iepriecināt. 23 Un viņš gāja pie savas sievas, un tā kļuva grūta un dzemdēja viņam dēlu, un viņš nosauca tā vārdu Berija, tāpēc ka nelaime bija nākusi pār viņa namu. 24 Un viņa meita bija Šeera, viņa uzcēla Lejas un Kalna Bet-Horonu un Usen-Šeeru. 25 Viņa, Berijas, dēls bija Refahs, tā dēls Rešefs, tā dēls Tēlahs, tā dēls Tahans; 26 viņa dēls bija Laādans, tā dēls Amihuds, tā dēls Ēlišāma, 27 tā dēls Nūns, tā dēls Jozua. 28 Un viņu īpašums un viņu dzīves vieta bija Bētele ar tās mazajām pilsētām, pret austrumiem Naārana un pret vakariem Gezera ar tās mazajām pilsētām, un Sihema un tās mazās pilsētas līdz pat Aijai ar tās mazajām pilsētām, 29 un uz Manases bērnu robežas bija Bet-Šeana ar tās mazajām pilsētām, Taānaka ar tās mazajām pilsētām: Megida ar tās mazajām pilsētām un Dora ar tās mazajām pilsētām. Tanīs dzīvoja Jāzepa, Israēla dēla, pēcnācēji. 30 Ašera dēli bija Jimna, Jišva, Jišvijs un Berija, Seraha bija viņu māsa. 31 Un Berijas dēli bija Hebers un Malkiēls, kas bija Birzavita tēvs. 32 Un Hebers dzemdināja Jafletu, Šemeru un Hotāmu, bet Šua bija viņu māsa. 33 Un Jafleta dēli bija Pašahs, Bimhals un Ašvats; šie bija Jafleta dēli. 34 Un Šemera dēli bija Ahjis, Rohga, Huba un Arāms. 35 Un viņa brāļa Hotāma dēli bija Cofahs, Jimna, Šelešs un Amals. 36 Un Cofaha dēli bija Suahs, Harnēfers, Šuals, Berijs, Jimra, 37 Becers, Hods, Šama, Šilša, Jitrans un Beēra. 38 Un Jetera dēli bija Jefunna, Pispa un Ara. 39 Un Ullas dēli bija Arahs, Hanniēls un Ricja. 40 Visi šie bija Ašera dēli, savu tēvu namu galvenie, izlasīti varonīgi karotāji, galvenie vadoņi; un tie tika ierakstīti ciltsrakstos kā karaspēkam piederīgi, un viņu skaits bija divdesmit seši tūkstoši vīru.
The Descendants of Issachar
1 Issachar was the father of four sons: Tola, Puah, Jashub, and Shimron.
2 Tola was the father of Uzzi, Rephaiah, Jeriel, Jahmai, Ibsam, and Shemuel, who were all brave soldiers and family leaders in their clan. There were 22,600 people in Tola's family by the time David became king.
3 Uzzi was the father of Izrahiah and the grandfather of Michael, Obadiah, Joel, and Isshiah, who were also family leaders. 4 Their families were so large that they had 36,000 soldiers in their clans. 5 In fact, according to family records, the tribe of Issachar had a total of 87,000 warriors.
The Descendants of Benjamin and Dan
6 Benjamin was the father of three sons: Bela, Becher, and Jediael.
7 Bela was the father of Ezbon, Uzzi, Uzziel, Jerimoth, and Iri. They were all brave soldiers and family leaders in their father's clan. The number of soldiers in their clan was 22,034.
8 Becher was the father of Zemirah, Joash, Eliezer, Elioenai, Omri, Jeremoth, Abijah, Anathoth, and Alemeth. 9 The official family records listed 20,200 soldiers in the families of this clan, as well as their family leaders.
10 Jediael was the father of Bilhan and the grandfather of Jeush, Benjamin, Ehud, Chenaanah, Zethan, Tarshish, and Ahishahar. 11 They were family leaders in their clan, which had 17,200 soldiers prepared to fight in battle. 12 Ir was the father of Shuppim and Huppim, who also belonged to this clan.
Dan was the father of Hushim.
The Descendants of Naphtali
13 Naphtali's mother was Bilhah, and he was the father of Jahziel, Guni, Jezer, and Shallum.
The Descendants of Manasseh
14 Manasseh and his Syrian wife were the parents of Asriel and Machir the father of Gilead. 15 Machir found a wife for Huppim and one for Shuppim. Machir had a sister named Maacah.
Zelophehad was also a descendant of Manasseh, and he had five daughters.
16 Machir and his wife Maacah were the parents of Peresh and Sheresh. Peresh was the father of Ulam and Rekem. 17 Ulam was the father of Bedan. These were all descendants of Gilead, the son of Machir and the grandson of Manasseh.
18 Gilead's sister Hammolecheth was the mother of Ishhod, Abiezer, and Mahlah.
19 Shemida, another descendant of Manasseh, was the father of Ahian, Shechem, Likhi, and Aniam.
The Descendants of Ephraim
20 Ephraim was the father of Shuthelah and the ancestor of Bered, Tahath, Eleadah, Tahath, 21 Zabad, and Shuthelah.
Ephraim had two other sons, Ezer and Elead. But they were killed when they tried to steal livestock from the people who lived in the territory of Gath. 22 Ephraim mourned for his sons a long time, and his relatives came to comfort him. 23 Some time later his wife gave birth to another son, and Ephraim named him Beriah, because he was born during a time of misery.
24 Ephraim's daughter was Sheerah. She built the towns of Lower Beth-Horon, Upper Beth-Horon, and Uzzen-Sheerah.
25 Ephraim also had a son named Rephah, and his descendants included Resheph, Telah, Tahan, 26 Ladan, Ammihud, Elishama, 27 Nun, and Joshua.
28 The descendants of Ephraim took over the territory as far south as Bethel, as far east as Naaran, and as far west as Gezer. Their territory included all the villages around these towns, as well as Shechem, Ayyah, and the nearby villages.
29 The descendants of Manasseh settled in the territory that included Beth-Shan, Taanach, Megiddo, Dor, and the nearby villages.
The descendants of Joseph lived in these towns and villages.
The Descendants of Asher
30 Asher had four sons, Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi, and Beriah, and one daughter, Serah.
31 Beriah was the father of Heber and Malchiel the father of Birzaith. 32 Heber was the father of three sons, Japhlet, Shomer, and Hotham, and one daughter, Shua. 33 Japhlet was the father of Pasach, Bimhal, and Ashvath. 34 Shomer was the father of Ahi, Rohgah, Hubbah, and Aram. 35 And Japhlet's brother Hotham was the father of Zophah, Imna, Shelesh, and Amal. 36 Zophah was the father of Suah, Harnepher, Shual, Beri, Imrah, 37 Bezer, Hod, Shamma, Shilshah, Ithran, and Beera. 38 Jether was the father of Jephunneh, Pispa, and Ara.
39 Ulla was the father of Arah, Hanniel, and Rizia.
40 These were the descendants of Asher, and they were all respected family leaders and brave soldiers. The tribe of Asher had a total of 26,000 soldiers.