A Prayer of Trust in God
1 I come to you, Lord, for protection;
never let me be defeated.
You are a righteous God;
save me, I pray!
2 Hear me! Save me now!
Be my refuge to protect me;
my defense to save me.
3 You are my refuge and defense;
guide me and lead me as you have promised.
4 Keep me safe from the trap that has been set for me;
shelter me from danger.
5 I place myself in your care.
You will save me, Lord;
you are a faithful God.
6 You hate those who worship false gods,
but I trust in you.
7 I will be glad and rejoice
because of your constant love.
You see my suffering;
you know my trouble.
8 You have not let my enemies capture me;
you have given me freedom to go where I wish.
9 Be merciful to me, Lord,
for I am in trouble;
my eyes are tired from so much crying;
I am completely worn out.
10 I am exhausted by sorrow,
and weeping has shortened my life.
I am weak from all my troubles;
even my bones are wasting away.
11 All my enemies, and especially my neighbors,
treat me with contempt.
Those who know me are afraid of me;
when they see me in the street, they run away.
12 Everyone has forgotten me, as though I were dead;
I am like something thrown away.
13 I hear many enemies whispering;
terror is all around me.
They are making plans against me,
plotting to kill me.
14 But my trust is in you, O Lord;
you are my God.
15 I am always in your care;
save me from my enemies,
from those who persecute me.
16 Look on your servant with kindness;
save me in your constant love.
17 I call to you, Lord;
don't let me be disgraced.
May the wicked be disgraced;
may they go silently down to the world of the dead.
18 Silence those liars—
all the proud and arrogant
who speak with contempt about the righteous.
19 How wonderful are the good things
you keep for those who honor you!
Everyone knows how good you are,
how securely you protect those who trust you.
20 You hide them in the safety of your presence
from the plots of others;
in a safe shelter you hide them
from the insults of their enemies.
21 Praise the Lord!
How wonderfully he showed his love for me
when I was surrounded and attacked!
22 I was afraid and thought
that he had driven me out of his presence.
But he heard my cry,
when I called to him for help.
23 Love the Lord, all his faithful people.
The Lord protects the faithful,
but punishes the proud as they deserve.
24 Be strong, be courageous,
all you that hope in the Lord.
Cerība nepamet kaunā
1 Korvedim. Dāvida psalms.
2 Pie tevis, Kungs, tveros –
neliec mani kaunā nemūžam!
Savā taisnībā mani glāb!
3 Pievērs man savu ausi,
steidzies man palīgā,
esi man patvēruma klints,
esi droša pils, kur man glābties!
4 Tu mana klints un mans cietoksnis –
sava vārda dēļ ved mani un vadi!
5 Neļauj man iekrist tīklā, ko tie slepus izliek,
jo tu esi mans patvērums.
6 Tavā rokā es nododu savu garu –
tu esi izpircis mani, Kungs, patiesības Dievs!
7 Es nīstu tos, kas vēršas pie nīcīgiem elkiem,
uz Kungu es paļaujos.
8 Es līksmošu un priecāšos
par tavu žēlastību –
tu ieraudzīji manu postu,
tu pamanīji manas ciešanas!
9 Tu mani nedevi naidnieka rokā,
man raisīji kājas, lai eju, kurp tīk.
10 Žēlo mani, Kungs, jo man grūti –
bēdu saēstas manas acis,
mana dvēsele un mana miesa.
11 Jā, aizsteidzas raizēs mana dzīve,
un mani gadi nopūtās paiet,
mana grēka dēļ izsīkst mans spēks
un mani kauli izdēd.
12 Visiem naidniekiem es par apsmieklu
un kaimiņiem par slogu,
par biedēkli saviem paziņām –
kas redz mani uz ielas, bēg no manis!
13 Esmu aizmirsts kā sen mirušais,
kā saplēsts trauks!
14 Daudzus es dzirdu čukstam:
briesmas visapkārt, –
sadevušies tie kopā pret mani,
sazvērējušies atņemt man dzīvību!
15 Bet uz tevi es paļaujos, Kungs,
es saku: tu esi mans Dievs!
16 Tavā rokā ir mani laiki –
glāb mani no naidnieku rokas
un maniem vajātājiem!
17 Liec savam vaigam atmirdzēt pār tavu kalpu,
savā žēlastībā atpestī mani!
18 Kungs, neliec mani kaunā, kad tevi saucu, –
liec kaunā ļaundarus, lai tie šeolā apklust,
19 lai top mēmas melīgās lūpas,
kas aprunā taisno, –
tie iecirtīgi, lepni un nicīgi!
20 Cik liela ir tava labvēlība!
Tu glabā to tiem, kas tevi bijā,
tu dāvā to tiem, kas tveras pie tevis,
visu cilvēku priekšā!
21 Tu viņus slēp no ļaužu cilpām
savā slēptuvē, tu viņus glabā
savā patvērumā no mēļu paļām!
22 Slavēts lai Kungs, kas man sūtīja brīnumu –
dāvāja savu žēlastību aplenktā pilsētā!
23 Es sacīju mulsumā:
tu esi atrāvis skatienu no manis!
Tomēr tu dzirdēji manu gaušanos,
kad es brēcu uz tevi!
24 Mīliet Kungu, jūs viņa taisnie!
Uzticīgos Kungs sargā,
bet ar uzviju atmaksā lielībniekiem.
25 Esiet stipri, lai jūsu sirdis ir drošas,
jūs, kas gaidāt Kungu!