King Hezekiah's Illness and Recovery
(2 Kings 20.1-112 Chronicles 32.24-26)
1 About this time King Hezekiah became sick and almost died. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to see him and said to him, “The Lord tells you that you are to put everything in order because you will not recover. Get ready to die.”
2 Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed: 3 “Remember, Lord, that I have served you faithfully and loyally, and that I have always tried to do what you wanted me to.” And he began to cry bitterly.
4 Then the Lord commanded Isaiah 5 to go back to Hezekiah and say to him, “I, the Lord, the God of your ancestor David, have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will let you live fifteen years longer. 6 I will rescue you and this city of Jerusalem from the emperor of Assyria, and I will continue to protect the city.”
21 Isaiah told the king to put a paste made of figs on his boil, and he would get well. 22 Then King Hezekiah asked, “What is the sign to prove that I will be able to go to the Temple?”
7 Isaiah replied, “The Lord will give you a sign to prove that he will keep his promise. 8 On the stairway built by King Ahaz, the Lord will make the shadow go back ten steps.” And the shadow moved back ten steps.
9 After Hezekiah recovered from his illness, he wrote this song of praise:
10 I thought that in the prime of life
I was going to the world of the dead,
Never to live out my life.
11 I thought that in this world of the living
I would never again see the Lord
Or any living person.
12 My life was cut off and ended,
Like a tent that is taken down,
Like cloth that is cut from a loom.
I thought that God was ending my life.
13 All night I cried out with pain,
As if a lion were breaking my bones.
I thought that God was ending my life.
14 My voice was thin and weak,
And I moaned like a dove.
My eyes grew tired from looking to heaven.
Lord, rescue me from all this trouble.
15 What can I say? The Lord has done this.
My heart is bitter, and I cannot sleep.

16 Lord, I will live for you, for you alone;
Heal me and let me live.
17 My bitterness will turn into peace.
You save my life from all danger;
You forgive all my sins.
18 No one in the world of the dead can praise you;
The dead cannot trust in your faithfulness.
19 It is the living who praise you,
As I praise you now.
Parents tell their children how faithful you are.
20 Lord, you have healed me.
We will play harps and sing your praise,
Sing praise in your Temple as long as we live.
Hizkijas saslimšana
(2Ķēn 20:1–112L 32:24–26)
1 Tajās dienās Hizkija saslima uz miršanu. Pie viņa atnāca pravietis Jesaja, Āmoca dēls, un teica: “Tā saka Kungs: nokārto sava nama lietas, jo tu mirsi un vairs neatveseļosies.” 2 Hizkija pagriezās pret sienu, lūdza Kungu 3 un sacīja: “Ak, Kungs, atceries taču, ka es staigāju tavā priekšā patiesībā un no visas sirds un ka es darīju labu!” – un Hizkija gauži raudāja.
4 Tad pār Jesaju nāca Kunga vārds: 5 “Ej un runā uz Hizkiju: tā saka tava tēva Dāvida Dievs: es sadzirdēju tavu lūgšanu un redzēju tavas asaras – redzi, es pielikšu tavai dzīvei vēl piecpadsmit gadus! 6 Es izglābšu tevi no Asīrijas ķēniņa rokas un arī šo pilsētu – es sargāšu šo pilsētu! 7 Un šī tev ir zīme no Kunga, ka Kungs darīs, kā solījis. 8 Redzi, es pagriezīšu atpakaļ ēnu Āhāza saules pulkstenī, pagriezīšu atpakaļ sauli par desmit iedaļām!” – un tad saule pakāpās atpakaļ par desmit iedaļām, tāpat kā pirmīt bija kāpusi uz priekšu.
9 Šo rakstīja Jūdas ķēniņš Hizkija par savu slimību pēc tam, kad bija no slimības atlabis:
10 “Es sacīju:
jau pusmūžā man ir jāaiziet,
uz šeola vārtiem es norīkots
uz visiem gadiem,
kas manam mūžam atlikuši!
11 Es teicu: vairs man neredzēt Kungu,
Kungu dzīvo zemē,
vairs man cilvēku neredzēt
tur, kur mīt beigtie!
12 Mans mājoklis aizrauts,
no manis noritināts kā ganu telts,
kā audējs es savu dzīvi tinu,
nu izrauts no stellēm –
dienu un nakti tu galē mani!
13 Līdz rītam saucu pēc palīga,
kā lauva viņš lauž man visus kaulus,
dienu un nakti tu galē mani!
14 Kā bezdelīga, kā dzērve es klaigāju,
kā balodis guldzinu,
man acis gurdas, ka ne pacelt, –
mans Kungs, esmu nospiests, palīdzi man!
15 Ko lai es saku,
viņš man tā teica – viņš arī darīja,
visi mani gadi aizskrējuši,
nu dvēselē rūgtums,

16 mans Kungs,
par tiem, kas dzīvo, par visu, kur mans gars mīt!
Dod man spēku un dzīvini mani!
17 Redzi, rūgtum rūgtais nāk man par labu,
tu izrāvi manu dvēseli
no nīcības bedres,
tu sev aiz muguras aizsviedi
visus manus grēkus!
18 Šeols tev nepateiksies,
nāve tevi neslavēs –
vairs necer tie, kas bedrē nokāpuši,
ka tu uzticams!
19 Dzīvie, dzīvie –
tie tev pateiksies kā es šodien,
tēvs darīs zināmu dēliem,
ka tu uzticams!
20 Kungs glābs mani –
visas manas dienas
es spēlēšu stīgas Kunga namā!”
21 Tad Jesaja teica: “Ņemiet vīģu plāceni un lieciet uz augoņa, tad viņš atlabs!” 22 Un Hizkija sacīja: “Kāda būs zīme, ka es atkal varēšu doties uz Kunga namu?”