1 This is the message that the Lord gave to Zephaniah during the time that Josiah son of Amon was king of Judah. (Zephaniah was descended from King Hezekiah through Amariah, Gedaliah, and Cushi.)
The Day of the Lord's Judgment
2 The Lord said, “I am going to destroy everything on earth, 3 all human beings and animals, birds and fish. I will bring about the downfall of the wicked. I will destroy everyone, and no survivors will be left. I, the Lord, have spoken.
4 “I will punish the people of Jerusalem and of all Judah. I will destroy the last trace of the worship of Baal there, and no one will even remember the pagan priests who serve him. 5 I will destroy anyone who goes up on the roof and worships the sun, the moon, and the stars. I will also destroy those who worship me and swear loyalty to me, but then take oaths in the name of the god Molech. 6 I will destroy those who have turned back and no longer follow me, those who do not come to me or ask me to guide them.”
7 The day is near when the Lord will sit in judgment; so be silent in his presence. The Lord is preparing to sacrifice his people and has invited enemies to plunder Judah. 8 “On that day of slaughter,” says the Lord, “I will punish the officials, the king's sons, and all who practice foreign customs. 9 I will punish all who worship like pagans and who steal and kill in order to fill their master's house with loot.
10 “On that day,” says the Lord, “you will hear the sound of crying at the Fish Gate in Jerusalem. You will hear wailing in the newer part of the city and a great crashing sound in the hills. 11 Wail and cry when you hear this, you that live in the lower part of the city, because all the merchants will be dead!
12 “At that time I will take a lamp and search Jerusalem. I will punish the people who are self-satisfied and confident, who say to themselves, ‘The Lord never does anything, one way or the other.’ 13 Their wealth will be looted and their houses destroyed. They will never live in the houses they are building or drink wine from the vineyards they are planting.”
14 The great day of the Lord is near—very near and coming fast! That day will be bitter, for even the bravest soldiers will cry out in despair! 15 It will be a day of fury, a day of trouble and distress, a day of ruin and destruction, a day of darkness and gloom, a black and cloudy day, 16 a day filled with the sound of war trumpets and the battle cry of soldiers attacking fortified cities and high towers.
17 The Lord says, “I will bring such disasters on the human race that everyone will grope about like someone blind. They have sinned against me, and now their blood will be poured out like water, and their dead bodies will lie rotting on the ground.”
18 On the day when the Lord shows his fury, not even all their silver and gold will save them. The whole earth will be destroyed by the fire of his anger. He will put an end—a sudden end—to everyone who lives on earth.
1 Kunga vārdi, kas bija Cefanjam, Kūša dēlam, Gedaljāhu dēlam, Amarjas dēlam, Hizkijas dēlam, Jūdas ķēniņa Jošijāhu, Āmona dēla, dienās.
Jūda tiks sodīta elkdievības dēļ
2 “Nīdēt es visu iznīdēšu no zemes virsas!”
saka Kungs.
3 “Es iznīcināšu cilvēkus un lopus,
es iznīcināšu debesu putnus un jūras zivis
un likšu klupt ļaundariem –
es iznīdēšu cilvēku no zemes virsas!”
saka Kungs.
4 “Es izstiepšu savu roku pār Jūdu
un pār Jeruzālemes iemītniekiem,
es iznīdēšu tur to, kas no baāliem atlicis,
gan zintnieku vārdus, gan priesterus!
5 Arī tos, kas uz jumtiem zemojas debesu pulkiem,
un tos, kas zemojas, zvērēdami Kungam un pie Malkoma!
6 Arī tos, kas no Kunga novērsušies,
un tos, kas nemeklē Kungu, netiecas pie viņa!”
7 Klusējiet, neko nesakiet Kungam Dievam,
jo tuvu ir Kunga diena,
jo Kungs jau sataisījis upuri,
jau svētījis aicinātos!
8 “Tā būs Kunga upura dienā –
es piemeklēšu augstmaņus un ķēniņa dēlus,
un visus, kas tērpjas svešzemju drēbēs!
9 Todien es piemeklēšu visus, kas lec pār slieksni,
kas savu kungu namos vairo varasdarbus un viltu!

10 Tā būs todien, saka Kungs,
atskanēs brēciens no Zivju vārtiem,
kaukšana no pilsētas otras puses
un skaļi krakšķi no pauguriem!
11 Kauciet, Mahtešas iemītnieki,
jo visi tirgus ļaudis ir iznīcināti,
iznīdēti visi sudraba svērēji!
12 Tā būs todien –
es pārmeklēšu Jeruzālemi ar lāpām,
tad piemeklēšu visus tos,
kas kā vīna nogulas sabiezējuši,
kas saka sev sirdī:
Kungs mums nedarīs ne laba, ne ļauna!
13 Tad viņu mantu izlaupīs,
namus tiem nopostīs, tie nedzīvos tur;
kaut vīnadārzus tie stādīja, vīnu tie nedzers!”
Kunga lielā diena
(Am 5:18–20)
14 Tuvu ir Kunga lielā diena,
jau tuvu, jau ātri steidz,
Kunga dienai ir rūgta balss –
tad pat varonis brēks!
15 Tā diena ir niknuma diena,
nelaimes un spaidu diena,
postīšanas un posta diena,
tumsas un krēslas diena,
mākoņu un miglas diena!
16 Raga pūšanas un klaigu diena –
pār nocietinātām pilsētām
un augstiem torņiem!
17 Es izbiedēšu ļaudis,
un tie staigās kā akli,
jo pret Kungu grēkojuši, –
viņu asinis izlies,
tās būs kā pīšļi un viņu iekšas kā mēsli!
18 Pat viņu sudrabs un zelts
nevarēs viņus glābt Kunga niknuma dienā –
viņa dedzības uguns aprīs visu zemi,
jo viņš jau steidz darīt,
piebeigt visus, kas mīt uz zemes!