1 Some time later Samson went to visit his wife during the wheat harvest and took her a young goat. He told her father, “I want to go to my wife's room.”
But he wouldn't let him go in. 2 He told Samson, “I really thought that you hated her, so I gave her to your friend. But her younger sister is prettier, anyway. You can have her, instead.”
3 Samson said, “This time I'm not going to be responsible for what I do to the Philistines!” 4 So he went and caught three hundred foxes. Two at a time, he tied their tails together and put torches in the knots. 5 Then he set fire to the torches and turned the foxes loose in the Philistine wheat fields. In this way he burned up not only the wheat that had been harvested but also the wheat that was still in the fields. The olive orchards were also burned. 6 When the Philistines asked who had done this, they learned that Samson had done it because his father-in-law, a man from Timnah, had given Samson's wife to a friend of Samson's. So the Philistines went and burned the woman to death and burned down her father's house.
7 Samson told them, “So this is how you act! I swear that I won't stop until I pay you back!” 8 He attacked them fiercely and killed many of them. Then he went and stayed in the cave in the cliff at Etam.
Samson Defeats the Philistines
9 The Philistines came and camped in Judah, and attacked the town of Lehi. 10 The men of Judah asked them, “Why are you attacking us?”
They answered, “We came to take Samson prisoner and to treat him as he treated us.” 11 So these three thousand men of Judah went to the cave in the cliff at Etam and said to Samson, “Don't you know that the Philistines are our rulers? What have you done to us?”
He answered, “I did to them just what they did to me.”
12 They told him, “We have come here to tie you up, so we can hand you over to them.”
Samson said, “Give me your word that you won't kill me yourselves.”
13 “All right,” they said, “we are only going to tie you up and hand you over to them. We won't kill you.” So they tied him up with two new ropes and brought him back from the cliff.
14 When he got to Lehi, the Philistines came running toward him, shouting at him. Suddenly the power of the Lord made him strong, and he broke the ropes around his arms and hands as if they were burnt thread. 15 Then he found a jawbone of a donkey that had recently died. He reached down and picked it up, and killed a thousand men with it. 16 So Samson sang,
“With the jawbone of a donkey I killed a thousand men;
With the jawbone of a donkey I piled them up in piles.”
17 After that, he threw the jawbone away. The place where this happened was named Ramath Lehi.
18 Then Samson became very thirsty, so he called to the Lord and said, “You gave me this great victory; am I now going to die of thirst and be captured by these heathen Philistines?” 19 Then God opened a hollow place in the ground there at Lehi, and water came out of it. Samson drank it and began to feel much better. So the spring was named Hakkore; it is still there at Lehi.
20 Samson led Israel for twenty years while the Philistines ruled the land.
Simsons sakauj filistiešus
1 Kviešu pļaujamā laikā Simsons ieradās apciemot savu sievu, paņēmis līdzi kazlēnu. Viņš teica: “Es iešu pie savas sievas guļamistabā,” – bet viņas tēvs neļāva tam iet. 2 Viņas tēvs teica: “Es tiešām domāju, ka tu viņu ienīsti, un atdevu to tavam pavadonim. Vai viņas jaunākā māsa nav vēl labāka par viņu? Ņem to sev viņas vietā!” 3 Un Simsons tam atbildēja: “Šoreiz gan es neesmu vainīgs, ka darīšu ļaunu filistiešiem!” 4 Simsons gāja un saķēra trīs simtus šakāļu, ņēma lāpas, sasēja asti ar asti un iesprauda pa lāpai starp katrām divām astēm. 5 Viņš pielaida lāpām uguni un palaida tos filistiešu labībā. Tā viņš aizdedzināja gan status, gan nenopļauto labību, gan vīnadārzus, gan olīvkokus. 6 Filistieši runāja: “Kas to ir izdarījis?” Un tiem teica: “Simsons, timnieša znots, jo tas ir ņēmis viņa sievu un atdevis to viņa pavadonim!” Tad filistieši nāca un sadedzināja viņu un viņas tēvu. 7 Bet Simsons tiem sacīja: “Ja jūs tā darāt, es jums nudien atriebšos un tikai tad mitēšos!” 8 Un viņš lielā slaktiņā tiem sadragāja lielus un gūžas. Tad viņš devās lejā un apmetās Ētāmas klints plaisā.
9 Filistieši devās augšup, uzslēja nometni Jūdā un devās tālāk uz Lehī. 10 Tad Jūdas vīri teica: “Kāpēc jūs esat nākuši pret mums?” Un tie atbildēja: “Mēs esam nākuši, lai saistītu Simsonu! Lai darītu viņam, kā viņš ir darījis mums!” 11 Tad trīs tūkstoši Jūdas vīru devās lejā uz Ētāmas klints plaisu un teica Simsonam: “Vai tad tu nezini, ka filistieši valda pār mums? Ko tu mums esi izdarījis?!” Un viņš tiem atbildēja: “Kā tie man darījuši, tā es tiem atdarīju!” 12 Tie viņam sacīja: “Mēs esam atnākuši tevi saistīt un nodot filistiešu rokās.” Un viņš tiem teica: “Zvēriet, ka paši man neuzbruksiet!” 13 Tie viņam sacīja: “Tiešām nē! Siet mēs tevi sasiesim un nodosim viņu rokās, bet nāvēt mēs tevi nenonāvēsim!” Tā viņi to sasēja ar divām jaunām virvēm un devās ar viņu prom no klints. 14 Kad viņš nonāca Lehī, filistieši aurodami viņu sagaidīja. Piepeši pār viņu nāca Kunga gars, un virves ap viņa rokām kļuva kā apdeguši linu diegi un saites uz viņa rokām izira. 15 Viņš atrada svaigu ēzeļa žokļa kaulu , izstiepa roku, satvēra to un nosita ar to tūkstoš vīru. 16 Un Simsons teica:
“Ar ēzeļa žokļa kaulu
guldīju daudzum daudzus,
ar ēzeļa žokļa kaulu
nositu tūkstoš vīru!”
17 Beidzis runāt, viņš nosvieda žokļa kaulu un nosauca to vietu: Rāmatlehī . 18 Viņš bija ļoti izslāpis un sauca uz Kungu: “Ar sava kalpa rokām tu esi devis šo lielo atbrīvošanu, un nu man jāmirst slāpēs un jākrīt neapgraizīto rokās!” 19 Un Dievs pāršķēla dobumu žokļa kaulā, un no tā izplūda ūdens. Viņš dzēra un atspirga, un viņā atgriezās dzīvība. Tāpēc šo vietu sauc: Ēnkorē , kas atrodas Lehī līdz pat šai dienai. 20 Un viņš bija Israēla soģis filistiešu laikā divdesmit gadus.