1 Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.
2 His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed.
3 Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever.
4 Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.
5 A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion.
6 Surely he shall not be moved for ever: the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.
7 He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD.
8 His heart is established, he shall not be afraid, until he see his desire upon his enemies.
9 He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honour.
10 The wicked shall see it , and be grieved; he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away: the desire of the wicked shall perish.
Dieva bijāšanas svētība
1 Slavējiet Kungu!
Svētīts vīrs, kas bīstas Kunga,
kam tīk viņa baušļi,
2 varena uz zemes būs viņa sēkla,
svētīta būs sirdsskaidro paaudze,
3 labumi un bagātība būs viņa namā,
viņa taisnība ilgs vienmēr!
4 Tumsā atspīdēja gaisma sirdsskaidrajiem –
žēlīga, žēlsirdīga un taisnīga!
5 Labi vīram, kas devīgi aizdod,
kas savas lietas taisnīgi kārto!
6 Jo nemūžam to nekur nepadzīs,
par piemiņu mūžam viņš taisns!
7 No ļaunām runām viņam nebūs jābīstas,
krietnu sirdi viņš pie Kunga būs drošs!
8 Stingrs tam prāts, viņš nebīsies,
kad redzēs savus naidniekus!
9 Viņš kaisa, viņš nabagiem dod,
viņa taisnība ilgs mūžam,
viņa stiprums celts godā!
10 Ļaundaris redz un gremžas,
griež zobus, taču iznīkst –
ko ļaundari kāro, tas nenotiks!