1 Now when Simon heard that Tryphon had gathered together a great host to invade the land of Judea, and destroy it,
2 And saw that the people was in great trembling and fear, he went up to Jerusalem, and gathered the people together,
3 And gave them exhortation, saying, Ye yourselves know what great things I, and my brethren, and my father’s house, have done for the laws and the sanctuary, the battles also and troubles which we have seen.
4 By reason whereof all my brethren are slain for Israel’s sake, and I am left alone.
5 Now therefore be it far from me, that I should spare mine own life in any time of trouble: for I am no better than my brethren.
6 Doubtless I will avenge my nation, and the sanctuary, and our wives, and our children: for all the heathen are gathered to destroy us of very malice.
7 Now as soon as the people heard these words, their spirit revived.
8 And they answered with a loud voice, saying, Thou shalt be our leader instead of Judas and Jonathan thy brother.
9 Fight thou our battles, and whatsoever, thou commandest us, that will we do.
10 So then he gathered together all the men of war, and made haste to finish the walls of Jerusalem, and he fortified it round about.
11 Also he sent Jonathan the son of Absolom, and with him a great power, to Joppa: who casting out them that were therein remained there in it.
12 So Tryphon removed from Ptolemaus with a great power to invade the land of Judea, and Jonathan was with him in ward.
13 But Simon pitched his tents at Adida, over against the plain.
14 Now when Tryphon knew that Simon was risen up instead of his brother Jonathan, and meant to join battle with him, he sent messengers unto him, saying,
15 Whereas we have Jonathan thy brother in hold, it is for money that he is owing unto the king’s treasure, concerning the business that was committed unto him.
16 Wherefore now send an hundred talents of silver, and two of his sons for hostages, that when he is at liberty he may not revolt from us, and we will let him go.
17 Hereupon Simon, albeit he perceived that they spake deceitfully unto him yet sent he the money and the children, lest peradventure he should procure to himself great hatred of the people:
18 Who might have said, Because I sent him not the money and the children, therefore is Jonathan dead.
19 So he sent them the children and the hundred talents: howbeit Tryphon dissembled neither would he let Jonathan go.
20 And after this came Tryphon to invade the land, and destroy it, going round about by the way that leadeth unto Adora: but Simon and his host marched against him in every place, wheresoever he went.
21 Now they that were in the tower sent messengers unto Tryphon, to the end that he should hasten his coming unto them by the wilderness, and send them victuals.
22 Wherefore Tryphon made ready all his horsemen to come that night: but there fell a very great snow, by reason whereof he came not. So he departed, and came into the country of Galaad.
23 And when he came near to Bascama he slew Jonathan, who was buried there.
24 Afterward Tryphon returned and went into his own land.
25 Then sent Simon, and took the bones of Jonathan his brother, and buried them in Modin, the city of his fathers.
26 And all Israel made great lamentation for him, and bewailed him many days.
27 Simon also built a monument upon the sepulchre of his father and his brethren, and raised it aloft to the sight, with hewn stone behind and before.
28 Moreover he set up seven pyramids, one against another, for his father, and his mother, and his four brethren.
29 And in these he made cunning devices, about the which he set great pillars, and upon the pillars he made all their armour for a perpetual memory, and by the armour ships carved, that they might be seen of all that sail on the sea.
30 This is the sepulchre which he made at Modin, and it standeth yet unto this day.
31 Now Tryphon dealt deceitfully with the young king Antiochus, and slew him.
32 And he reigned in his stead, and crowned himself king of Asia, and brought a great calamity upon the land.
33 Then Simon built up the strong holds in Judea, and fenced them about with high towers, and great walls, and gates, and bars, and laid up victuals therein.
34 Moreover Simon chose men, and sent to king Demetrius, to the end he should give the land an immunity, because all that Tryphon did was to spoil.
35 Unto whom king Demetrius answered and wrote after this manner:
36 King Demetrius unto Simon the high priest, and friend of kings, as also unto the elders and nation of the Jews, sendeth greeting:
37 The golden crown, and the scarlet robe, which ye sent unto us, we have received: and we are ready to make a stedfast peace with you, yea, and to write unto our officers, to confirm the immunities which we have granted.
