The Vision of the Four Chariots
1 I had another vision. This time I saw four chariots coming out from between two bronze mountains. 2 The first chariot was pulled by red horses, the second by black horses, 3 the third by white horses, and the fourth by dappled horses. 4 Then I asked the angel, “Sir, what do these chariots mean?”
5 He answered, “These are the four winds; they have just come from the presence of the Lord of all the earth.”
6 The chariot pulled by the black horses was going north to Babylonia, the white horses were going to the west, and the dappled horses were going to the country in the south. 7 As the dappled horses came out, they were impatient to go and inspect the earth. The angel said, “Go and inspect the earth!”—and they did. 8 Then the angel cried out to me, “The horses that went north to Babylonia have quieted the Lord's anger.”
The Command to Crown Joshua
9 The Lord gave me this message. 10 He said, “Take the gifts given by the exiles Heldai, Tobijah, and Jedaiah, and go at once to the home of Josiah son of Zephaniah. All of them have returned from exile in Babylonia. 11 Make a crown out of the silver and gold they have given, and put it on the head of the High Priest, Joshua son of Jehozadak. 12 Tell him that the Lord Almighty says, ‘The man who is called The Branch will flourish where he is and rebuild the Lord's Temple. 13 He is the one who will build it and receive the honor due a king, and he will rule his people. A priest will stand by his throne, and they will work together in peace and harmony.’ 14 The crown will be a memorial in the Lord's Temple in honor of Heldai, Tobijah, Jedaiah, and Josiah.”
15 Men who live far away will come and help to rebuild the Temple of the Lord. And when it is rebuilt, you will know that the Lord Almighty sent me to you. This will all happen if you fully obey the commands of the Lord your God.
Astotais redzējums: četri rati
1 Tad es atkal pacēlu savas acis, skatījos, un redzi – starp diviem kalniem brauca četri rati, bet kalni bija no vara! 2 Vieniem ratiem bija sarkani zirgi, otriem ratiem bija melni zirgi, 3 trešajiem ratiem bija balti zirgi, bet ceturtajiem ratiem bija stipri un dābolaini zirgi. 4 Tad es jautāju eņģelim, kas ar mani bija runājis: mans Kungs, kas tie tādi? 5 Eņģelis atbildēja: tie ir četri debesu vēji, kas iziet uz visām pusēm pēc tam, kad stāvējuši blakus visas zemes Kungam. 6 Tie, kuriem priekšā melni zirgi, dodas uz ziemeļu zemi, baltie dodas tiem pakaļ, bet dābolainie dodas uz dienvidu zemi. 7 Spēkā tie traucas, tie dīžājas apskraidīt zemi. Un viņš teica: trauciet apskriet zemi! – Un tie skrēja ap zemi. 8 Tad viņš man uzsauca: redzi, kas skrej uz ziemeļu zemi! Tie remdinās manu garu ziemeļu zemē!”
Simboliskā Jozuas kronēšana
9 Tad pār mani nāca Kunga vārds: 10 “Ņem no trimdiniekiem, no Heldaja, Tobījas un Jedajas, tajā pašā dienā ej uz Jošijas, Cefanjas dēla, namu, kas pārnācis no Bābeles, 11 ņem no tiem zeltu, sudrabu, taisi no tā vainagu un liec to galvā augstajam priesterim Jozuam, Jehocādāka dēlam. 12 Saki viņam: tā saka Pulku Kungs:
redzi – vīrs, vārdā Atvase,
viņa laikā viss zels,
viņš uzcels Kunga templi!
13 Viņš uzcels Kunga templi,
viņam būs jānes gods,
viņš sēdēs un valdīs savā tronī,
viņš būs priesteris savā tronī,
un abu starpā valdīs miers.
14 Bet vainags paliks Heldajam, Tobījam, Jedajam un Hēnam , Cefanjas dēlam, – par piemiņu Kunga templī. 15 Bet tie, kas mīt tālumā, nāks un palīdzēs celt Kunga templi, tad jūs zināsiet, ka mani pie jums sūtījis Pulku Kungs, – tā būs, ja jūs paklausīsiet Kungam, savam Dievam.”