Jeremiah and the Rechabites
1 When Jehoiakim son of Josiah was king of Judah, the Lord said to me, 2 “Go to the members of the Rechabite clan and talk to them. Then bring them into one of the rooms in the Temple and offer them some wine.” 3 So I took the entire Rechabite clan—Jaazaniah (the son of another Jeremiah, who was Habazziniah's son) and all his brothers and sons— 4 and brought them to the Temple. I took them into the room of the disciples of the prophet Hanan son of Igdaliah. This room was above the room of Maaseiah son of Shallum, an important official in the Temple, and near the rooms of the other officials. 5 Then I placed cups and bowls full of wine before the Rechabites, and I said to them, “Have some wine.”
6 But they answered, “We do not drink wine. Our ancestor Jonadab son of Rechab told us that neither we nor our descendants were ever to drink any wine. 7 He also told us not to build houses or farm the land and not to plant vineyards or buy them. He commanded us always to live in tents, so that we might remain in this land where we live like strangers. 8 We have obeyed all the instructions that Jonadab gave us. We ourselves never drink wine, and neither do our wives, our sons, or our daughters. 9-10 We do not build houses for homes—we live in tents—and we own no vineyards, fields, or grain. We have fully obeyed everything that our ancestor Jonadab commanded us. 11 But when King Nebuchadnezzar invaded the country, we decided to come to Jerusalem to get away from the Babylonian and Syrian armies. That is why we are living in Jerusalem.”
12-13 Then the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, told me to go and say to the people of Judah and Jerusalem, “I, the Lord, ask you why you refuse to listen to me and to obey my instructions. 14 Jonadab's descendants have obeyed his command not to drink wine, and to this very day none of them drink any. But I have kept on speaking to you, and you have not obeyed me. 15 I have continued to send you all my servants the prophets, and they have told you to give up your evil ways and to do what is right. They warned you not to worship and serve other gods, so that you could go on living in the land that I gave you and your ancestors. But you would not listen to me or pay any attention to me. 16 Jonadab's descendants have obeyed the command that their ancestor gave them, but you people have not obeyed me. 17 So now, I, the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, will bring on you people of Judah and of Jerusalem all the destruction that I promised. I will do this because you would not listen when I spoke to you, and you would not answer when I called you.”
18 Then I told the Rechabite clan that the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, had said, “You have obeyed the command that your ancestor Jonadab gave you; you have followed all his instructions, and you have done everything he commanded you. 19 So I, the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, promise that Jonadab son of Rechab will always have a male descendant to serve me.”
Rēhābiešu piemērs
1 Vārdi, kas Jeremijam nāca no Kunga Jūdas ķēniņa Jehojākīma, Jošijāhu dēla, dienās: 2 “Ej pie rēhābiešu nama, runā ar tiem un atved tos uz Kunga namu, uz vienu no istabām, un dod tiem dzert vīnu!” 3 Un es ņēmu Jaazanju, Jeremijas dēlu, Habacinjas dēlu, un viņa brāļus, visus viņa dēlus, un visu rēhābiešu namu. 4 Es atvedu viņus uz Kunga namu, uz Dieva vīra Hānāna, Jigdaljāhu dēla, istabu, kas atrodas virs durvju sarga Maasejāhu, Šallūma dēla, istabas. 5 Un es devu rēhābiešu nama dēliem vīna pilnas krūkas un kausus un teicu viņiem: “Dzeriet vīnu!” 6 Bet viņi teica: “Mēs nedzersim vīnu, jo mūsu tēvs Jehonādābs, Rēhāba dēls, mums ir pavēlējis, sacīdams: nedzeriet vīnu – nedz jūs, nedz jūsu dēli – nemūžam! 7 Un mājas neceliet, un sēklu nesējiet, un vīnadārzus nestādiet, lai jums to nav, dzīvojiet teltīs visas savas dienas, tad jūs dzīvosiet daudzas dienas tajā zemē, kur mītat! – 8 Un mēs esam klausījuši mūsu tēvu Jehonādābu, Rēhāba dēlu, it visā, ko viņš mums ir pavēlējis, – neesam dzēruši vīnu visas savas dienas – ne mēs, ne mūsu sievas, ne mūsu dēli un meitas. 9 Un mēs neesam cēluši mājas, lai tajās dzīvotu, un mums nav ne vīnadārzu, ne lauku, ne sēklu. 10 Un mēs esam dzīvojuši teltīs – klausījuši un darījuši visu, ko mūsu tēvs Jehonādābs mums pavēlējis! 11 Un, kad pret šo zemi nāca Bābeles ķēniņš Nebūkadnecars, mēs teicām: iesim projām kaldiešu karaspēka un Arāma karaspēka dēļ uz Jeruzālemi, – un tā nu mēs mītam Jeruzālemē.”
12 Un Kunga vārds nāca pār Jeremiju: 13 “Tā saka Pulku Kungs, Israēla Dievs: ej un saki Jūdas vīriem un Jeruzālemes iemītniekiem: vai jūs nedabūjāt mācību, lai klausītu maniem vārdiem!? – saka Kungs. 14 Ir taču ticis turēts Jehonādāba, Rēhāba dēla, vārds, ko viņš pavēlējis saviem dēliem, sacīdams: nedzeriet vīnu! – Un tie nedzēra līdz pat šai dienai, jo viņi klausīja sava tēva pavēles! Bet es runāju uz jums, bez mitas runāju, bet jūs mani neklausāt! 15 Es sūtīju pie jums visus savus kalpus praviešus, bez mitas sūtīju, sacīdams: atgriezieties katrs no sava ļaunā ceļa un dariet, ka top labi jūsu darbi, un nesekojiet citiem dieviem, lai tiem vergotu, un dzīvojiet uz zemes, ko es devu jums un jūsu tēviem, – bet jūs pat ausi nepastiepāt un mani neklausījāt! 16 Jā, Jehonādābs, Rēhāba dēls, pildīja sava tēva pavēli, ko tas bija pavēlējis, bet šī tauta mani neklausīja!
17 Tādēļ tā saka Kungs, Pulku Dievs, Israēla Dievs: redzi, es nesu Jūdai un visiem Jeruzālemes iemītniekiem to ļaunumu, ko esmu tiem apsolījis, jo es uz tiem runāju, bet viņi neklausījās, un es saucu uz viņiem, bet viņi neatbildēja!” 18 Bet rēhābiešu namam Jeremija teica: “Tā saka Pulku Kungs, Israēla Dievs: tādēļ, ka jūs klausījāt sava tēva Jehonādāba pavēlei un pildījāt visas viņa pavēles, un darījāt visu, ko viņš jums pavēlēja,
19 tādēļ Pulku Kungs, Israēla Dievs, saka tā: Jehonādābam, Rēhāba dēlam, vairs nekad netrūks vīra, kas stāv manā priekšā!”