A Prayer for Protection
1 With our own ears we have heard it, O God—
our ancestors have told us about it,
about the great things you did in their time,
in the days of long ago:
2 how you yourself drove out the heathen
and established your people in their land;
how you punished the other nations
and caused your own to prosper.
3 Your people did not conquer the land with their swords;
they did not win it by their own power;
it was by your power and your strength,
by the assurance of your presence,
which showed that you loved them.
4 You are my king and my God;
you give victory to your people,
5 and by your power we defeat our enemies.
6 I do not trust in my bow
or in my sword to save me;
7 but you have saved us from our enemies
and defeated those who hate us.
8 We will always praise you
and give thanks to you forever.
9 But now you have rejected us and let us be defeated;
you no longer march out with our armies.
10 You made us run from our enemies,
and they took for themselves what was ours.
11 You allowed us to be slaughtered like sheep;
you scattered us in foreign countries.
12 You sold your own people for a small price
as though they had little value.
13 Our neighbors see what you did to us,
and they mock us and laugh at us.
14 You have made us a joke among the nations;
they shake their heads at us in scorn.
15 I am always in disgrace;
I am covered with shame
16 from hearing the sneers and insults
of my enemies and those who hate me.
17 All this has happened to us,
even though we have not forgotten you
or broken the covenant you made with us.
18 We have not been disloyal to you;
we have not disobeyed your commands.
19 Yet you left us helpless among wild animals;
you abandoned us in deepest darkness.
20 If we had stopped worshiping our God
and prayed to a foreign god,
21 you would surely have discovered it,
because you know our secret thoughts.
22 But it is on your account that we are being killed all the time,
that we are treated like sheep to be slaughtered.
23 Wake up, Lord! Why are you asleep?
Rouse yourself! Don't reject us forever!
24 Why are you hiding from us?
Don't forget our suffering and trouble!
25 We fall crushed to the ground;
we lie defeated in the dust.
26 Come to our aid!
Because of your constant love save us!
Tautas raudu dziesma
1 Korvedim. Koraha dēlu dziesma pamācībai.
2 Dievs, mēs esam dzirdējuši, ko stāstīja mūsu tēvi,
ko tu esi darījis viņu laikā, senajās dienās.
3 Ar paša roku tu izrāvi tautas, bet viņus tu iedēstīji,
tu satrieci ciltis, bet viņiem tu ļāvi zelt.
4 Ne ar saviem zobeniem tie guva zemi,
nedz viņu elkonis tos glāba,
bet tava labā roka un tavs elkonis,
un tava vaiga gaisma, jo tu viņus mīlēji.
5 Dievs, tu esi mans valdnieks,
tu sūti glābiņu Jēkabam!
6 Ar tevi naidniekus nobadām,
ar tavu vārdu samīdām uzbrucējus.
7 Nedz savam lokam es uzticos,
nedz mans zobens glābs mani,
8 bet tu glāb mūs no naidniekiem
un tos, kas mūs nīst, liec kaunā.
9 Ar Dievu lielāmies augu dienu
un tavam vārdam arvien pateicamies!
10 Bet tu mūs atmeti un pazemoji
un negāji līdzi mūsu pulkiem,
11 tu liki mums bēgt no naidnieka –
tie, kas mūs nīst, sagrābās laupījuma!
12 Kā avis tu mūs ļāvi aprīt
un starp tautām mūs izkaisīji,
13 tu pārdevi savus ļaudis par neko
un, tā darīdams, peļņu neguvi,
14 tu mūs padarīji par apsmieklu kaimiņiem,
par nievātiem un nicinātiem visiem apkārtējiem,
15 tu mūs liki tautu valodās,
un ciltis par mums tik nogroza galvu!
16 Mans negods arvien manā priekšā,
un kauns klāj manu vaigu,
17 kad atskan ņirgu un smējēju balsis,
kad ieraugu naidnieku un atriebēju!
18 Tas viss nāk pār mums, kaut neaizmirstam tevi
un pret tavu derību neturam viltu!
19 Mūsu sirdis nav novērsušās,
nedz mūsu soļi no tava ceļa,
20 ka tu mūs satriec šakāļu laukā
un apklāj ar nāves ēnu.
21 Ja mēs būtu aizmirsuši sava Dieva vārdu
un stiepuši rokas pret svešu dievu,
22 vai gan Dievs to neatklātu?
Viņš taču zina sirds noslēpumus!
23 Tevis dēļ mūs galē bez mitas
un kā avis kaušanai lemj –
24 mosties taču, kādēļ tu guli, Kungs?
Mosties, neatmet mūs uz mūžu!
25 Kādēļ savu vaigu tu slēp
un aizmirsti mūsu postu un mokas?
26 Noliekta pīšļos mūsu dvēsele,
plok pie zemes mūsu miesa –
27 celies, palīdzi mums,
glāb mūs savā žēlastībā!