38 And whatsoever covenants we have made with you shall stand; and the strong holds, which ye have builded, shall be your own.
39 As for any oversight or fault committed unto this day, we forgive it, and the crown tax also, which ye owe us: and if there were any other tribute paid in Jerusalem, it shall no more be paid.
40 And look who are meet among you to be in our court, let then be enrolled, and let there be peace betwixt us.
41 Thus the yoke of the heathen was taken away from Israel in the hundred and seventieth year.
42 Then the people of Israel began to write in their instruments and contracts, In the first year of Simon the high priest, the governor and leader of the Jews.
43 In those days Simon camped against Gaza and besieged it round about; he made also an engine of war, and set it by the city, and battered a certain tower, and took it.
44 And they that were in the engine leaped into the city; whereupon there was a great uproar in the city:
45 Insomuch as the people of the city rent their clothes, and climbed upon the walls with their wives and children, and cried with a loud voice, beseeching Simon to grant them peace.
46 And they said, Deal not with us according to our wickedness, but according to thy mercy.
47 So Simon was appeased toward them, and fought no more against them, but put them out of the city, and cleansed the houses wherein the idols were, and so entered into it with songs and thanksgiving.
48 Yea, he put all uncleanness out of it, and placed such men there as would keep the law, and made it stronger than it was before, and built therein a dwellingplace for himself.
49 They also of the tower in Jerusalem were kept so strait, that they could neither come forth, nor go into the country, nor buy, nor sell: wherefore they were in great distress for want of victuals, and a great number of them perished through famine.
50 Then cried they to Simon, beseeching him to be at one with them: which thing he granted them; and when he had put them out from thence, he cleansed the tower from pollutions:
51 And entered into it the three and twentieth day of the second month in the hundred seventy and first year, with thanksgiving, and branches of palm trees, and with harps, and cymbals, and with viols, and hymns, and songs: because there was destroyed a great enemy out of Israel.
52 He ordained also that that day should be kept every year with gladness. Moreover the hill of the temple that was by the tower he made stronger than it was, and there he dwelt himself with his company.
53 And when Simon saw that John his son was a valiant man, he made him captain of all the hosts; and he dwelt in Gazera.
Simons kļūst par vadītāju; Jonatāna nāve
1 Simons uzzināja, ka Trifons ir sapulcinājis lielu karaspēku, lai dotos uz Jūdejas zemi un to izkautu. 2 Viņš, redzēdams, ka jūdu tauta baiļojas un trīc, nāca uz Jeruzālemi un sapulcināja tautu, 3 iedrošināja tos un sacīja tiem: “Jūs jau paši zināt, ko es, mani brāļi un mana tēva nams esam darījuši bauslības un svētnīcas labā, tāpat arī karus un ciešanas, ko esam pieredzējuši. 4 Tādēļ arī visi mani brāļi ir gājuši bojā par Israēlu, un es vienīgais esmu atlicis. 5 Un tagad ciešanu brīdī lai es saudzētu savu dzīvību? Tas nenotiks! Es taču neesmu labāks par saviem brāļiem. 6 Vēl vairāk, es atriebšu par savu tautu, par svētnīcu, par mūsu sievām un bērniem, jo visi cittautieši sapulcējušies, lai naidā izkautu mūsu tautu.” 7 Tiklīdz ļaudis dzirdēja šos vārdus, viņu sirdis iedegās, 8 un tie skaļā balsī sauca: “Esi tu mūsu vadonis Jūdas un Jonatāna, sava brāļa, vietā! 9 Karo šo mūsu karu, un mēs klausīsim visu, ko vien mums teiksi.” 10 Tad Simons sapulcināja visus vīrus, kas spējīgi karam, un steidza pabeigt Jeruzālemes sienas un pilsētu visapkārt nostiprināt. 11 Tad viņš nosūtīja Jonatānu, Abšāloma dēlu, ar lielu karaspēku uz Jafu, lai viņš izdzītu tos, kas tur nocietinājušies, un tur paliktu.
