1 And Job answered and said, 2 No doubt but ye are the people, and wisdom shall die with you. 3 But I have understanding as well as you; I am not inferior to you: yea, who knoweth not such things as these? 4 I am as one mocked of his neighbour, who calleth upon God, and he answereth him: the just upright man is laughed to scorn. 5 He that is ready to slip with his feet is as a lamp despised in the thought of him that is at ease.
6 The tabernacles of robbers prosper, and they that provoke God are secure; into whose hand God bringeth abundantly . 7 But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: 8 Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. 9 Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this? 10 In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind. 11 Doth not the ear try words? and the mouth taste his meat?
12 With the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days understanding. 13 With him is wisdom and strength, he hath counsel and understanding. 14 Behold, he breaketh down, and it cannot be built again: he shutteth up a man, and there can be no opening. 15 Behold, he withholdeth the waters, and they dry up: also he sendeth them out, and they overturn the earth. 16 With him is strength and wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are his. 17 He leadeth counsellors away spoiled, and maketh the judges fools. 18 He looseth the bond of kings, and girdeth their loins with a girdle. 19 He leadeth princes away spoiled, and overthroweth the mighty. 20 He removeth away the speech of the trusty, and taketh away the understanding of the aged. 21 He poureth contempt upon princes, and weakeneth the strength of the mighty. 22 He discovereth deep things out of darkness, and bringeth out to light the shadow of death. 23 He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them again . 24 He taketh away the heart of the chief of the people of the earth, and causeth them to wander in a wilderness where there is no way. 25 They grope in the dark without light, and he maketh them to stagger like a drunken man .
Ījabs: es esmu kļuvis par izsmieklu
1 Ījabs atbildēja, sacīdams:
2 “Patiešām, jūs esat ļaudis,
ar kuriem reizē gudrība nomirs!
3 Bet man ir prāts tāpat kā jums,
nemaz neesmu zemāks par jums!
Kas to nesaprot?
4 Apsmiekls savam tuvākam es –
saucu Dievu, un viņš atbild!
Apsmiekls es, taisnais un krietnais!
5 Tas nestundu nicina, kurš ir drošībā,
tā nolikta tiem, kam kāja misas!
6 Mierā stāv sirotāju teltis
un drošumā tie, kas dusmo Dievu,
kas Dievu tur rokā!
7 Bet patiesi,
vaicā zvēriem, tie mācīs tevi,
un putnam debesīs, un tas tev teiks,
8 vai saki zemei, tā mācīs tevi,
un stāstīs tev zivis jūrā –
9 no visiem šiem kurš gan nezinās,
ka Kunga roka viņu radījusi?
10 Jo ik dzīva dvaša rokā viņam
un viss gars, kas cilvēku miesās!
11 Vai tad auss nepārbauda vārdus,
tāpat kā mute izbauda garšu?
12 Vai veču vidū gudrība mīt
vai mūža ilgumā saprašana?
13 Pie viņa gudrība un varenība,
viņam gan padoms, gan saprašana!
14 Redzi, viņš sagāž – neviens neuzcels,
viņš ieslēdz – neviens neatdarīs!
15 Redzi, viņš ūdeņus aptur – tie izsīkst,
tos palaiž – tie ārda zemi.
16 Pie viņa spēks un gudra ziņa,
gan krāpējs, gan apkrāptais – abi viņa!
17 Padomniekus viņš vadā basus
un tiesnešus dara par muļķiem,
18 viņš ķēniņiem atņem varu
un apsien tiem virvi ap gurniem,
19 viņš priesterus vadā basus,
un dižciltīgos viņš gāž,
20 kam visi tic, tam viņš valodu atņem
un vecajos atstāj bez prāta,
21 izsmieklu izlej pār augstmaņiem
un stipriniekiem atsien jostu,
22 viņš dziļumus ceļ ārā no tumsas
un nāves ēnu izved gaismā,
23 viņš vairo tautas un izdeldē,
liek tautām plesties un izklīdina,
24 zemes valdniekiem atņem prātu,
tuksnesī vadā, kur ceļa nav,
25 tie taustās pa tumsu, un gaismas nav,
tos vadā kā apdzērušos.