1 A wise judge will instruct his people; and the government of a prudent man is well ordered.
2 As the judge of the people is himself, so are his officers; and what manner of man the ruler of the city is, such are all they that dwell therein.
3 An unwise king destroyeth his people; but through the prudence of them which are in authority the city shall be inhabited.
4 The power of the earth is in the hand of the Lord, and in due time he will set over it one that is profitable.
5 In the hand of God is the prosperity of man: and upon the person of the scribe shall he lay his honour.
6 Bear not hatred to thy neighbour for every wrong; and do nothing at all by injurious practices.
7 Pride is hateful before God and man: and by both doth one commit iniquity.
8 Because of unrighteous dealings, injuries, and riches got by deceit, the kingdom is translated from one people to another.
9 Why is earth and ashes proud? There is not a more wicked thing than a covetous man: for such an one setteth his own soul to sale; because while he liveth he casteth away his bowels.
10 The physician cutteth off a long disease; and he that is to day a king to morrow shall die.
11 For when a man is dead, he shall inherit creeping things, beasts, and worms.
12 The beginning of pride is when one departeth from God, and his heart is turned away from his Maker.
13 For pride is the beginning of sin, and he that hath it shall pour out abomination: and therefore the Lord brought upon them strange calamities, and overthrew them utterly.
14 The Lord hath cast down the thrones of proud princes, and set up the meek in their stead.
15 The Lord hath plucked up the roots of the proud nations, and planted the lowly in their place.
16 The Lord overthrew countries of the heathen, and destroyed them to the foundations of the earth.
17 He took some of them away, and destroyed them, and hath made their memorial to cease from the earth.
18 Pride was not made for men, nor furious anger for them that are born of a woman.
19 They that fear the Lord are a sure seed, and they that love him an honourable plant: they that regard not the law are a dishonourable seed; they that transgress the commandments are a deceivable seed.
20 Among brethren he that is chief is honorable; so are they that fear the Lord in his eyes.
21 The fear of the Lord goeth before the obtaining of authority: but roughness and pride is the losing thereof.
22 Whether he be rich, noble, or poor, their glory is the fear of the Lord.
23 It is not meet to despise the poor man that hath understanding; neither is it convenient to magnify a sinful man.
24 Great men, and judges, and potentates, shall be honoured; yet is there none of them greater than he that feareth the Lord.
25 Unto the servant that is wise shall they that are free do service: and he that hath knowledge will not grudge when he is reformed.
26 Be not overwise in doing thy business; and boast not thyself in the time of thy distress.
27 Better is he that laboureth, and aboundeth in all things, than he that boasteth himself, and wanteth bread.
28 My son, glorify thy soul in meekness, and give it honour according to the dignity thereof.
29 Who will justify him that sinneth against his own soul? and who will honour him that dishonoureth his own life?
30 The poor man is honoured for his skill, and the rich man is honoured for his riches.
31 He that is honoured in poverty, how much more in riches? and he that is dishonourable in riches, how much more in poverty?
1 Gudrs lēmējs audzina tautu,
un pārvalde ir labā kārtībā prātīgajam.
2 Kāds valsts valdītājs, tādi valsts kalpi,
kāds pilsētas galva, tādi iedzīvotāji.
3 Nemācīts ķēniņš izposta tautu,
pateicoties valdītāju saprātam, tiek pilsēta dibināta.
4 Kunga rokās ir vara pār zemi,
un īstajā brīdī viņš modina piemēroto.
5 Kunga rokās ir cilvēku veiksme,
un pilsētas lietvedi viņš apveltī ar godību.
6 Neļaunojies uz tuvāko par katru pārestību
un neatdari ar varmācību!
7 Nedz Kungs, nedz cilvēks neieredz augstprātību,
un abiem derdzas netaisnība.
8 No vienas tautas rokām citās nonāk
valsts vara ar netaisnību, varmācību un naudu.
Nav nekā bezdievīgāka par naudas kāro,
jo arī savu dvēseli tas ir ar mieru pārdot.
9 Ko augstprātībā slīgst pīšļi un pelni?
Dzīvs vēl un jau izgāžas iekšas.
10 “Īsa slimība,” jokojas ārsts,
“šodien ķēniņš, rīt pagalam,” –
11 cilvēks mirstot manto
rāpuļus, zvērus un tārpus.
12 Augstprātības pamatā ir novēršanās no Kunga.
No viņa, kas veidojis cilvēku, novēršas sirds,
13 jo grēks ir augstprātības pamatā
un riebīgums šļācas no augstprātīgā.
Tādēļ ar nelaimēm tos brīnumaini skāra Kungs
un vispēdīgi iznīcināja.
14 Varenos Kungs gāza no troņa
un iecēla lēnprātīgos;
15 ar saknēm Kungs izplēsa tautas
un vietā stādīja pazemīgos.
16 Valstis Kungs apvērsa
un sagrāva līdz pamatiem,
17 no zemes izcēla un satrieca,
ne piemiņas neatstājot virs zemes.
18 Nedz augstprātība radīta cilvēkiem,
nedz niknas dusmas no sievietes dzimušajiem.
Cilvēka vērtība un gods
19 Kā cilts ir godā? Cilvēku cilts.
Kā cilts ir godā? Kas bijā Kungu.
Kā cilts ir negodā? Cilvēku cilts.
Kā cilts ir negodā? Kas pārkāpj baušļus.
20 Vadonis ir godā brāļu vidū,
bet Kunga acīs – kas viņa bīstas.
21 Kungs pieņem to, kas viņa bīstas,
bet atmet paštaisno un augstprātīgo.
22 Ar bijību pret Kungu lepojas
gan bagātais, gan izcilais, gan nabags.
23 Ir netaisnīgi izturēties ar necieņu
pret to, kas ir prātīgs, bet nabags,
un nepiederas godāt grēcinieku.
24 Kaut arī godā diženo un lēmēju, un vareno,
neviens no viņiem nav pārāks
par to, kas bīstas Kunga.
25 Brīvie nonāk gudra verga kalpībā,
turpretī saprātīgajam nav par ko sūdzēties.
26 Netēlo gudro, kad jāstrādā,
un nedižojies, kad esi trūkumā;
27 labāk strādāt un būt visā pārtikušam
nekā dižoties bez maizes palikušam.
28 Esi lēnprātīgs, ar sevi lepojoties, dēls,
un godā sevi, cik esi vērts:
29 kas attaisnos to, kurš grēko pats pret sevi;
kas godās to, kurš dzīvo necienīgi?
30 Nabagu godā zināšanu dēļ,
bagāto godā bagātības dēļ.
31 Kuru godā kā nabagu,
cik negodās bagātu?
Kuru negodā kā bagātu,
cik godās nabagu?