Joseph Interprets the Prisoners' Dreams
1 Some time later the king of Egypt's wine steward and his chief baker offended the king. 2 He was angry with these two officials 3 and put them in prison in the house of the captain of the guard, in the same place where Joseph was being kept. 4 They spent a long time in prison, and the captain assigned Joseph as their servant.
5 One night there in prison the wine steward and the chief baker each had a dream, and the dreams had different meanings. 6 When Joseph came to them in the morning, he saw that they were upset. 7 He asked them, “Why do you look so worried today?”
8 They answered, “Each of us had a dream, and there is no one here to explain what the dreams mean.”
“It is God who gives the ability to interpret dreams,” Joseph said. “Tell me your dreams.”
9 So the wine steward said, “In my dream there was a grapevine in front of me 10 with three branches on it. As soon as the leaves came out, the blossoms appeared, and the grapes ripened. 11 I was holding the king's cup; so I took the grapes and squeezed them into the cup and gave it to him.”
12 Joseph said, “This is what it means: the three branches are three days. 13 In three days the king will release you, pardon you, and restore you to your position. You will give him his cup as you did before when you were his wine steward. 14 But please remember me when everything is going well for you, and please be kind enough to mention me to the king and help me get out of this prison. 15 After all, I was kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews, and even here in Egypt I didn't do anything to deserve being put in prison.”
16 When the chief baker saw that the interpretation of the wine steward's dream was favorable, he said to Joseph, “I had a dream too; I was carrying three breadbaskets on my head. 17 In the top basket there were all kinds of baked goods for the king, and the birds were eating them.”
18 Joseph answered, “This is what it means: the three baskets are three days. 19 In three days the king will release you—and have your head cut off! Then he will hang your body on a pole, and the birds will eat your flesh.”
20 On his birthday three days later the king gave a banquet for all his officials; he released his wine steward and his chief baker and brought them before his officials. 21 He restored the wine steward to his former position, 22 but he executed the chief baker. It all happened just as Joseph had said. 23 But the wine steward never gave Joseph another thought—he forgot all about him.
Divu cietumnieku sapņi
1 Pēc tam notika tā – Ēģiptes ķēniņa dzērienu devējs un maiznieks nogrēkojās pret savu kungu, Ēģiptes ķēniņu. 2 Un faraons saniknojās uz abiem galminiekiem – uz galveno dzērienu devēju un uz galveno maiznieku. 3 Viņš ielika tos apsargāt sardzes virsnieka namā, cietumā, tai vietā, kur bija ieslodzīts Jāzeps. 4 Sardzes virsnieks norīkoja pie viņiem Jāzepu, un viņš tos uzraudzīja – kādas dienas viņi tika apsargāti. 5 Un viņi abi sapņoja sapni – vienā naktī katrs savu sapni, katru sapni ar savu nozīmi – Ēģiptes ķēniņa dzērienu devējs un maiznieks, kuri bija ieslodzīti cietumā. 6 Kad no rīta Jāzeps nāca pie tiem un tos ieraudzīja, redzi – tie bija sapīkuši! 7 Un viņš jautāja faraona galminiekiem, kuri kopā ar viņu tika apsargāti viņa kunga namā: “Kāpēc jūsu sejas šodien tik īgnas?” 8 Tie viņam teica: “Sapni mēs sapņojām, bet nav, kas to izskaidro!” Un Jāzeps tiem sacīja: “Vai ne pie Dieva ir skaidrojums?! Pastāstiet jel man!” 9 Un galvenais dzērienu devējs stāstīja Jāzepam savu sapni: “Manā sapnī – re, manā priekšā vīnakoks! 10 Un vīnakokam trīs stīgas, un kā plauka, kā pacēlās ziedi, kā ogas par vīnogām nobriedināja! 11 Un manā rokā faraona kauss, un es ņēmu vīnogas un izspiedu tās faraona kausā, un es sniedzu kausu faraonam!” 12 Un Jāzeps viņam teica: “Šāds ir skaidrojums – trīs stīgas ir trīs dienas. 13 Trīs dienu laikā faraons pacels tev galvu un atjaunos tevi amatā, un tu pasniegsi faraonam kausu kā iepriekš, kad biji viņa dzērienu devējs. 14 Taču atceries mani, kad tev ies labi, izrādi man laipnību, ieminies par mani faraonam, ka dabū mani laukā no šā nama! 15 Jo zagtin mani nozaguši ebreju zemē, un arī šeit es neesmu darījis neko, kālab mani būtu jāliek cietumā!”
16 Un galvenais maiznieks redzēja, ka viņš labi skaidro, un teica Jāzepam: “Arī man sapnī – re, trīs cepumu grozi uz manas galvas! 17 Un augšējā grozā – visādi maiznieka gatavoti ēdieni faraonam, un putni tos rija no groza uz manas galvas!” 18 Un Jāzeps atbildēja: “Šāds ir skaidrojums – trīs grozi ir trīs dienas. 19 Trīs dienu laikā faraons nocels tev galvu un pakārs tevi kokā, un putni rīs tavu miesu!” 20 Trešajā dienā bija faraona dzimšanas diena, un viņš rīkoja dzīres visiem saviem kalpiem, un viņš izskatīja galvenā dzērienu devēja un galvenā maiznieka lietu, klātesot visiem saviem kalpiem. 21 Viņš atjaunoja galveno dzērienu devēju dzērienu došanas amatā, un tas atkal sniedza kausu faraonam. 22 Bet galveno maiznieku viņš pakāra – kā Jāzeps viņiem bija skaidrojis. 23 Taču galvenais dzērienu devējs neatcerējās Jāzepu un aizmirsa viņu.