God the King
1 The Lord is king.
He is clothed with majesty and strength.
The earth is set firmly in place
and cannot be moved.
2 Your throne, O Lord, has been firm from the beginning,
and you existed before time began.

3 The ocean depths raise their voice, O Lord;
they raise their voice and roar.
4 The Lord rules supreme in heaven,
greater than the roar of the ocean,
more powerful than the waves of the sea.

5 Your laws are eternal, Lord,
and your Temple is holy indeed,
forever and ever.
Dievs ir ķēniņš
1 Kungs valda, dižumā tērpies,
tērpies Kungs spēkā un apjozies –
nolicis pasauli, ka tā neļogās!
2 Nolikts tavs tronis kopš viņiem laikiem –
kopš mūžības – tu!

3 Pacēla straumes, Kungs,
pacēla straumes savu balsi,
pacēla straumes savu dunu!
4 Par lielu ūdeņu dižajām balsīm,
par jūras bangām dižāks augstumos Kungs!

5 Tavas liecības patiesi uzticamas,
svētums piedien tavam namam, Kungs,
uz mūžiem!