The Division of the Territory West of the Jordan
1 What follows is an account of how the land of Canaan west of the Jordan was divided among the people of Israel. Eleazar the priest, Joshua son of Nun, and the leaders of the families of the Israelite tribes divided it among the population. 2 As the Lord had commanded Moses, the territories of the nine and one-half tribes west of the Jordan were determined by drawing lots. 3-4 Moses had already assigned the land east of the Jordan to the other two and one-half tribes. (The descendants of Joseph were divided into two tribes: Manasseh and Ephraim.) However, Moses gave the Levites no portion of the territory. Instead, they received cities to live in, with fields for their cattle and flocks. 5 The people of Israel divided the land as the Lord had commanded Moses.
Hebron Is Given to Caleb
6 One day some people from the tribe of Judah came to Joshua at Gilgal. One of them, Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, said to him, “You know what the Lord said in Kadesh Barnea about you and me to Moses, the man of God. 7 I was forty years old when the Lord's servant Moses sent me from Kadesh Barnea to spy out this land. I brought an honest report back to him. 8 The men who went with me, however, made our people afraid. But I faithfully obeyed the Lord my God. 9 Because I did, Moses promised me that my children and I would certainly receive as our possession the land which I walked over. 10 But now, look. It has been forty-five years since the Lord said that to Moses. That was when Israel was going through the desert, and the Lord, as he promised, has kept me alive ever since. Look at me! I am eighty-five years old 11 and am just as strong today as I was when Moses sent me out. I am still strong enough for war or for anything else. 12 Now then, give me the hill country that the Lord promised me on that day when my men and I reported. We told you then that the race of giants called the Anakim were there in large walled cities. Maybe the Lord will be with me, and I will drive them out, just as the Lord said.”
13 Joshua blessed Caleb son of Jephunneh and gave him the city of Hebron as his possession. 14 Hebron still belongs to the descendants of Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, because he faithfully obeyed the Lord, the God of Israel. 15 Before this, Hebron was called the city of Arba. (Arba had been the greatest of the Anakim.)
There was now peace in the land.
Jordānas rietumkrasta zemju sadalīšana
1 Šo visu Israēla dēli iemantoja Kanaāna zemē – to viņiem deva mantojumā priesteris Elāzārs un Jozua, Nūna dēls, un Israēla dēlu cilts tēvu galvenie. 2 To viņi iemantoja, metot lozes, kā Kungs caur Mozu bija pavēlējis deviņām ciltīm un pusei cilts. 3 Jo divām ciltīm un pusei cilts Mozus jau bija devis mantojumu viņpus Jordānas, taču levītiem viņš nedeva mantojumu, – 4 Jāzepa dēliem bija divas ciltis – Manase un Efraims, bet levītiem viņu zemes daļa netika dota, vienīgi pilsētas, kur dzīvot, un ganības ganāmpulkiem un lopiem. 5 Kā Kungs Mozum bija pavēlējis, tā Israēla dēli darīja – sadalīja zemi.
Kālebam tiek piešķirta Hebrona
6 Tad Jūdas dēli nāca pie Jozuas uz Gilgālu, un kenazietis Kālebs, Jefunnes dēls, viņam sacīja: “Tu zini, ko Kungs Kādēšbarnēā sacījis Dieva vīram Mozum par mani un tevi. 7 Man bija četrdesmit gadu, kad Kunga kalps Mozus mani sūtīja no Kādēšbarnēas izlūkot šo zemi, un es viņam visu stāstīju no sirds, 8 bet mani brāļi, kas gāja kopā ar mani, runāja tā, ka tautas sirds iztrūkās, taču es vienmēr sekoju Kungam, savam Dievam! 9 Todien Mozus zvērēja, sacīdams: tiešām, zeme, kur minusi tava kāja, būs par mantojumu tev un taviem dēliem uz mūžiem, jo tu pilnībā sekoji Kungam, manam Dievam! 10 Un tagad, redzi, Kungs ir uzturējis mani dzīvu, kā viņš solīja, visus šos četrdesmit piecus gadus – kopš tā brīža, kad Kungs teica Mozum šos vārdus, kad Israēls staigāja pa tuksnesi, līdz šim brīdim, kad man ir astoņdesmit pieci gadi. 11 Vēl šodien es esmu tikpat stiprs kā tad, kad Mozus mani sūtīja, – kāds man bija spēks tad, tāds spēks man ir tagad! – es varu doties karā un darīt visu, kas vajadzīgs. 12 Tad nu dod man šo kalnieni, par ko Kungs todien teica, jo todien tu dzirdēji, ka tur ir anākieši un lielas nocietinātas pilsētas – varbūt Kungs būs ar mani un es tos izdzīšu, kā Kungs ir solījis!” 13 Tad Jozua viņu svētīja un atdeva Hebronu mantojumā Kālebam, Jefunnes dēlam. 14 Tāpēc līdz šai dienai Hebrona pieder kenazietim Kālebam, Jefunnes dēlam, – jo viņš vienmēr bija sekojis Kungam, Israēla Dievam. 15 Hebronu iepriekš sauca Kirjatarba – Arba bija lielākais cilvēks no anākiešiem! Un zeme atguvās no kara.