Nathan's Message to David
(2 Samuel 7.1-17)1 King David was now living in his palace. One day he sent for the prophet Nathan and said to him, “Here I am living in a house built of cedar, but the Lord's Covenant Box is kept in a tent!”
2 Nathan answered, “Do whatever you have in mind, because God is with you.”
3 But that night God said to Nathan, 4 “Go and tell my servant David that I say to him, ‘You are not the one to build a temple for me to live in. 5 From the time I rescued the people of Israel from Egypt until now I have never lived in a temple; I have always lived in tents and moved from place to place. 6 In all my traveling with the people of Israel I never asked any of the leaders that I appointed why they had not built me a temple made of cedar.’
7 “So tell my servant David that I, the Lord Almighty, say to him, ‘I took you from looking after sheep in the fields and made you the ruler of my people Israel. 8 I have been with you wherever you have gone, and I have defeated all your enemies as you advanced. I will make you as famous as the greatest leaders in the world. 9-10 I have chosen a place for my people Israel and have settled them there, where they will live without being oppressed any more. Ever since they entered this land they have been attacked by violent people, but this will not happen again. I promise to defeat all your enemies and to give you descendants. 11 When you die and are buried with your ancestors, I will make one of your sons king and will keep his kingdom strong. 12 He will be the one to build a temple for me, and I will make sure that his dynasty continues forever. 13 I will be his father, and he will be my son. I will not withdraw my support from him as I did from Saul, whom I removed so that you could be king. 14 I will put him in charge of my people and my kingdom forever. His dynasty will never end.’”
15 Nathan told David everything that God had revealed to him.
David's Prayer of Thanksgiving
(2 Samuel 7.18-29)16 Then King David went into the Tent of the Lord's presence, sat down, and prayed, “I am not worthy of what you have already done for me, Lord God, nor is my family. 17 Yet now you are doing even more; you have made promises about my descendants in the years to come, and you, Lord God, are already treating me like someone great. 18 What more can I say to you! You know me well, and yet you honor me, your servant. 19 It was your will and purpose to do this for me and to show me my future greatness. 20 Lord, there is none like you; we have always known that you alone are God. 21 There is no other nation on earth like Israel, whom you rescued from slavery to make them your own people. The great and wonderful things you did for them spread your fame throughout the world. You rescued your people from Egypt and drove out other nations as your people advanced. 22 You have made Israel your own people forever, and you, Lord, have become their God.
23 “And now, O Lord, fulfill for all time the promise you made about me and my descendants, and do what you said you would. 24 Your fame will be great, and people will forever say, ‘The Lord Almighty is God over Israel.’ And you will preserve my dynasty for all time. 25 I have the courage to pray this prayer to you, my God, because you have revealed all this to me, your servant, and have told me that you will make my descendants kings. 26 You, Lord, are God, and you have made this wonderful promise to me. 27 I ask you to bless my descendants so that they will continue to enjoy your favor. You, Lord, have blessed them, and your blessing will rest on them forever.”
Dieva apsolījums Dāvidam
(2Sam 7:1–17)1 Un bija tā – Dāvids dzīvoja savā namā, un reiz viņš sacīja pravietim Nātānam: “Redzi, es dzīvoju ciedru koka namā, bet Kunga derības šķirsts zem aizkariem!” 2 Nātāns sacīja Dāvidam: “Dari visu, ko esi nodomājis, jo Dievs ir ar tevi!”
3 Bet tonakt pār Nātānu nāca Dieva vārds: 4 “Ej un saki manam kalpam Dāvidam: tā saka Kungs: tu necelsi man namu, kur dzīvot, 5 jo es neesmu dzīvojis namā kopš dienas, kad es izvedu Israēlu, līdz šai dienai, bet es mitu no telts uz telti un no mītnes uz mītni. 6 Visur, kur vien es Israēlam liku iet, tur taču es neteicu katram Israēla soģim, kam pavēlēju ganīt savu Israēla tautu: kāpēc jūs man neceļat ciedru koka namu?
