1 My child, remember what I say and never forget what I tell you to do. 2 Do what I say, and you will live. Be as careful to follow my teaching as you are to protect your eyes. 3 Keep my teaching with you all the time; write it on your heart. 4 Treat wisdom as your sister, and insight as your closest friend. 5 They will keep you away from other men's wives, from women with seductive words.
The Immoral Woman
6 Once I was looking out the window of my house, 7 and I saw many inexperienced young men, but noticed one foolish fellow in particular. 8 He was walking along the street near the corner where a certain woman lived. He was passing near her house 9 in the evening after it was dark. 10 And then she met him; she was dressed like a prostitute and was making plans. 11 She was a bold and shameless woman who always walked the streets 12 or stood waiting at a corner, sometimes in the streets, sometimes in the marketplace. 13 She threw her arms around the young man, kissed him, looked him straight in the eye, and said, 14 “I made my offerings today and have the meat from the sacrifices. 15 So I came out looking for you. I wanted to find you, and here you are! 16 I've covered my bed with sheets of colored linen from Egypt. 17 I've perfumed it with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. 18 Come on! Let's make love all night long. We'll be happy in each other's arms. 19 My husband isn't at home. He's on a long trip. 20 He took plenty of money with him and won't be back for two weeks.” 21 So she tempted him with her charms, and he gave in to her smooth talk. 22 Suddenly he was going with her like an ox on the way to be slaughtered, like a deer prancing into a trap 23 where an arrow would pierce its heart. He was like a bird going into a net—he did not know that his life was in danger.
24 Now then, sons, listen to me. Pay attention to what I say. 25 Do not let such a woman win your heart; don't go wandering after her. 26 She has been the ruin of many men and caused the death of too many to count. 27 If you go to her house, you are on the way to the world of the dead. It is a shortcut to death.
Brīdinājums no netikles slazdiem
1 Dēls, glabā manus vārdus
un manas pavēles turi cieši!
2 Glabā manas pavēles, ja gribi dzīvot,
un manu mācību kā acuraugu!
3 Sien tās sev pie pirkstiem,
raksti sev sirdī kā uz lapas.
4 Saki gudrībai: tu mana māsa! –
Par savu radu sauc zināšanu,
5 lai abas tevi sargā no svešinieces,
no svešas sievas, kam gludena runa.
6 Pa sava nama logu lūkojos,
caur režģi skatījos ārā,
7 raudzījos vientiešos, pamanīju starp puišiem
kādu jaunekli gluži bez prāta.
8 Tas nāk pa ielu gar šās stūri,
uz viņas namu tas soļo,
9 kad krēslo vakarā diena,
nakts vidū un tumsā.
10 Un, redzi, sieva, tam pretī –
netikles drēbēs un manīgu sirdi,
11 nesavaldīga, untumaina,
mājās tā nesēž,
12 te viņa ielā, te tirgū –
pie katra stūra tā glūn.
13 Tā satver viņu un skūpsta,
un droši tā saka viņam:
14 miera upura gaļa man mājās –
šodien es samaksāju, ko solījusi,
15 tādēļ es iznācu tev pretī,
lai meklētu tevi, – un atradu tevi!
16 Seģenēm sasedzu savas cisas,
košiem Ēģiptes liniem,
17 apšļakstīju savu gultu ar mirrēm,
ar alveju un kanēli,
18 nāc jel, atdzersimies glāstu –
līdz pat rītam gavilēsim mīlā!
19 Jo vīra nav mājās, viņš ir prom,
viņš devies tālā ceļā,
20 naudas zuteni paņēmis līdzi,
vien pilnā mēnesī atgriezīsies. –
21 Tā pievārē viņu savām runām,
gludenām lūpām piedabū viņu,
22 viņš tūliņ tai seko kā kaujams vērsis
vai kā trakais, ko savalda ar važu,
23 kamēr bulta pāršķeļ tam aknas –
kā putns, kas traucas cilpā
un nezina, ka būs pagalam!
24 Tad nu, dēls, klausies manī,
vērīgi lūko, ko es saku!
25 Tu nepievērsies tādas ceļam,
nenoklīsti uz viņas takām –
26 tik daudzus tā nodurtus gāzusi,
un pulka to, ko viņa kāvusi!
27 Ceļš uz šeolu – viņas nams,
lejup tas ved uz nāves kambariem!