The Assyrians Threaten Jerusalem
(2 Kings 18.13-272 Chronicles 32.1-19)
1 In the fourteenth year that Hezekiah was king of Judah, Sennacherib, the emperor of Assyria, attacked the fortified cities of Judah and captured them. 2 Then he ordered his chief official to go from Lachish to Jerusalem with a large military force to demand that King Hezekiah surrender. The official occupied the road where the cloth makers work, by the ditch that brings water from the upper pool. 3 Three Judeans came out to meet him: the official in charge of the palace, Eliakim son of Hilkiah; the court secretary, Shebna; and the official in charge of the records, Joah son of Asaph. 4 The Assyrian official told them that the emperor wanted to know what made King Hezekiah so confident. 5 He demanded, “Do you think that words can take the place of military skill and might? Who do you think will help you rebel against Assyria? 6 You are expecting Egypt to help you, but that would be like using a reed as a walking stick—it would break and would jab your hand. That is what the king of Egypt is like when anyone relies on him.”
7 The Assyrian official went on, “Or will you tell me that you are relying on the Lord your God? It was the Lord's shrines and altars that Hezekiah destroyed when he told the people of Judah and Jerusalem to worship at one altar only. 8 I will make a bargain with you in the name of the emperor. I will give you two thousand horses if you can find that many riders. 9 You are no match for even the lowest ranking Assyrian official, and yet you expect the Egyptians to send you chariots and horsemen. 10 Do you think I have attacked your country and destroyed it without the Lord's help? The Lord himself told me to attack it and destroy it.”
11 Then Eliakim, Shebna, and Joah told the official, “Speak Aramaic to us. We understand it. Don't speak Hebrew; all the people on the wall are listening.”
12 He replied, “Do you think you and the king are the only ones the emperor sent me to say all these things to? No, I am also talking to the people who are sitting on the wall, who will have to eat their excrement and drink their urine, just as you will.”
13 Then the official stood up and shouted in Hebrew, “Listen to what the emperor of Assyria is telling you. 14 He warns you not to let Hezekiah deceive you. Hezekiah can't save you. 15 And don't let him persuade you to rely on the Lord. Don't think that the Lord will save you and that he will stop our Assyrian army from capturing your city. 16 Don't listen to Hezekiah! The emperor of Assyria commands you to come out of the city and surrender. You will all be allowed to eat grapes from your own vines and figs from your own trees, and to drink water from your own wells— 17 until the emperor resettles you in a country much like your own, where there are vineyards to give wine and there is grain for making bread. 18 Don't let Hezekiah fool you into thinking that the Lord will rescue you. Did the gods of any other nations save their countries from the emperor of Assyria? 19 Where are they now, the gods of Hamath and Arpad? Where are the gods of Sepharvaim? Did anyone save Samaria? 20 When did any of the gods of all these countries ever save their country from our emperor? Then what makes you think the Lord can save Jerusalem?”
21 The people kept quiet, just as King Hezekiah had told them to; they did not say a word. 22 Then Eliakim, Shebna, and Joah tore their clothes in grief and went and reported to the king what the Assyrian official had said.
