1 Watching for riches consumeth the flesh, and the care thereof driveth away sleep.
2 Watching care will not let a man slumber, as a sore disease breaketh sleep,
3 The rich hath great labour in gathering riches together; and when he resteth, he is filled with his delicates.
4 The poor laboureth in his poor estate; and when he leaveth off, he is still needy.
5 He that loveth gold shall not be justified, and he that followeth corruption shall have enough thereof.
6 Gold hath been the ruin of many, and their destruction was present.
7 It is a stumblingblock unto them that sacrifice unto it, and every fool shall be taken therewith.
8 Blessed is the rich that is found without blemish, and hath not gone after gold.
9 Who is he? and we will call him blessed: for wonderful things hath he done among his people.
10 Who hath been tried thereby, and found perfect? then let him glory. Who might offend, and hath not offended? or done evil, and hath not done it?
11 His goods shall be established, and the congregation shall declare his alms.
12 If thou sit at a bountiful table, be not greedy upon it, and say not, There is much meat on it.
13 Remember that a wicked eye is an evil thing: and what is created more wicked than an eye? therefore it weepeth upon every occasion.
14 Stretch not thine hand whithersoever it looketh, and thrust it not with him into the dish.
15 Judge not thy neighbour by thyself: and be discreet in every point.
16 Eat as it becometh a man, those things which are set before thee; and devour not, lest thou be hated.
17 Leave off first for manners’ sake; and be not unsatiable, lest thou offend.
18 When thou sittest among many, reach not thine hand out first of all.
19 A very little is sufficient for a man well nurtured, and he fetcheth not his wind short upon his bed.
20 Sound sleep cometh of moderate eating: he riseth early, and his wits are with him: but the pain of watching, and choler, and pangs of the belly, are with an unsatiable man.
21 And if thou hast been forced to eat, arise, go forth, vomit, and thou shalt have rest.
22 My son, hear me, and despise me not, and at the last thou shalt find as I told thee: in all thy works be quick, so shall there no sickness come unto thee.
23 Whoso is liberal of his meat, men shall speak well of him; and the report of his good housekeeping will be believed.
24 But against him that is a niggard of his meat the whole city shall murmur; and the testimonies of his niggardness shall not be doubted of.
25 Shew not thy valiantness in wine; for wine hath destroyed many.
26 The furnace proveth the edge by dipping: so doth wine the hearts of the proud by drunkeness.
27 Wine is as good as life to a man, if it be drunk moderately: what life is then to a man that is without wine? for it was made to make men glad.
28 Wine measurably drunk and in season bringeth gladness of the heart, and cheerfulness of the mind:
29 But wine drunken with excess maketh bitterness of the mind, with brawling and quarrelling.
30 Drunkenness increaseth the rage of a fool till he offend: it diminisheth strength, and maketh wounds.
31 Rebuke not thy neighbour at the wine, and despise him not in his mirth: give him no despiteful words, and press not upon him with urging him to drink .
Manta un bagātība
1 Bezmiegs bagātības dēļ saēd miesu,
raizes bagātības dēļ izraisa bezmiegu,
2 raizes bezmiega dēļ neļauj iemigt,
smaga slimība izdzenā miegu.
3 Bagātais nopūlas, mantu vācot,
bet atpūšoties izbauda labumus;
4 nabagais pūlas, iztikai aptrūkstoties,
un atpūšoties piedzīvo trūkumu.
5 Kas zeltu mīl, tas netiks attaisnots;
kas dzenas pēc peļņas, peļņas dēļ maldīsies.
6 Zelta dēļ daudzi ir piedzīvojuši bojāeju
un sastapušies vaigu vaigā ar iznīcību.
7 Sprungulis, uz kura klupt, – zelts tiem, kurus sajūsmina,
katrs nelga nonāk tā gūstā.
8 Svētlaimīgs bagātais, par nevainojamu atzīts,
kas nav dzinies pēc zelta.
9 Kurš? Mēs teiksim to svētlaimīgu,
jo viņš ir tas, kas darījis brīnumus tautā.
10 Kurš, pateicoties zeltam, ir kļuvis pilnīgs?
Tam būs ko lepoties.
Kurš, lai gan varējis, nav noziedzies,
nav ļaunu darījis, kaut bija iespējams?
11 Tā labklājība nostiprināsies,
un sapulcējušies par viņa žēlastības dāvanām stāstīs.
Galda māksla: ēšana
12 Pie bagātīga galda sēžot,
nedzesē mēli, nesaki: “Nu gan te ir daudz!”
13 Atceries: vai gan ir radīts kas ļaunāks
kā nenovīdīga acs? Lai kāds ir iemesls – tā raud.
14 Neizstiep roku pēc nolūkotā!
Nesniedzies bļodā reizē ar citu!
15 Izproti otru, vadoties pats pēc sevis!
Esi apdomīgs savā rīcībā!
16 Ēd kā cilvēks to, kas tev priekšā.
Nerij! Citādi nebūsi ieredzēts.
17 Labi audzināts, mitējies pirmais!
Lai nešķistu piedauzīgs, neesi nesātīgs!
18 Sēžot ar daudziem kopā,
neizstiep roku pirmais.
19 Cik nedaudz vajadzīgs, lai diezgan būtu
audzinātam cilvēkam – un netrūks elpas gultā;
20 ar sātu ēdušam – veselīgs miegs,
un, agri cēlies, tas labi jutīsies.
Turpretī nesātīgo moka bezmiegs,
nelabums un graizes, –
21 bet, ja nu esi spiests pieēsties,
piecelies un izvemies – varēsi atpūsties.
22 Uzklausi mani, bērns, un neizturies nievājoši,
un beigās atzīsi manis teikto:
esi čakls visā, ko vien dari,
un tev nepiemetīsies nekāda vaina.
23 Kas izturas pie galda izcili, to lūpas slavē.
Uz liecībām par viņa pievilcību var paļauties.
24 Kas izturas slikti pie galda, to pilsētā paļā,
un liecības par viņa nepievilcīgumu patiesas.
Galda māksla: vīna dzeršana
25 Nemērojies spēkiem ar vīnu,
jo vīns ir iznīcinājis daudzus;
26 tēraudu pārbauda ēze ar rūdīšanu,
ar spēkošanos – sirdi augstprātīgajiem vīns.
27 Vīns, ja vien ar mēru dzerts,
ar cilvēka dzīvi salīdzināms:
kas tam par dzīvi, kam vīna nav!
Vīns radīts cilvēku līksmībai.
28 Vīns īstajā brīdī un samērā
raisa gaviles sirdī, līksmību dvēselē.
29 Rūgtumu dvēselē izraisa vīns,
dzerts aizkaitinājuma brīdī, strīdos un lielā daudzumā.
30 Dzērums vairo nelgas niknumu un tuvina klupienu,
mazina spēku un dara viegli ievainojumu.
31 Neizsaki pārmetumus tuvākajam svinībās, kurās dzer vīnu,
neizturies nievājoši, tuvākajam līksmojot,
ar aizvainojošiem vārdiem neapveltī viņu
un neuzmācies, atprasot parādu!