7 Un tagad saki manam kalpam Dāvidam: tā saka Pulku Kungs: es ņēmu tevi no ganībām, no avju pulka, lai tu valdītu pār manu tautu Israēlu! 8 Es būšu ar tevi visur, kur tu iesi, es iznīdēšu visus tavus ienaidniekus, un es celšu tavu vārdu pār visiem vārdiem uz zemes! 9 Es dēstīšu savu tautu Israēlu šajā vietā, un es to audzēšu, un tie tur mitīs, nemiera tur nebūs, netaisnības darītāji tos vairs nenomāks, kā bija agrāk! 10 Un kopš tā laika, kad es iecēlu soģus pār savu tautu Israēlu, es pakļāvu visus tavus ienaidniekus. Tagad es daru tev zināmu – tev namu uzcels Kungs! 11 Kad tavu dienu skaits būs pilns un tu iesi pie saviem tēviem, tad es tavā vietā celšu tavu dzimumu – vienu no taviem dēliem – un es nostiprināšu viņa valsti! 12 Viņš uzcels manu namu, un es nostiprināšu viņa troni mūžīgi! 13 Es būšu viņam par tēvu, un viņš būs man par dēlu! Es viņam neatņemšu savu žēlastību, kā to atņēmu tam, kas bija pirms tevis! 14 Es viņu nostiprināšu savā namā un savā valstībā mūžīgi! Viņa tronis pastāvēs mūžīgi!” 15 Visu dzirdēto un redzēto Nātāns atstāstīja Dāvidam.
Dāvida lūgšana
(2Sam 7:18–29)16 Tad ķēniņš Dāvids gāja, apsēdās Kunga priekšā un sacīja: “Kas gan es esmu, Kungs Dievs, kas gan mans nams, ka līdz šejienei tu mani vadīji!? 17 Vai tas tev vēl maz, ak, Dievs! Tu runā par sava kalpa namu tik tālu nākotnē un rādi man nākamās paaudzes, kurām tu liksi nākt, ak, Dievs! 18 Ko vēl lai tev Dāvids saka par tava kalpa godību? Tu taču pazīsti savu kalpu! 19 Ak, Kungs, sava kalpa dēļ un pēc savas sirds nolūka tu dari šīs diženās lietas un dari tās zināmas! 20 Ak, Kungs, neviens nav kā tu, nav cita Dieva bez tevis, to liecina viss, ko dzirdējām savām ausīm! 21 Kurš vēl ir kā tava tauta – kā Israēls? Vienīgā tauta virs zemes, kuru Dievs gāja izpirkt sev par tautu, lai pagodinātu sevi, lai veiktu diženas lietas, bijājamas lietas – tavas tautas priekšā izdzenot tautas, tu tos no Ēģiptes izpirki! 22 Savu tautu Israēlu tu padarīji sev par tautu uz mūžiem! Tu, Kungs, kļuvi viņiem par Dievu!
23 Tad nu, Kungs Dievs, tiem vārdiem, ko tu runā par savu kalpu un viņa namu, liec pastāvēt mūžam un dari, kā esi sacījis! 24 Tavs vārds būs stiprs un varens uz mūžiem, tie sacīs: Pulku Kungs – Israēla Dievs! – tu Israēla Dievs! Un tava kalpa Dāvida nams pastāvēs tavā priekšā! 25 Jo tu, mans Dievs, tā vēstīji savam kalpam: es tev uzcelšu namu – tavs kalps ir uzdrīkstējies tev sacīt šo lūgšanu! 26 Ak, Kungs, tu esi Dievs, tu esi solījis savam kalpam šīs labās lietas! 27 Lai tev tīk svētīt sava kalpa namu, lai tas ir mūžīgi tavā priekšā – ko tu, Kungs, svētī, tas ir svētīts uz mūžiem!”