1 Asleep on my bed, night after night
I dreamed of the one I love;
I was looking for him, but couldn't find him.
2 I went wandering through the city,
through its streets and alleys.
I looked for the one I love.
I looked, but couldn't find him.
3 The sentries patrolling the city saw me.
I asked them, “Have you found my lover?”
4 As soon as I left them, I found him.
I held him and wouldn't let him go
until I took him to my mother's house,
to the room where I was born.
5 Promise me, women of Jerusalem;
swear by the swift deer and the gazelles
that you will not interrupt our love.
The Third Song
The Woman
6 What is this coming from the desert like a column of smoke,
fragrant with incense and myrrh,
the incense sold by the traders?
7 Solomon is coming, carried on his throne;
sixty soldiers form the bodyguard,
the finest soldiers in Israel.
8 All of them are skillful with the sword;
they are battle-hardened veterans.
Each of them is armed with a sword,
on guard against a night attack.
9 King Solomon is carried on a throne
made of the finest wood.
10 Its posts are covered with silver;
over it is cloth embroidered with gold.
Its cushions are covered with purple cloth,
lovingly woven by the women of Jerusalem.
11 Women of Zion, come and see King Solomon.
He is wearing the crown that his mother placed on his head
on his wedding day,
on the day of his gladness and joy.
1 Savā guļvietā pa nakti
es meklēju to,
kuru mana dvēsele mīl,
es meklēju viņu
un neatradu.
2 Nu celšos un apstaigāšu
pilsētas ielas un laukumus,
es meklēšu to,
kuru mana dvēsele mīl.
Es meklēju viņu
un neatradu.
3 Mani sastapa sargi,
pa pilsētu apgaitā ejot:
vai to, kuru mana dvēsele mīl,
jūs nemanījāt?
4 Bet, tiklīdz no viņiem es atgāju nost,
tūdaļ sastapu to,
kuru mana dvēsele mīl,
es satvēru viņu
un nelaidu vaļā,
kamēr to neievedu
savas mātes namā,
savas dzemdētājas istabā.”
5 “Es jūs nozvērinu,
Jeruzālemes meitas,
pie gazelēm un lauka briežiem –
nemodiniet, neatmodiniet mīlestību,
pirms tai labpatīk pašai!”
6 “Kas tur no tuksneša
ceļas kā dūmu vāls,
kūp kā mirres un vīraks
un kā visas smaržu tirgoņa kvēpalas?
7 Redzi, Sālamana nestuves –
tām apkārt sešdesmit stipro
no Israēla stiprajiem.
8 Visi apjozti zobeniem,
kaujās ievingrināti,
katram zobens pie gurna
pret nakts bailēm.
9 Sev krēslu darinājis
valdnieks Sālamans
no Lebanona kokiem –
10 tam sudraba balsti,
zelta atzveltne,
purpura sēdeklis
un iekšpuse izgreznota
ar Jeruzālemes meitu mīlestību.
11 Nāciet laukā un lūkojieties,
Ciānas meitas,
uz valdnieku Sālamanu –
galvā tam kronis,
ar kuru māte to kronējusi
viņa kāzu dienā,
viņa sirdsprieka dienā.”