Laws about Sacrifice
1 The Lord gave Moses 2 the following regulations for the people of Israel to observe in the land that he was going to give them. 3 A bull, a ram, a sheep, or a goat may be presented to the Lord as a burnt offering or as a sacrifice in fulfillment of a vow or as a freewill offering or as an offering at your regular religious festivals; the odor of these food offerings is pleasing to the Lord. 4-5 Whoever presents a sheep or a goat as a burnt offering to the Lord is to bring with each animal 2 pounds of flour mixed with 2 pints of olive oil as a grain offering, together with 2 pints of wine. 6 When a ram is offered, 4 pounds of flour mixed with 3 pints of olive oil are to be presented as a grain offering, 7 together with 3 pints of wine. The odor of these sacrifices is pleasing to the Lord. 8 When a bull is offered to the Lord as a burnt offering or as a sacrifice in fulfillment of a vow or as a fellowship offering, 9 a grain offering of 6 pounds of flour mixed with 4 pints of olive oil is to be presented, 10 together with 4 pints of wine. The odor of this sacrifice is pleasing to the Lord.
11 That is what shall be offered with each bull, ram, sheep, or goat. 12 When more than one animal is offered, the accompanying offering is to be increased proportionately. 13 All native Israelites are to do this when they present a food offering, an odor pleasing to the Lord. 14 And if at any time foreigners living among you, whether on a temporary or a permanent basis, make a food offering, an odor that pleases the Lord, they are to observe the same regulations. 15 For all time to come, the same rules are binding on you and on the foreigners who live among you. You and they are alike in the Lord's sight; 16 the same laws and regulations apply to you and to them.
17 The Lord gave Moses 18 the following regulations for the people of Israel to observe in the land that he was going to give them. 19 When any food produced there is eaten, some of it is to be set aside as a special contribution to the Lord. 20 When you bake bread, the first loaf of the first bread made from the new grain is to be presented as a special contribution to the Lord. This is to be presented in the same way as the special contribution you make from the grain you thresh. 21 For all time to come, this special gift is to be given to the Lord from the bread you bake.
22 But suppose someone unintentionally fails to keep some of these regulations which the Lord has given Moses. 23 And suppose that in the future the community fails to do everything that the Lord commanded through Moses. 24 If the mistake was made because of the ignorance of the community, they are to offer a bull as a burnt offering, an odor that pleases the Lord, with the proper grain offering and wine offering. In addition, they are to offer a male goat as a sin offering. 25 The priest shall perform the ritual of purification for the community, and they will be forgiven, because the mistake was unintentional and they brought their sin offering as a food offering to the Lord. 26 The whole community of Israel and the foreigners living among them will be forgiven, because everyone was involved in the mistake.
27 If any of you sin unintentionally, you are to offer a one-year-old female goat as a sin offering. 28 At the altar the priest shall perform the ritual of purification to purify you from your sin, and you will be forgiven. 29 The same regulation applies to all who unintentionally commit a sin, whether they are native Israelites or resident foreigners.
30 But any who sin deliberately, whether they are natives or foreigners, are guilty of treating the Lord with contempt, and they shall be put to death, 31 because they have rejected what the Lord said and have deliberately broken one of his commands. They are responsible for their own death.
The Man Who Broke the Sabbath
32 Once, while the Israelites were still in the wilderness, a man was found gathering firewood on the Sabbath. 33 He was taken to Moses, Aaron, and the whole community, 34 and was put under guard, because it was not clear what should be done with him. 35 Then the Lord said to Moses, “The man must be put to death; the whole community is to stone him to death outside the camp.” 36 So the whole community took him outside the camp and stoned him to death, as the Lord had commanded.
Rules about Tassels
37 The Lord commanded Moses 38 to say to the people of Israel: “Make tassels on the corners of your garments and put a blue cord on each tassel. You are to do this for all time to come. 39 The tassels will serve as reminders, and each time you see them you will remember all my commands and obey them; then you will not turn away from me and follow your own wishes and desires. 40 The tassels will remind you to keep all my commands, and you will belong completely to me. 41 I am the Lord your God; I brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the Lord.”
Upuri, kas pienesami apsolītajā zemē
1 Un Kungs sacīja Mozum: 2 “Runā uz Israēla dēliem un saki tiem: kad jūs ieiesiet savas mājvietas zemē, ko es jums dodu, 3 tad pienesiet Kungam dedzināmo upuri – lai pildītu solījumu vai kā labprātīgu upuri, vai jūsu svētku upuriem, – pienesiet tos no liellopiem vai sīklopiem par tīkamu smaržu Kungam, 4 un lai tas, kurš upurē, pienes savu upuri Kungam – labības dāvanu no labākajiem miltiem, desmito daļu ēfas, kas iejauti ceturtdaļā hīna eļļas. 5 Un vīnu lejamajam upurim – ceturtdaļu hīna vīna lai lej pār sadedzināmo upuri vai kaujamo upuri katram jēram. 6 Līdz ar aunu lai dod labības dāvanu no labākajiem miltiem – divas desmitdaļas ēfas, iejautus trešdaļā hīna eļļas. 7 Lejamajam upurim lai pienes trešdaļu hīna vīna par tīkamu smaržu Kungam. 8 Kad par sadedzināmo upuri vai kaujamo upuri upurē vērsēnu, lai pildītu solījumu vai pienestu miera upuri Kungam, 9 tad līdz ar vērsēnu lai pienes labības dāvanu – trīs desmitdaļas labāko miltu, iejautus pushīnā eļļas. 10 Par lejamo upuri lai pienes pushīna vīna – par dedzināmo upuri, tīkamu smaržu Kungam.
