1 Now the children of Israel, that dwelt in Judea, heard all that Holofernes the chief captain of Nabuchodonosor king of the Assyrians had done to the nations, and after what manner he had spoiled all their temples, and brought them to nought.
2 Therefore they were exceedingly afraid of him, and were troubled for Jerusalem, and for the temple of the Lord their God:
3 For they were newly returned from the captivity, and all the people of Judea were lately gathered together: and the vessels, and the altar, and the house, were sanctified after the profanation.
4 Therefore they sent into all the coasts of Samaria, and the villages and to Bethoron, and Belmen, and Jericho, and to Choba, and Esora, and to the valley of Salem:
5 And possessed themselves beforehand of all the tops of the high mountains, and fortified the villages that were in them, and laid up victuals for the provision of war: for their fields were of late reaped.
6 Also Joacim the high priest, which was in those days in Jerusalem, wrote to them that dwelt in Bethulia, and Betomestham, which is over against Esdraelon toward the open country, near to Dothaim,
7 Charging them to keep the passages of the hill country: for by them there was an entrance into Judea, and it was easy to stop them that would come up, because the passage was straight, for two men at the most.
8 And the children of Israel did as Joacim the high priest had commanded them, with the ancients of all the people of Israel, which dwelt at Jerusalem.
9 Then every man of Israel cried to God with great fervency, and with great vehemency did they humble their souls:
10 Both they, and their wives and their children, and their cattle, and every stranger and hireling, and their servants bought with money, put sackcloth upon their loins.
11 Thus every man and women, and the little children, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, fell before the temple, and cast ashes upon their heads, and spread out their sackcloth before the face of the Lord: also they put sackcloth about the altar,
12 And cried to the God of Israel all with one consent earnestly, that he would not give their children for a prey, and their wives for a spoil, and the cities of their inheritance to destruction, and the sanctuary to profanation and reproach, and for the nations to rejoice at.
13 So God heard their prayers, and looked upon their afflictions: for the people fasted many days in all Judea and Jerusalem before the sanctuary of the Lord Almighty.
14 And Joacim the high priest, and all the priests that stood before the Lord, and they which ministered unto the Lord, had their loins girt with sackcloth, and offered the daily burnt offerings, with the vows and free gifts of the people,
15 And had ashes on their mitres, and cried unto the Lord with all their power, that he would look upon all the house of Israel graciously.
1 Israēla dēliem, kas dzīvoja Jūdejā, nāca dzirdams viss, ko darīja asīriešu ķēniņa Nebūkadnecara virspavēlnieks Holoferns un kā iznīcināja visas svētvietas un visu nodeva iznīcībai, 2 un viņus pārņēma liels satraukums šausmās no viņa un bailēs par Jeruzālemi un par Kunga Dieva templi. 3 Jo pavisam nesen viņi bija atgriezušies no gūstniecības un nupat visa jūdu tauta bija pulcējusies un iesvētījusi visus savus traukus un altāri, un visu namu, kas bija apgānīts. 4 Viņi nosūtīja uz visiem Samarijas, Konas, Bēt-Horonas, Belmainas, Jērikas apgabaliem, uz Hobu un Aisoru un uz Šālēmas ieleju, 5 un nocietināja visas augsto kalnu virsotnes un apjoza sienas visiem ciemiem un noglabāja pārtikas krājumus, gatavojoties karam, jo nupat bija nopļauti viņu lauki. 6 Augstais priesteris Joakims, kas tajās dienās bija Jeruzālemē, uzrakstīja Betulijas un Betomestaimas iedzīvotājiem, kas ir iepretim Esdrelonai līdzenuma priekšpusē Dotanas tuvumā, 7 pavēlēdams apsargāt kalnienes pāreju, jo caur to ir ieeja Jūdejā; te bija izdevīgi apturēt ienaidnieku ienākšanu, jo pat diviem vīriem šeit bija par šauru iespraukties. 8 Un israēlieši izdarīja, kā viņiem lika augstais priesteris Joakims un visas Israēla tautas vecajo sapulce, 9 un visi Israēla vīri dedzīgi sauca uz Dievu pēc palīdzības un dziļi pazemoja savas dvēseles. 10 Viņi visi, viņu sievas un viņu bērni, viņu lopi un viņu piemājotāji, gan algādzis, gan viņu vergs, apvilka maisu saviem gurniem. 11 Un ikviens Israēla vīrs un sieva un bērni – visi, kas dzīvoja Jeruzālemē, – krita pie zemes templī un bēra pelnus uz galvas, un savus gurnu maisus izklāja Kunga priekšā, 12 un altāri pārklāja ar maisa drēbi, un vienā balsī izmisīgi sauca uz Israēla Dievu, lai izlaupīšanai netiktu atdoti viņu zīdaiņi un viņu sievas par laupījumu, un viņu mantotās pilsētas iznīcībai, un viņu svētumi apgānīšanai un citām tautām par apsmiešanu. 13 Un Kungs dzirdēja viņu balsis un uzlūkoja viņu postu, jo daudzas dienas tauta gavēja visā Jūdejā un Jeruzālemē Kunga, Visuvaldītāja, svētumu priekšā. 14 Augstais priesteris Joakims un visi priesteri, kas stāvēja Kunga priekšā, un Kunga kalpotāji, apjozuši savus gurnus maisiem, bez mitas dedzināja dedzināmo upuri un izteica svinīgus solījumus, un pienesa brīvprātīgās tautas dāvanas, 15 un uz viņu kidarām bija pelni, un viņi kliedza uz Kungu, no visa spēka lūgdami, lai viņš ar labvēlību uzlūko visu Israēla namu.