12 Bet Trifons ar lielu karaspēku devās no Ptolemaīdas uz Jūdeju un līdzi ņēma Jonatānu, ķēdēm saistītu. 13 Simons izvietoja savu karaspēku Adidā, pašā līdzenuma priekšā. 14 Kad Trifons saprata, ka Simons ir stājies Jonatāna, sava brāļa, vietā un ka tūdaļ sāksies kauja ar viņu, viņš sūtīja pie viņa vecajos, sacīdams: 15 “Mēs esam aizturējuši Jonatānu tā sudraba dēļ, ko viņš bija parādā ķēniņam par tiem amatiem, kas viņam tika dāvāti, 16 tādēļ tagad atsūti mums simt talantus sudraba un ķīlā divus viņa dēlus, lai viņš, brīvībā atlaists, neatkristu no mums, tad mēs viņu atlaidīsim.” 17 Simons gan saprata, ka viņš runā viltu, taču nosūtīja ļaudis pēc sudraba un bērniem, lai ļaužu dusmas nekristu uz viņu, 18 kad tie sacītu: “Tādēļ ka viņš nenosūtīja Trifonam sudrabu un bērnus, Jonatāns gāja bojā.” 19 Tādēļ viņš nosūtīja bērnus un simt talantus, taču tie viņu piekrāpa un neatlaida Jonatānu. 20 Pēc tam Trifons iegāja zemē, lai to izkautu, un pa apkārtceļu gāja uz Adaru, bet Simons ar savu karaspēku sekoja tiem pa visu zemi, kur vien viņi devās. 21 Tad tie, kas bija klints cietoksnī, sūtīja pie Trifona pārstāvjus ar ziņu, lai tas steigšus cauri tuksnesim dotos pie viņiem un atgādātu tiem pārtiku. 22 Trifons sagatavoja visus savus jātniekus, lai tie dotos ceļā, bet tajā naktī uzkrita dziļš sniegs, un viņi nevarēja doties sniega dēļ; tad viņš devās uz Gileādu. 23 Kad viņš pietuvojās Baskanai, viņš nogalināja Jonatānu un turpat to arī apglabāja. 24 Pēc tam Trifons griezās atpakaļ un devās uz savu zemi.
25 Tad Simons sūtīja savus ļaudis, lai tie paņemtu Jonatāna, sava brāļa, kaulus, un apglabāja tos Modeīnā, viņa tēvu pilsētā. 26 Un viss Israēls sēroja par viņu dziļās sērās un vaimanāja par viņu daudzas dienas. 27 Simons uzcēla pār savu tēvu un brāļu kapu augstu pieminekli, lai to labi varētu redzēt, tam priekšpuse un mugurpuse bija no gludi slīpētiem akmeņiem. 28 Viņš izvietoja arī septiņas piramīdas, pa vienai pretī sava tēva, savas mātes un savu četru brāļu kapiem. 29 Viņš izveidoja uz tām smalkus darinājumus, uzslēja visapkārt varenas kolonnas, pie kurām viņš piekāra bruņas un ieročus par mūžīgu piemiņu. Šī izgreznojuma priekšā viņš novietoja grieztus kuģus – tā, lai tos varētu redzēt visi, kas kuģo garām pa jūru. 30 Šis kapu piemineklis, ko viņš uzcēla Modeīnā, tur atrodas līdz pat šai dienai.
