1 The angel also showed me the river of the water of life, sparkling like crystal, and coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 and flowing down the middle of the city's street. On each side of the river was the tree of life, which bears fruit twelve times a year, once each month; and its leaves are for the healing of the nations. 3 Nothing that is under God's curse will be found in the city.
The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will worship him. 4 They will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads. 5 There shall be no more night, and they will not need lamps or sunlight, because the Lord God will be their light, and they will rule as kings forever and ever.
The Coming of Jesus
6 Then the angel said to me, “These words are true and can be trusted. And the Lord God, who gives his Spirit to the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must happen very soon.”
7 “Listen!” says Jesus. “I am coming soon! Happy are those who obey the prophetic words in this book!”
8 I, John, have heard and seen all these things. And when I finished hearing and seeing them, I fell down at the feet of the angel who had shown me these things, and I was about to worship him. 9 But he said to me, “Don't do it! I am a servant together with you and with your brothers the prophets and of all those who obey the words in this book. Worship God!” 10 And he said to me, “Do not keep the prophetic words of this book a secret, because the time is near when all this will happen. 11 Whoever is evil must go on doing evil, and whoever is filthy must go on being filthy; whoever is good must go on doing good, and whoever is holy must go on being holy.”
12 “Listen!” says Jesus. “I am coming soon! I will bring my rewards with me, to give to each one according to what he has done. 13 I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”
14 Happy are those who wash their robes clean and so have the right to eat the fruit from the tree of life and to go through the gates into the city. 15 But outside the city are the perverts and those who practice magic, the immoral and the murderers, those who worship idols and those who are liars both in words and deeds.
16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to announce these things to you in the churches. I am descended from the family of David; I am the bright morning star.”
17 The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!”
Everyone who hears this must also say, “Come!”
Come, whoever is thirsty; accept the water of life as a gift, whoever wants it.
18 I, John, solemnly warn everyone who hears the prophetic words of this book: if any add anything to them, God will add to their punishment the plagues described in this book. 19 And if any take anything away from the prophetic words of this book, God will take away from them their share of the fruit of the tree of life and of the Holy City, which are described in this book.
20 He who gives his testimony to all this says, “Yes indeed! I am coming soon!”
So be it. Come, Lord Jesus!
21 May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with everyone.
Dzīvības upe
1 Tad eņģelis man parādīja dzīvā ūdens upi, dzidru kā kristāls, tā izplūda no Dieva un Jēra troņa 2 pa ielas vidu. Upes abās pusēs bija dzīvības koks, kas nes divpadsmit augļus, katru mēnesi savu augli; un tā lapas ir noderīgas tautām dziedināšanai. 3 Nekāda nolādējuma vairs nebūs. Tajā būs Dieva un Jēra tronis, un viņa kalpi viņam kalpos, 4 viņi skatīs viņa vaigu, un viņa vārds būs uz viņu pierēm. 5 Un nakts vairs nebūs, un nebūs vajadzības nedz pēc gaismekļa, nedz saules gaismas, jo Kungs Dievs apspīdēs viņus, un viņi valdīs mūžu mūžos.
Kristus nāk
6 Tad eņģelis man sacīja: “Šie ir uzticami un patiesi vārdi, un Kungs, praviešu garu Dievs, atsūtīja savu eņģeli parādīt saviem kalpiem visu, kam drīzumā jānotiek. 7 Un, redzi, es nāku drīz. Laimīgs ir tas, kas ievēro šīs grāmatas pravietojuma vārdus.” 8 Es, Jānis, esmu tas, kas dzird un redz šīs lietas. Kad es dzirdēju un redzēju šīs lietas, es nokritu pie kājām eņģelim, kas man to bija rādījis, lai viņu pielūgtu. 9 Bet eņģelis man saka: “Pielūko, tā nedari – es esmu tāds pats kalps kā tu un kā tavi brāļi pravieši un tie, kas ievēro šīs grāmatas vārdus, – pielūdz Dievu!” 10 Un eņģelis man saka: “Neaizzīmogo šīs grāmatas pravietojuma vārdus, jo laiks jau ir tuvu. 11 Lai netaisnais vēl dara netaisnību, lai nešķīstais vēl dara nešķīstības, bet taisnais lai pastāv taisnībā, un svētais lai pieaug svētumā.” 12 “Redzi, es nāku drīz un mana alga – līdz ar mani, lai katram samaksātu pēc viņa darbiem. 13 Es esmu Alfa un Omega, Pirmais un Pēdējais, Sākums un Gals. 14 Laimīgi tie, kas mazgā savus tērpus, lai viņiem būtu tiesības uz dzīvības koku un ļauts pa vārtiem ieiet tajā pilsētā. 15 Ārpus pilsētas paliks suņi, burvji un netikļi, slepkavas un elku pielūdzēji un ikviens, kas mīl melus un ir melīgs.
16 Es, Jēzus, sūtīju savu eņģeli liecināt jums draudzēs par visu šo. Es esmu Dāvida sakne un dzimums, spožā Rīta Zvaigzne.”
17 Gars un līgava saka: “Nāc!”
Un, kas to dzird, lai saka: “Nāc!”
Kam slāpst, lai nāk!
Lai ņem dzīvo ūdeni bez maksas katrs, kas grib!
18 Es apliecinu ikvienam, kas dzird šīs grāmatas pravietojuma vārdus: ja kāds tiem kaut ko pieliks, tam Dievs pieliks sērgas, par kurām rakstīts šajā grāmatā. 19 Un, ja kāds kaut ko atņems no šīs grāmatas pravietojuma vārdiem, Dievs atņems viņa daļu no dzīvības koka un svētās pilsētas, par ko rakstīts šajā grāmatā.
20 Tas, kas sniedz šīs liecības, saka: “Jā, es nāku drīz!” – “Āmen, nāc, Kungs Jēzu!”
21 Kunga Jēzus žēlastība lai ir ar visiem!