Abraham and Abimelech
1 Abraham moved from Mamre to the southern part of Canaan and lived between Kadesh and Shur. Later, while he was living in Gerar, 2 he said that his wife Sarah was his sister. So King Abimelech of Gerar had Sarah brought to him. 3 One night God appeared to him in a dream and said, “You are going to die, because you have taken this woman; she is already married.”
4 But Abimelech had not come near her, and he said, “Lord, I am innocent! Would you destroy me and my people? 5 Abraham himself said that she was his sister, and she said the same thing. I did this with a clear conscience, and I have done no wrong.”
6 God replied in the dream, “Yes, I know that you did it with a clear conscience; so I kept you from sinning against me and did not let you touch her. 7 But now, give the woman back to her husband. He is a prophet, and he will pray for you, so that you will not die. But if you do not give her back, I warn you that you are going to die, you and all your people.”
8 Early the next morning Abimelech called all his officials and told them what had happened, and they were terrified. 9 Then Abimelech called Abraham and asked, “What have you done to us? What wrong have I done to you to make you bring this disaster on me and my kingdom? No one should ever do what you have done to me. 10 Why did you do it?”
11 Abraham answered, “I thought that there would be no one here who has reverence for God and that they would kill me to get my wife. 12 She really is my sister. She is the daughter of my father, but not of my mother, and I married her. 13 So when God sent me from my father's house into foreign lands, I said to her, ‘You can show how loyal you are to me by telling everyone that I am your brother.’”
14 Then Abimelech gave Sarah back to Abraham, and at the same time he gave him sheep, cattle, and slaves. 15 He said to Abraham, “Here is my whole land; live anywhere you like.” 16 He said to Sarah, “I am giving your brother a thousand pieces of silver as proof to all who are with you that you are innocent; everyone will know that you have done no wrong.”
17-18 Because of what had happened to Sarah, Abraham's wife, the Lord had made it impossible for any woman in Abimelech's palace to have children. So Abraham prayed for Abimelech, and God healed him. He also healed his wife and his slave women, so that they could have children.
Ābrahāms un Sāra Gerārā
1 No turienes Ābrahāms klejoja uz Negevas zemi un piemita starp Kādēšu un Šūru, viņš apmetās Gerārā. 2 Tur Ābrahāms par Sāru sacīja: “Viņa ir mana māsa.” Un Gerāras ķēniņš Abīmelehs sūtīja un paņēma Sāru. 3 Un sapnī Dievs nāca pie Abīmeleha un viņam teica: “Redzi, tu mirsi tās sievas dēļ, kuru tu ņēmi, jo viņa ir cita vīra sieva!” 4 Tad Abīmelehs viņai netuvojās un teica: “Mans Kungs, vai tu kausi pat taisnus ļaudis?! 5 Vai viņš pats man neteica: viņa ir mana māsa! – un viņa, pat viņa man teica: viņš ir mans brālis! – savas sirds šķīstībā un roku nevainībā es to darīju!” 6 Un Dievs viņam sapnī teica: “Es taču zināju, ka tavas sirds šķīstībā tu to darīji, un es saudzēju – es pats! – tevi no grēkošanas pret mani, tādēļ es tev viņu neļāvu aizskart! 7 Tagad atdod sievu vīram, jo viņš ir pravietis, un viņš lūgs par tevi, un tu paliksi dzīvs, bet, ja neatdosi, zini, ka tu mirtin mirsi, tu un visi, kas ar tevi!” 8 Un Abīmelehs cēlās agri no rīta, pasauca visus savus kalpus un tiem to visu pastāstīja, un vīri nobijās ne pa jokam. 9 Abīmelehs pasauca Ābrahāmu un viņam teica: “Ko tu mums izdarīji?! Ko es pret tevi esmu nogrēkojies, ka tu man un manai ķēniņvalstij uzsūtīji tik lielu grēku, – man tu esi darījis to, ko neklājas darīt!” 10 Un Abīmelehs teica Ābrahāmam: “Ko tu domāji, kad tu to darīji?!” 11 Ābrahāms teica: “Es tikai domāju, ka šajā vietā nebīstas Dieva un ka tie mani nokaus manas sievas dēļ! 12 Un patiesi – viņa ir mana māsa, mana tēva meita, taču ne manas mātes meita, un viņa kļuva mana sieva. 13 Bija tā: kad Dievs lika man doties projām no mana tēva nama, es viņai teicu: šī ir laipnība, ko tu man vari darīt – katrā vietā, kur nonāksim, saki par mani: viņš ir mans brālis!” 14 Tad Abīmelehs ņēma avis un vēršus, kalpus un kalpones un deva tos Ābrahāmam, un atdeva viņam Sāru, viņa sievu. 15 Un Abīmelehs teica: “Redzi, mana zeme ir tavā priekšā, mīti tur, kur tev tīk!” 16 Un Sārai viņš teica: “Redzi, tavam brālim es devu tūkstoti sudrabā, redzi, tas ir tavs, lai tas piesedz acis visiem, kas ir ar tevi, un tu būsi attaisnota.” 17 Un Ābrahāms lūdza Dievu, un Dievs dziedēja Abīmelehu un viņa sievu, un viņa verdzenes, un viņas varēja dzemdēt, 18 jo Abīmeleha namā Kungs bija slēgtin noslēdzis visus klēpjus Ābrahāma sievas Sāras dēļ.