Simons panāk Jūdejas neatkarību
31 Bet Trifons viltīgi izrīkojās ar jauno ķēniņu Antiohu – viņš to nogalināja 32 un sāka valdīt viņa vietā kā ķēniņš. Viņš uzlika galvā Āzijas ķēniņa kroni un radīja visā zemē lielas mokas. 33 Pa to laiku Simons uzbūvēja Jūdejā cietokšņus ar augstiem torņiem un varenām sienām, ar stipriem vārtiem un aizšaujamiem un novietoja cietokšņos pārtikas krājumus. 34 Tad Simons nosūtīja īpaši izraudzītus vīrus pie ķēniņa Dēmētrija, lai lūgtu pēc atvieglojuma zemei, jo Trifons visos savos darbos rīkojās kā laupītājs. 35 Un ķēniņš Dēmētrijs viņam atbildēja ar šādu vēstuli:
36 “Ķēniņš Dēmētrijs sveicina augsto priesteri un ķēniņa draugu Simonu, vecajos un visu jūdu tautu. 37 Mēs esam saņēmuši to zelta kroni un palmas zaru, ko jūs sūtījāt, un esam gatavi ar jums noslēgt mieru un rakstīt vēstules nodevu vācējiem, lai atlaiž jums noliktos nodokļus. 38 Tāpat arī viss, ko esam jums par labu noteikuši, tas jums lai paliek, arī tie cietokšņi, ko esat uzbūvējuši, lai paliek jūsu ziņā. 39 Piedodam jums arī nejaušus nodarījumus un pārkāpumus līdz pat šai dienai, arī kroņa maksu, ko esat parādā, un, ja vēl kas cits bija apliekams ar nodevām Jeruzālemē, lai turpmāk vairs nav. 40 Un ja vēl pie jums ir kādi citi, kas būtu piemēroti pierakstīties pie tiem, kas ar mums, lai pierakstās, un starp mums būs miers.”
41 Tā simt septiņdesmitajā gadā tika noņemts tautu jūgs pār Israēlu. 42 Tādēļ israēlieši savos rakstos un līgumos rakstīja: “Simona, varenā, augstā priestera, jūdu karavadoņa un valdītāja pirmajā gadā…”
43 Tanīs dienās Simons novietoja savu karaspēku pie Gezeras un to aplenca, viņš uzcēla mūru graujamo ierīci, pievirzīja to pie pilsētas mūra, vienu torni sagrāva un to ieņēma. 44 Tad karavīri no mūru graujamās ierīces ielēca pilsētā, un tur izcēlās liels satraukums. 45 Pilsētas iedzīvotāji kopā ar savām sievām un bērniem uzkāpa augšā uz pilsētas mūriem, pārplēsa savas drēbes un, skaļā balsī saukdami, lūdza Simonu slēgt ar viņiem mieru: 46 “Nedari mums pēc mūsu nešķīstības, bet pēc savas apžēlošanās.” 47 Tad Simons iežēlojās par viņiem un tos neapkāva. Viņš tos izdzina ārā no pilsētas, šķīstīja mājas, kurās bija elki, un tad iegāja pilsētā ar dziesmām un Dieva slavēšanu. 48 Viņš izmeta ārā no tās visas nešķīstības, nometināja tajā vīrus, kas pildīja likumu, nocietināja to un iekārtoja tur sev mājvietu.
49 Bet tiem, kas bija klints cietoksnī, liedza brīvi pārvietoties un iepirkties, tādēļ tos mocīja liels bads un daudzi no viņiem gāja bojā aiz bada. 50 Tad tie sauca uz Simonu, lai viņš tiem sniegtu roku mieram, un viņš sniedza. Pēc tam viņš tos no turienes izdzina un šķīstīja klints cietoksni no visām negantībām. 51 Un simt septiņdesmit pirmā gada otrā mēneša divdesmit trešajā dienā jūdi devās augšup uz klints cietoksni, Dievu slavēdami, greznojušies ar palmu zariem, kokles, cimboles un cītaras spēlēdami, psalmodami un dziedādami, jo lielais Israēla ienaidnieks bija satriekts. 52 Simons noteica, ka šī diena ar gavilēm jāsvin katru gadu, viņš arī nocietināja tempļa kalnu gar klints cietoksni un dzīvoja tur pats un viņa ļaudis. 53 Un Simons redzēja, ka viņa dēls Jānis ir pieaudzis, un iecēla viņu par visa karaspēka vadītāju un apmetās uz dzīvi Gezerā.