Sanherībs draud Jeruzālemei
(2Ķēn 18:13–372L 32:1–19)
1 Ķēniņa Hizkijas četrpadsmitajā gadā Asīrijas ķēniņš Sanherībs cēlās pret visām nocietinātajām Jūdas pilsētām un sagrāba tās. 2 Tad Asīrijas ķēniņš pie ķēniņa Hizkijas sūtīja lielu karaspēku no Lāhīšas uz Jeruzālemi kopā ar savu virsnieku vadoni, lai tas nostājas ceļā uz augšējo dīķi, kur iet taka uz Velētāju tīrumu. 3 Tam pretī iznāca Eljākīms, Hilkijas dēls, kas bija nama pārvaldnieks, un rakstvedis Šebna, un Joāhs, Āsāfa dēls, kas bija lietvedis. 4 Un virsnieku vadonis tiem teica: “Tā runājiet ar Hizkiju: tā saka lielais ķēniņš, Asīrijas ķēniņš: kas tev par paļāvību! Uz ko tu paļaujies? 5 Es saku: tavs karošanas padoms un spēks ir tikai vārdi tev uz lūpām! Uz ko tu tagad paļaujies, ka dumpo pret mani?! 6 Redzi, tu paļaujies uz Ēģipti, uz aizlauztu niedres spieķi – kas uz tā atbalstās, tam tas izduras cauri plaukstai! – tāds ir faraons, Ēģiptes ķēniņš, pret visiem, kas uz viņu paļaujas. 7 Bet, ja tu man saki: mēs paļaujamies uz Kungu, mūsu Dievu! – vai tad ne viņš ir tas, kura augstienes un altārus Hizkija novāca, sacīdams Jūdai un Jeruzālemei: jums jāzemojas tikai vienā altārī! – 8 Tad nu salīgstiet ar manu kungu, Asīrijas ķēniņu, un es jums došu divus tūkstošus zirgu – vai jums ir gana jātnieku, ko uz tiem sēdināt?! 9 Kā tad tu taisies stāties pretī kaut vienam no mana kunga mazākajiem virsniekiem! – bet tu paļaujies uz Ēģiptes zirgiem un kararatiem! 10 Un tagad – vai tad bez Kunga ziņas es esmu nācis pret šo zemi, lai to nopostītu! Kungs man teica: ej uz to zemi un noposti to!”
11 Tad Eljākīms, Šebna un Joāhs teica virsnieku vadonim: “Runā jel ar saviem kalpiem aramiešu valodā, jo mēs to saprotam, – nerunā ar mums jūdu valodā, ka nedzird tie ļaudis, kas ir uz mūra!” 12 Un virsnieku vadonis teica: “Vai mans kungs mani sūtījis sacīt šos vārdus tavam kungam un tev? Vai ne pie tiem vīriem, kas sēž uz mūra un kam kopā ar jums būs jāēd pašu mēsli un jādzer pašu mīzali?” 13 Tad virsnieku vadonis nostājās un skaļā balsī sauca jūdu valodā: “Klausieties lielā Asīrijas ķēniņa vārdus! 14 Tā saka ķēniņš: lai Hizkija jūs nepieviļ, jo viņš nevar jūs glābt! 15 Lai Hizkija jūs nedrošina ar Kungu, sacīdams: Kungs mūs noteikti izglābs, šī pilsēta netiks atdota Asīrijas ķēniņam!
16 Neklausieties uz Hizkiju, jo tā saka Asīrijas ķēniņš: noslēdziet ar mani līgumu un nāciet pie manis, tad jūs pārtiksiet katrs no sava vīna un katrs no sava vīģeskoka un jūs dzersiet katrs no savas akas, 17 līdz es nākšu un ņemšu jūs sev līdzi uz zemi, kas ir tāda pati kā jūsu zeme, tā ir zeme, kur ir labība un jaunvīns, kur maize un vīnadārzi! 18 Lai Hizkija jūs neviļ, sacīdams: Kungs mūs glābs! Vai kāds no citu tautu dieviem ir glābis savu zemi no Asīrijas ķēniņa rokas?! 19 Kur ir Hamātas un Arpadas dievi? Kur ir Sefarvaimas dievi? Vai tie izglāba Samariju no manas rokas? 20 Kurš no visiem šo zemju dieviem ir izglābis savu zemi no manas rokas – tad kādēļ lai Kungs no manis glābtu Jeruzālemi!?”
21 Tie klusēja un nebilda ne vārda, jo ķēniņa pavēle bija šāda: “Neatbildiet viņam!” 22 Tad Eljākīms, Hilkijas dēls, kas pārvaldīja namu, un rakstvedis Šebna, un lietvedis Joāhs, Āsāfa dēls, atgriezās pie Hizkijas, saplēsa savas drēbes un pastāstīja viņam virsnieku vadoņa sacīto.