David's Instructions for the Temple
1 King David commanded all the officials of Israel to assemble in Jerusalem. So all the officials of the tribes, the officials who administered the work of the kingdom, the leaders of the clans, the supervisors of the property and livestock that belonged to the king and his sons—indeed all the palace officials, leading soldiers, and important men—gathered in Jerusalem.
2 David stood before them and addressed them: “My friends, listen to me. I wanted to build a permanent home for the Covenant Box, the footstool of the Lord our God. I have made preparations for building a temple to honor him, 3 but he has forbidden me to do it, because I am a soldier and have shed too much blood. 4 The Lord, the God of Israel, chose me and my descendants to rule Israel forever. He chose the tribe of Judah to provide leadership, and out of Judah he chose my father's family. From all that family it was his pleasure to take me and make me king over all Israel. 5 He gave me many sons, and out of them all he chose Solomon to rule over Israel, the Lord's kingdom.
6 “The Lord said to me, ‘Your son Solomon is the one who will build my Temple. I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be his father. 7 I will make his kingdom last forever if he continues to obey carefully all my laws and commands as he does now.’
8 “So now, my people, in the presence of our God and of this assembly of all Israel, the Lord's people, I charge you to obey carefully everything that the Lord our God has commanded us, so that you may continue to possess this good land and so that you may hand it on to succeeding generations forever.”
9 And to Solomon he said, “My son, I charge you to acknowledge your father's God and to serve him with an undivided heart and a willing mind. He knows all our thoughts and desires. If you go to him, he will accept you; but if you turn away from him, he will abandon you forever. 10 You must realize that the Lord has chosen you to build his holy Temple. Now do it—and do it with determination.”
11 David gave Solomon the plans for all the Temple buildings, for the storerooms and all the other rooms, and for the Most Holy Place, where sins are forgiven. 12 He also gave him the plans for all he had in mind for the courtyards and the rooms around them, and for the storerooms for the Temple equipment and the gifts dedicated to the Lord. 13 David also gave him the plans for organizing the priests and Levites to perform their duties, to do the work of the Temple, and to take care of all the Temple utensils. 14 He gave instructions as to how much silver and gold was to be used for making the utensils, 15 for each lamp and lampstand, 16 for the silver tables, and for each gold table on which were placed the loaves of bread offered to God. 17 He also gave instructions as to how much pure gold was to be used in making forks, bowls, and jars, how much silver and gold in making dishes, 18 and how much pure gold in making the altar on which incense was burned and in making the chariot for the winged creatures that spread their wings over the Lord's Covenant Box. 19 King David said, “All this is contained in the plan written according to the instructions which the Lord himself gave me to carry out.”
20 King David said to his son Solomon, “Be confident and determined. Start the work and don't let anything stop you. The Lord God, whom I serve, will be with you. He will not abandon you, but he will stay with you until you finish the work to be done on his Temple. 21 The priests and the Levites have been assigned duties to perform in the Temple. Workers with every kind of skill are eager to help you, and all the people and their leaders are at your command.”
Norādījumi tempļa celšanai
1 Dāvids sapulcināja Jeruzālemē visus Israēla augstmaņus, cilšu vadoņus un pulku virsniekus, kas kalpoja ķēniņam, un virsniekus pār tūkstošiem un simtiem, virsniekus pār ķēniņa un viņa dēlu īpašumiem un liellopiem, kā arī einuhus, stipros un visus ietekmīgos vīrus. 2 Tad ķēniņš Dāvids piecēlās un sacīja: “Klausieties, mani brāļi un mana tauta, es no sirds vēlējos uzcelt namu – miera namu Kunga derības šķirstam, kājsolu mūsu Dievam, un es to gatavojos celt, 3 bet Dievs man sacīja: tu necelsi namu manam vārdam, jo tu esi karotājs, kas izlējis asinis! 4 Kungs, Israēla Dievs, mani ir izvēlējies no visām ciltīm, lai es mūžīgi valdītu pār Israēlu, jo no Jūdas viņš izvēlējās valdnieku un no Jūdas cilts mana tēva namu, un no mana tēva dēliem viņam labpatika par visa Israēla ķēniņu iecelt mani. 5 No visiem maniem dēliem – Kungs man ir devis daudz dēlu – viņš ir izvēlējies manu dēlu Sālamanu, kas sēdēs Kunga valstības tronī pār Israēlu. 6 Viņš man sacīja: tavs dēls Sālamans cels man namu un pagalmus, jo viņu es izvēlējos sev par dēlu, un es būšu viņam par tēvu! 7 Es nostiprināšu viņa valdīšanu mūžīgi, ja viņš ievēros un pildīs manus baušļus un tiesas tāpat kā šodien. 8 Un tagad – lai to redz viss Israēls, Kunga sapulce, un dzird mūsu Dievs! – ievērojiet un pildiet visus Kunga, jūsu Dieva, baušļus, lai jums būtu īpašumā šī labā zeme un to pēc jums mantotu jūsu dēli uz mūžiem!
9 Un tu, mans dēls Sālaman, atzīsti savu tēvu Dievu un kalpo viņam nedalītu sirdi un alkstošu dvēseli, jo Kungs pārbauda visas sirdis un viņš saprot ikkatru nodomu. Ja tu viņu meklēsi, viņš ļausies sevi atrast, bet, ja pametīsi, viņš tevi atmetīs pavisam! 10 Redzi nu, Kungs tevi ir izvēlējies, lai tu celtu namu svētvietai. Esi stiprs un dari to!”
11 Tad Dāvids deva savam dēlam Sālamanam lieveņa, nama un tā mantnīcu, augštelpu, iekštelpu un grēku apklāšanas vietas aprakstu. 12 Un arī aprakstu visam, kā viņš redzēja par Kunga nama pagalmu un visām telpām visapkārt, Kunga nama dārgumiem un ziedotajiem dārgumiem, 13 par priesteru un levītu iedalījumu, par visiem darbiem kalpošanai Kunga namā un visiem traukiem kalpošanai Kunga namā, 14 zelta svaru katram zelta traukam, ko lietos kalpošanā, un katra sudraba trauka svaru – visam, ko lietos kalpošanā, 15 un svaru zelta gaismekļu pamatnēm un zelta eļļas lukturīšiem, svaru katra gaismekļa pamatnei un eļļas lukturītim, arī sudraba gaismekļu pamatņu svaru, katra gaismekļa pamatnes un katra eļļas lukturīša svaru, 16 un zelta svaru upurmaizes galdiem, katram galdam, un sudraba galdiem, 17 kā arī tīra zelta dakšām, laistāmiem traukiem un krūkām, un zelta bļodu svaru, katrai bļodai, un sudraba bļodu svaru, katrai bļodai, 18 un kvēpināšanas altārim tīrā zelta svaru, kā arī aprakstu ratiem un zelta ķerubiem ar izplestiem spārniem, kuri pārsedz Kunga derības šķirstu. 19 Tas viss ir uzrakstīts, kā Kungs man to devis, viņš izskaidrojis visus ieplānotos darbus.
20 Dāvids sacīja savam dēlam Sālamanam: “Esi stiprs un drošs, dari to, nebīsties un nebaiļojies, jo Kungs Dievs, mans Dievs, ir ar tevi! Viņš tevi neatstās un nepametīs, kamēr tiks pabeigti visi darbi Kunga namā. 21 Un, redzi, arī priesteru un levītu vienības kalpos Dieva namā. Ar tevi visos darbos būs gudri un prasmīgi vīri, augstmaņi un visa tauta – tie darīs visu, ko teiksi!”