A Cry of Anguish and a Song of Praise
1 My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?
I have cried desperately for help,
but still it does not come.
2 During the day I call to you, my God,
but you do not answer;
I call at night,
but get no rest.
3 But you are enthroned as the Holy One,
the one whom Israel praises.
4 Our ancestors put their trust in you;
they trusted you, and you saved them.
5 They called to you and escaped from danger;
they trusted you and were not disappointed.

6 But I am no longer a human being; I am a worm,
despised and scorned by everyone!
7 All who see me make fun of me;
they stick out their tongues and shake their heads.
8 “You relied on the Lord,” they say.
“Why doesn't he save you?
If the Lord likes you,
why doesn't he help you?”

9 It was you who brought me safely through birth,
and when I was a baby, you kept me safe.
10 I have relied on you since the day I was born,
and you have always been my God.
11 Do not stay away from me!
Trouble is near,
and there is no one to help.

12 Many enemies surround me like bulls;
they are all around me,
like fierce bulls from the land of Bashan.
13 They open their mouths like lions,
roaring and tearing at me.

14 My strength is gone,
gone like water spilled on the ground.
All my bones are out of joint;
my heart is like melted wax.
15 My throat is as dry as dust,
and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth.
You have left me for dead in the dust.

16 An evil gang is around me;
like a pack of dogs they close in on me;
they tear at my hands and feet.
17 All my bones can be seen.
My enemies look at me and stare.
18 They gamble for my clothes
and divide them among themselves.

19 O Lord, don't stay away from me!
Come quickly to my rescue!
20 Save me from the sword;
save my life from these dogs.
21 Rescue me from these lions;
I am helpless before these wild bulls.

22 I will tell my people what you have done;
I will praise you in their assembly:
23 “Praise him, you servants of the Lord!
Honor him, you descendants of Jacob!
Worship him, you people of Israel!
24 He does not neglect the poor or ignore their suffering;
he does not turn away from them,
but answers when they call for help.”

25 In the full assembly I will praise you for what you have done;
in the presence of those who worship you
I will offer the sacrifices I promised.
26 The poor will eat as much as they want;
those who come to the Lord will praise him.
May they prosper forever!

27 All nations will remember the Lord.
From every part of the world they will turn to him;
all races will worship him.
28 The Lord is king,
and he rules the nations.

29 All proud people will bow down to him;
all mortals will bow down before him.
30 Future generations will serve him;
they will speak of the Lord to the coming generation.
31 People not yet born will be told:
“The Lord saved his people.”
Taisnā ciešanas
1 Korvedim. Pēc meldijas “Rītausmas stirna”. Dāvida psalms.
2 Mans Dievs, mans Dievs,
kāpēc tu esi mani pametis?
Nedod man glābiņu vaimanas!
3 Mans Dievs, es saucu dienā – bet tu neatbildi,
un naktī – bet man nav miera.
4 Tu taču sēdi tronī, Svētais,
dzied Israēls tev slavu!
5 Uz tevi paļāvās mūsu tēvi,
tie paļāvās, un tu tos patvēri,
6 uz tevi tie sauca un paglābās,
uz tevi tie paļāvās un nepalika kaunā!

7 Bet es esmu tārps, nevis cilvēks –
ļaužu paļāts un nicināts.
8 Visi, kas redz mani, mēdās,
tie šķoba lūpas un krata galvu:
9 meties pie Kunga!
Lai viņš to glābj, lai viņš to patver,
jo šis viņam tīk! –
10 Tu taču izvedi mani no klēpja,
tu loloji mani pie mātes krūtīm,
11 tev es atdots vēl mātes miesās,
jau mātes klēpī tu biji man Dievs!
12 Neatstāj mani –
briesmas ir tuvu, un palīga nav!
13 Aplencis mani liels vēršu pulks,
Bāšānas buļļi mani apstāj.
14 Tie pleš uz mani rīkli
kā lauva, kas plēš un rēc.
15 Kā ūdens es izlaistīts,
izmežģīti man visi kauli,
sirds man kā vasks –
tā izkūst man krūtīs.
16 Izžuvis kā māls mans spēks,
mana mēle līp pie aukslējām,
nāves pīšļos tu mani guldi.
17 Redzi, suņi mani aplenkuši!
Ļaundaru bars mani apstājis,
tie plosa man rokas un kājas.
18 Varu saskaitīt visus savus kaulus! –
Tie skatās uz mani un vēro mani,
19 tie dala manas drēbes savā starpā
un par manu apģērbu met kauliņus.

20 Bet tu, Kungs, nepaliec tālu!
Tu, mans glābiņš, steidzies man palīgā!
21 Sargi no zobena manu kaklu,
no suņu ķetnām manu vienīgo dzīvību!
22 Glāb mani no lauvas rīkles, no meža vēršu ragiem!
Tu man atbildēji!
23 Tavu vārdu es sacīšu saviem brāļiem,
sapulces vidū es slavēšu tevi.

24 Kas bīstaties Kunga, slavējiet viņu,
viss Jēkaba dzimums, godājiet viņu,
drebiet viņa priekšā, viss Israēla dzimums,
25 jo viņš nav nicinājis un niecinājis nabaga ciešanas,
nav slēpis savu vaigu no tā,
kad tas brēca uz viņu – viņš sadzirdēja!

26 Tevi es slavēšu lielajā sapulcē!
Ko solīju, samaksāšu dievbijīgo priekšā!
27 Ēdīs nabagi un gūs sātu,
slavēs Kungu, kas viņu meklē.
Lai jūsu sirdis ir dzīvas mūžam!

28 Atcerēsies un atgriezīsies pie Kunga visas zemes malas,
zemosies tavā priekšā visas tautu saimes –
29 jo Kungam valstība un viņš valda pār tautām.

30 Ēd un zemojas visi zemes lepnie,
viņa priekšā liecas visi, kas nokāpj pīšļos,
kas dzīvību nepatur.
31 Nākamās audzes viņam kalpos,
pēcnācējiem par viņu stāstīs,
32 tie nāks un sludinās viņa taisnību
tiem, kas vēl dzims,
jo viņš to visu ir paveicis.