The Lord's Portion of the Country
1 When the land is divided to give each tribe a share, one part is to be dedicated to the Lord. It is to be 10 miles long by 8 miles wide. The entire area will be holy. 2 In this area there is to be a square plot of land for the Temple, 840 feet on each side, entirely surrounded by an open space 84 feet wide. 3 Half of this area, a section 10 miles by 4 miles, is to be measured off; it will contain the Temple, the holiest place of all. 4 It will be a holy part of the country, set aside for the priests who serve the Lord in his Temple. It will contain their houses and the section of land for the Temple. 5 The other half of the area is to be set aside as the possession of the Levites, who do the work in the Temple. There will be towns there for them to live in.
6 Next to the holy area, another section, 10 miles long and 2 miles wide, is to be set aside for a city where any of the people of Israel may live.
Land for the Prince
7 Land is also to be set aside for the ruling prince. From the west boundary of the holy area it will extend west to the Mediterranean Sea; and from the east boundary it will extend to the eastern border of the country, so that its length will be the same as the length of one of the areas allotted to the tribes of Israel. 8 This area will be the share the ruling prince will have in the land of Israel, so that he will no longer oppress the people, but will let the rest of the country belong to the tribes of Israel.
Rules for the Prince
9 The Sovereign Lord said, “You have sinned too long, you rulers of Israel! Stop your violence and oppression. Do what is right and just. You must never again drive my people off their land. I, the Sovereign Lord, am telling you this.
10 “Everyone must use honest weights and measures:
11 “The ephah for dry measure is to be equal to the bath for liquid measure. The standard is the homer . The resulting measures are as follows:
1 homer = 10 ephahs = 10 baths 12 “Your weights are to be as follows:
20 gerahs = 1 shekel 60 shekels = 1 mina 13-15 “This is the basis on which you are to make your offerings:
Wheat: 1/60th of your harvestBarley: 1/60th of your harvestOlive oil: 1/100th of the yield of your trees(Measure it by the bath : 10 baths = 1 homer = 1 kor .)
Sheep: 1 sheep out of every 200 from the meadows of Israel“You are to bring grain offerings, animals to be burned whole, and animals for fellowship offerings, so that your sins will be forgiven. I, the Sovereign Lord, command it.
16 “All the people of the land must take these offerings to the ruling prince of Israel. 17 It will be his duty to provide the animals to be burned whole, the grain offerings, and the wine offerings for the whole nation of Israel at the New Moon Festivals, the Sabbaths, and the other festivals. He is to provide the sin offerings, the grain offerings, the offerings to be burned whole, and the fellowship offerings, to take away the sins of the people of Israel.”
The Festivals
(Exodus 12.1-20Leviticus 23.33-43)18 The Sovereign Lord said, “On the first day of the first month you are to sacrifice a bull without any defects and purify the Temple. 19 The priest will take some of the blood of this sin offering and put it on the doorposts of the Temple, on the four corners of the altar, and on the posts of the gateways to the inner courtyard. 20 On the seventh day of the month you are to do the same thing on behalf of anyone who sins unintentionally or through ignorance. In this way you will keep the Temple holy.
21 “On the fourteenth day of the first month you will begin the celebration of the Passover Festival. For seven days everyone will eat bread made without yeast. 22 On the first day of the festival the ruling prince must offer a bull as a sacrifice for his sins and for those of all the people. 23 On each of the seven days of the festival he is to sacrifice to the Lord seven bulls and seven rams without any defects and burn them whole. He is also to sacrifice a male goat each day as a sin offering. 24 For each bull and each ram that is sacrificed, there is to be an offering of half a bushel of grain and three quarts of olive oil.
25 “For the Festival of Shelters, which begins on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, the prince will offer on each of the seven days the same sacrifice for sin, the same offerings to be burned whole, and the same offerings of grain and olive oil.”
