Two Baskets of Figs
1 The Lord showed me two baskets of figs placed in front of the Temple. (This was after King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia had taken away Jehoiakim's son, King Jehoiachin of Judah, as a prisoner from Jerusalem to Babylonia, together with the leaders of Judah, the craftworkers, and the skilled workers.) 2 The first basket contained good figs, those that ripen early; the other one contained bad figs, too bad to eat. 3 Then the Lord said to me, “Jeremiah, what do you see?”
I answered, “Figs. The good ones are very good, and the bad ones are very bad, too bad to eat.”
4 So the Lord said to me, 5 “I, the Lord, the God of Israel, consider that the people who were taken away to Babylonia are like these good figs, and I will treat them with kindness. 6 I will watch over them and bring them back to this land. I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not pull them up. 7 I will give them the desire to know that I am the Lord. Then they will be my people, and I will be their God, because they will return to me with all their heart.
8 “As for King Zedekiah of Judah, the politicians around him, and the rest of the people of Jerusalem who have stayed in this land or moved to Egypt—I, the Lord, will treat them all like these figs that are too bad to be eaten. 9 I will bring such a disaster on them that all the nations of the world will be terrified. People will make fun of them, make jokes about them, ridicule them, and use their name as a curse everywhere I scatter them. 10 I will bring war, starvation, and disease on them until there is not one of them left in the land that I gave to them and their ancestors.”
Labās un sliktās vīģes
1 Kungs man lika skatīt, un redzi – divi grozi vīģu nolikti Kunga tempļa priekšā pēc tam, kad Bābeles ķēniņš Nebūkadnecars no Jeruzālemes izveda trimdā Jūdas ķēniņu Jehonju, Jehojākīma dēlu, Jūdas augstmaņus, amatniekus un kalējus un aizveda viņus uz Bābeli. 2 Viens grozs pilns ļoti labām vīģēm – agra brieduma vīģēm, un otrs grozs pilns ļoti sliktām vīģēm – tik sliktām, ka nevar ēst!
3 Un Kungs man teica: “Ko tu, Jeremija, redzi?” Un es atbildēju: “Vīģes – labās vīģes jo labas, sliktās jo sliktas, tik sliktas, ka nevar ēst!”
4 Kunga vārds nāca pār mani: 5 “Tā saka Kungs, Israēla Dievs: Jūdas bēgļus, kurus es aizdzinu no šīs vietas uz kaldiešu zemi, es uzlūkošu kā šīs labās vīģes – ar labu! 6 Manas acis raudzīsies, lai tiem labi, – es atvedīšu tos atpakaļ šai zemē. Es tos celšu, ne plēsīšu, dēstīšu tos, ne raušu! 7 Es došu tiem tādu sirdi, ka tie pazīst mani – ka es esmu Kungs, un tie būs mana tauta, un es būšu viņu Dievs, – tie atgriezīsies pie manis no visas sirds!
8 Bet Jūdas ķēniņam Cedekijam, viņa augstmaņiem un tiem, kas Jeruzālemē atlikuši, kas palikuši šajā zemē, un tiem, kuri mīt Ēģiptes zemē, es darīšu kā sliktajām vīģēm, ko nevar ēst, jo tās sliktas, saka Kungs. 9 Es darīšu viņus par briesmu un ļaunuma tēlu visām zemes valstībām – par izsmieklu, līdzību, paļām un lāstu visur, kur es tos aiztriekšu! 10 Es uzsūtīšu viņiem zobenu, badu un mēri, līdz tie iznīks no zemes, ko es devu viņiem un viņu tēviem!”