1-2 If my troubles and griefs were weighed on scales,
3 they would weigh more than the sands of the sea,
so my wild words should not surprise you.
4 Almighty God has shot me with arrows,
and their poison spreads through my body.
God has lined up his terrors against me.

5 A donkey is content when eating grass,
and a cow is quiet when eating hay.
6 But who can eat flat, unsalted food?
What taste is there in the white of an egg?
7 I have no appetite for food like that,
and everything I eat makes me sick.

8 Why won't God give me what I ask?
Why won't he answer my prayer?
9 If only he would go ahead and kill me!
10 If I knew he would, I would leap for joy,
no matter how great my pain.
I know that God is holy;
I have never opposed what he commands.
11 What strength do I have to keep on living?
Why go on living when I have no hope?
12 Am I made of stone? Is my body bronze?
13 I have no strength left to save myself;
there is nowhere I can turn for help.

14 In trouble like this I need loyal friends—
whether I've forsaken God or not.
15 But you, my friends, you deceive me like streams
that go dry when no rain comes.
16 The streams are choked with snow and ice,
17 but in the heat they disappear,
and the stream beds lie bare and dry.
18 Caravans get lost looking for water;
they wander and die in the desert.
19 Caravans from Sheba and Tema search,
20 but their hope dies beside dry streams.
21 You are like those streams to me,
you see my fate and draw back in fear.
22 Have I asked you to give me a gift
or to bribe someone on my behalf
23 or to save me from some enemy or tyrant?

24 All right, teach me; tell me my faults.
I will be quiet and listen to you.
25 Honest words are convincing,
but you are talking nonsense.
26 You think I am talking nothing but wind;
then why do you answer my words of despair?
27 You would even roll dice for orphan slaves
and make yourselves rich off your closest friends!
28 Look me in the face. I won't lie.
29 You have gone far enough. Stop being unjust.
Don't condemn me. I'm in the right.
30 But you think I am lying—
you think I can't tell right from wrong.
Ījabs: mana apsūdzība ir taisnīga
1 Ījabs atbildēja, sacīdams:
2 “Kaut manu rūgtumu svērtin svērtu,
visu manu postu uz svariem liktu!
3 Par jūras smiltīm tas smagāk sver,
tādēļ vārdi man samisas.
4 Jo Visuvarenā bultas mani ķer,
un viņu indi dzer mana sirds,
Dieva briesmas stājas pret mani!
5 Vai mežēzelis brēks leknā zālē?
Vai vērsis mauros pie mistra siles?
6 Kas pliekanu ēdīs bez sāls?
Vai olas receklim kāda garša?
7 Negrib tam pieskarties mana dvēsele,
nešķīsta man šī maize!
8 Kaut man dāvātu, ko es lūdzu,
ko gaidu, kaut dotu Dievs,
9 lai uzklausa un sadragā mani,
izstiepj roku un nocērt mani!
10 Tad man būtu vēl mierinājums –
skaudrās sāpēs es gavilētu,
ka Svētā vārdus apslēpis neesmu!
11 Kur man spēks, lai vēl gaidu?
Kāds mans gals, ka vēl ciešos?
12 Vai es tik stiprs kā akmens?
Vai mana miesa no vara?
13 Vai palīdzība nav atņemta man
un mans padoms no manis atrauts?
14 Vai drauga žēluma nevajag tam,
kas izmisis kurn pret Stipro?
15 Viltīgi mani brāļi kā strauts,
kā palu gultne tie zūd,
16 tie melnē no ledus,
apslēpjas tajos sniegs,
17 kad tveice uznāk, tie sīkst,
karstumā iznīkst no savas vietas.
18 Karavānas nogriežas sānis,
tuksnesī noiet un pazūd,
19 lūko ūdeni Tēmas karavānas,
Šebas ceļinieki cer uz to –
20 kaunas, ka paļāvušies,
atnākuši tie pieviļas.
21 Tāpat jūs tagad ar mani –
ieraugāt briesmas, jau nobīstaties!
22 Vai tad sacīju: dodiet man!
No sava krājuma par mani maksājiet,
23 glābiet mani no naidnieku rokām,
no varmāku rokām izpērciet mani?!
24 Māciet mani, es cietīšu klusu!
Kur mana vaina, stāstiet man!
25 Cik stipri ir taisnības vārdi,
bet ko var pārmest tādi kā jūs?
26 Vai jūs domājat vārdus norāt?
Vai grūtdieņa vārdi tik vējam vien?
27 Par bāreni kauliņus metat,
tirgojaties par savu draugu!
28 Tad nu paceliet vaigu pret mani!
Vai tad es jums melotu vaigā?!
29 Atkāpieties! – te viltus nav,
nu atkāpieties! – es palieku taisns!
30 Vai man uz mēles ir netaisnība,
vai manas aukslējas nejustu postu?