1 And now, Job, listen carefully
to all that I have to say.
2 I am ready to say what's on my mind.
3 All my words are sincere,
and I am speaking the truth.
4 God's spirit made me and gave me life.
5 Answer me if you can. Prepare your arguments.
6 You and I are the same in God's sight,
both of us were formed from clay.
7 So you have no reason to fear me;
I will not overpower you.
8 Now this is what I heard you say:
9 “I am not guilty; I have done nothing wrong.
I am innocent and free from sin.
10 But God finds excuses for attacking me
and treats me like an enemy.
11 He binds chains on my feet;
he watches every move I make.”
12 But I tell you, Job, you are wrong.
God is greater than any human being.
13 Why do you accuse God
of never answering our complaints?
14 Although God speaks again and again,
no one pays attention to what he says.
15 At night when people are asleep,
God speaks in dreams and visions.
16 He makes them listen to what he says,
and they are frightened at his warnings.
17 God speaks to make them stop their sinning
and to save them from becoming proud.
18 He will not let them be destroyed;
he saves them from death itself.
19 God corrects us by sending sickness
and filling our bodies with pain.
20 Those who are sick lose their appetites,
and even the finest food looks revolting.
21 Their bodies waste away to nothing;
you can see all their bones;
22 they are about to go to the world of the dead.
23 Perhaps an angel may come to their aid—
one of God's thousands of angels,
who remind us of our duty.
24 In mercy the angel will say, “Release them!
They are not to go down to the world of the dead.
Here is the ransom to set them free.”
25 Their bodies will grow young and strong again;
26 when they pray, God will answer;
they will worship God with joy;
God will set things right for them again.
27 Each one will say in public, “I have sinned.
I have not done right, but God spared me.
28 He kept me from going to the world of the dead,
and I am still alive.”
29 God does all this again and again;
30 each one saves a person's life,
and gives him the joy of living.
31 Now, Job, listen to what I am saying;
be quiet and let me speak.
32 But if you have something to say, let me hear it;
I would gladly admit you are in the right.
33 But if not, be quiet and listen to me,
and I will teach you how to be wise.
Ēlīhu pārmetumi Ījabam
1 Patiesi,
tik ieklausies, Ījab, manos vārdos,
tik ieklausies manās runās!
2 Redzi, atdaru muti,
mana mēle no aukslējām runā,
3 sirds taisnums ir manos vārdos,
ko manas lūpas zina, to skaidri teic.
4 Dieva gars radīja mani,
Visuvarenā dvaša dzīvina mani –
5 ja vari, atbildi man,
saņemies un stājies man pretī!
6 Redzi, Dieva priekšā es tāds pats kā tu,
no māla mīcīts arī es!
7 Jā, no manis tev jābīstas nav,
nedz mana roka būs smaga.
8 Tu runāji man ausīs,
es tavus vārdus saklausīju:
9 es esmu šķīsts un bez pārkāpuma,
skaidrs es un bez vainas –
10 ieganstus viņš atrod pret mani,
tur mani par naidnieku sev,
11 viņš manas kājas liek siekstā,
uzrauga visas manas takas! –
12 Nav tev taisnība! – atbildu tev,
jo par cilvēku lielāks ir Dievs!
13 Kāpēc tu cel pret viņu sūdzību?
Jo viņa runām viņš neatbild?
14 Ja vienu reizi runā Dievs
un otru reizi, bet tie nepamana –
15 sapnī, nakts jausmās,
kad cilvēkiem uzkrīt ciets miegs,
kad snauda uznāk cisās,
16 tad viņš atdara tiem ausis,
pārmācīdams biedina tos,
17 cilvēku novērš no netaisnības,
no vīra lepnību atvaira,
18 no bedres dvēseli attur
un dzīvību no asmens!
19 Cits guļ ciešanu piemeklēts,
kaulu lauzējs nelaiž to,
20 tā dzīvībai maize derdz,
riebj dvēselei gards kumoss,
21 miesa dilst, ka vairs neredz,
un izspiežas kauli, kas bija apslēpti.
22 Dvēsele tam pošas uz bedri
un dzīvība pie nāvētājiem.
23 Ja tam ir vēstnesis klāt,
ja vidutājs, viens starp tūkstošiem,
kas viņa taisnību var apliecināt,
24 kas žēlo viņu un saka:
neliec šim nokāpt bedrē,
man ir ķīla! –
25 Tad miesa šim uzplauks kā jaunībā,
šis atgriezīsies zaļoksnās dienās,
26 šis Dievu lūgs, viņš šo uzlūkos,
šis redzēs viņa vaigu un uzgavilēs,
šā taisnību viņš šim atdos!
27 Šis dziedās un cilvēku priekšā sacīs:
es grēkoju, taisnību sagrozīju,
bet man netika atdarīts!
28 Manu dvēseli viņš glābs no bedres,
un mana dzīvība redzēs gaismu! –
29 Redzi, ko visu dara Dievs
cilvēkam – divas un trīs reizes,
30 lai šā dvēseli atņemtu bedrei,
apgaismotu ar dzīvības gaismu!
31 Uzklausi, Ījab, sadzirdi mani,
paklusē, nu runāšu es!
32 Ja tev ir vārdi, atspēko mani –
runā! – man prieks attaisnot tevi!
33 Bet, ja ne, tad tu klausies manī,
klusē, es mācīšu gudrību tev!”