11 Tā lai dara ar visiem vēršiem un auniem, ar visiem jēriem un kazlēniem 12 pēc upurējamo skaita – tā dariet ar katru, ko upurējat. 13 Visi savējie lai tā dara – lai pienes dedzināmo upuri par tīkamu smaržu Kungam. 14 Ja pie jums ir apmeties svešinieks vai kāds ir pie jums jau paaudzēs un grib pienest dedzināmo upuri par tīkamu smaržu Kungam, tas lai dara tāpat kā jūs. 15 Sapulcei lai ir viens likums – jums un svešiniekam, kas mīt pie jums, – mūžīgs likums uz jūsu paaudzēm. Gan jūs, gan svešinieki esat Kunga priekšā – 16 viena bauslība un viena tiesa lai ir gan jums, gan svešiniekam, kas mīt pie jums.”
17 Un Kungs sacīja Mozum: 18 “Runā uz Israēla dēliem un saki tiem: kad jūs nonāksiet tajā zemē, kurp es jūs vedu, 19 un kad ēdīsiet tās zemes maizi, dodiet no tās upurdāvanu Kungam! 20 No sava pirmā rupjā maluma cepiena pienesiet cilājamo upuri, kā cilājamo upuri no kuļamā klona – tā jūs to pienesiet! 21 No jūsu pirmā rupjā maluma dodiet Kungam cilājamo upuri jūsu paaudzēs!
22 Bet, ja jūs neapzināti grēkosiet un nepildīsiet visus šos baušļus, ko Kungs Mozum teicis, 23 visu, ko Kungs caur Mozu pavēlējis kopš dienas, kad Kungs pavēlēja, un uz priekšu jūsu paaudzēs, tad – 24 ja tas noticis neapzināti un sapulce to nav zinājusi, tad lai visa sapulce pienes vienu vērsēnu par sadedzināmo upuri, par tīkamu smaržu Kungam, un līdz ar viņu labības dāvanu un lejamo upuri, kā pavēlēts, un vienu āzi grēku upurim. 25 Priesteris lai veic izlīgumu par visas Israēla sapulces grēku, un tiem tiks piedots, jo tas bija neapzināts grēks, un par to viņi pienesa dedzināmo upuri Kungam un grēku upuri Kungam par savu kļūdu. 26 Tad tiks piedots visai Israēla dēlu sapulcei un svešiniekiem, kas mīt pie tiem, jo visa tauta bija neapzināti grēkojusi.
27 Bet, ja neapzināti grēkojis viens cilvēks, lai viņš pienes par grēku upuri gadu vecu kazu. 28 Priesteris lai veic izlīgumu par tā cilvēka grēku, kas neapzināti grēkojis Kunga priekšā, – lai veic izlīgumu par viņa grēku, un viņam tiks piedots. 29 Tam, kas dzimis starp Israēla dēliem, un tam, kas svešinieks, bet mīt pie jums, – ja kāds neapzināti grēkojis, tiem visiem viens likums. 30 Bet tas, kas to darījis apzināti – gan savējais, gan svešinieks –, tas ir zaimojis Kungu un lai tiek nošķirts no savas tautas, 31 jo tāds ir nievājis Kunga vārdu un pārkāpis viņa bauslību, – lai šķirtin nošķir tādu, tas ir vainīgs.”
Sods par sabata neievērošanu
(2Moz 31:12–17)
32 Kad Israēla dēli bija tuksnesī, viņi pieķēra kādu vīru, kas sabatā lasīja malku. 33 To, kuru bija pieķēruši lasām malku, viņi atveda pie Mozus un Ārona, un visas sapulces. 34 Un viņi to apsargāja, jo nebija skaidrs, kas ar viņu darāms. 35 Tad Kungs sacīja Mozum: “Mirtin lai mirst šis vīrs, lai visa sapulce viņu nomētā akmeņiem ārpus nometnes!” 36 Visa sapulce izveda viņu ārpus nometnes un nomētāja akmeņiem, un viņš mira, kā Kungs Mozum bija pavēlējis.
Pušķi pie drēbēm
37 Un Kungs teica Mozum: 38 “Runā uz Israēla dēliem un saki tiem, lai paaudzēs tie taisa pušķus savu drēbju stūriem; lai liek purpurzilu auklu pie pušķiem stūros. 39 Lai jums ir pušķi – jūs tos redzēsiet un atcerēsities visus Kunga baušļus, tad jūs tos pildīsiet un nevērsīsieties turp, kurp jūsu sirdis un acis ved jūs netiklībā. 40 Pušķi ir tādēļ, lai jūs atcerētos visus manus baušļus un jūs būtu svēti savam Dievam. 41 Es esmu Kungs, jūsu Dievs, kas jūs izveda no Ēģiptes zemes, lai būtu jums par Dievu, – es esmu Kungs, jūsu Dievs!”