A Prayer of Thanksgiving
1 I thank you, Lord, with all my heart;
I sing praise to you before the gods.
2 I face your holy Temple,
bow down, and praise your name
because of your constant love and faithfulness,
because you have shown that your name and your commands are supreme.
3 You answered me when I called to you;
with your strength you strengthened me.

4 All the kings in the world will praise you, Lord,
because they have heard your promises.
5 They will sing about what you have done
and about your great glory.
6 Even though you are so high above,
you care for the lowly,
and the proud cannot hide from you.

7 When I am surrounded by troubles,
you keep me safe.
You oppose my angry enemies
and save me by your power.
8 You will do everything you have promised;
Lord, your love is eternal.
Complete the work that you have begun.
Pateicība un slava Dievam
1 Dāvida psalms.
Pateicos tev no visas sirds,
dievu priekšā dziedu tev slavu!
2 Klanos tavam svētajam templim
un pateicos tavam vārdam
par tavu žēlastību un patiesību,
jo augstāk par visu tu esi pacēlis
savu vārdu un savu apsolījumu!
3 Kad es saucu, tu man atbildēji,
dodot man drosmi un dvēselei spēku.

4 Visi zemes ķēniņi slavēs tevi, Kungs,
tie dzirdējuši tevi runājam!
5 Tie dziedās par Kunga gaitām,
jo liela ir Kunga godība!
6 Augstu Kungs, bet uzlūko zemos,
taču augstprātīgo viņš pazīst pa gabalu!

7 Kad posts mani lenc, tu glāb manu dzīvību,
pret manu naidnieku dusmām tu izstiep roku,
un tava labā roka izglābj mani!
8 Kungs man visu piepildīs!
Kungs, tava žēlastība uz mūžiem –
neatmet savu roku darbu!