Svētnīcai piederošais zemes gabals
1 Kad jūs dalīsiet zemi īpašumā, nododiet Kungam svēto zemes gabalu divdesmit pieci tūkstošu olekšu garumā un divdesmit tūkstošu olekšu platumā – viss šis gabals ir svēts. 2 No tā lai četrstūris, pieci simti olekšu uz pieciem simtiem olekšu liels, tiek svētnīcai, un tam visapkārt lai paliek piecdesmit olekšu brīvas zemes. 3 Un no tā atmēri garumā divdesmit piecus tūkstošus olekšu un platumā desmit tūkstošus olekšu, tur lai ir svētumu svētuma vieta. 4 Svētais zemes gabals lai pieder priesteriem, kas kalpo svētnīcā, – tiem, kas tuvojas Kungam, lai kalpotu. Tā ir viņu mājvieta, svētnīcas svētvieta. 5 Levītiem, kas kalpo templī, lai pieder divdesmit pieci tūkstoši olekšu gara un desmit tūkstoši olekšu plata vieta ar pilsētām, kur dzīvot. 6 Pilsētā jums jādod par mantojuma daļu piecus tūkstošus plats un divdesmit tūkstošus garš zemes gabals blakus svētajai daļai, tas lai pieder visam Israēla namam.
Valdnieka zemes gabals
7 Valdnieka zeme lai ir blakus svētajai zemei un pilsētas īpašumam – gan pie svētā, gan pilsētas īpašuma, gan jūras pusē, gan rīta pusē, – tās garums lai ir tāds pats kā blakus gabalam, no vakariem līdz rītiem. 8 Tā lai ir viņa daļa Israēlā. Mani valdnieki lai vairs neapspiež manu tautu, bet dod zemi Israēla namam pēc viņu ciltīm.
9 Tā saka Kungs Dievs: gana jums, Israēla valdnieki! Atstājieties no varasdarbiem un laupīšanas, dariet tiesu un taisnību! Neizdzeniet manus ļaudis! – saka Kungs Dievs.
Par pareizu mēru un svaru
10 Lai jums ir pareizi atsvari, pareiza ēfa un pareizs bats. 11 Ēfa un bats lai ir vienādi – bats ir omera desmitā daļa, un arī ēfa ir omera desmitā daļa – tos mēra pēc omera. 12 Šekelī jābūt divdesmit gerām. Divdesmit šekeļu un divdesmit pieci šekeļi, un vēl piecpadsmit šekeļi lai jums ir viena mina.
Upuri un svinamās dienas
13 Šāds lai ir jūsu upuris – sestā daļa ēfas no katra kviešu omera un sestā daļa ēfas no katra miežu omera. 14 Eļļas noteiktā deva lai ir viens bats no desmit batiem – viens bats no koras, un arī viens bats no omera, jo desmit bati ir viens omers. 15 Un viena avs no katriem diviem simtiem sīklopu Israēla leknajās ganībās lai ir klāt labības dāvanai, sadedzināmajam upurim un miera upurim, lai apklātu tiem grēku, saka Kungs Dievs. 16 Lai visa tauta visā zemē gādā šo upuri Israēla valdniekam, 17 bet viņš lai gādā sadedzināmos upurus, labības dāvanas un lejamos upurus svētkos, jaunā mēnesī, sabatos un visās Israēla nama svētku reizēs. Viņš lai upurē grēka upuri, labības dāvanu, sadedzināmo un miera upuri, lai apklātu Israēla nama grēku.
18 Tā saka Kungs Dievs: pirmā mēneša pirmajā dienā ņem jaunu vērsi, kas bez vainas, un šķīstī svētvietu. 19 Priesteris lai ņem grēka upura asinis un apziež tempļa durvju apmales, altāra dzegas četrus stūrus un iekšpagalma vārtu stabus. 20 Tāpat dari arī mēneša septītajā dienā – par tiem, kas grēkojuši maldu vai vientiesības dēļ, – tā tu apklāsi grēku par templi.
21 Mēneša četrpadsmitajā dienā lai jums ir Pashas svētki – septiņas dienas ēdiet neraudzētu! 22 Tajā dienā valdnieks par sevi un visu tautu lai upurē vērsi grēka upurim. 23 Septiņas svētku dienas lai viņš upurē sadedzināmo upuri Kungam – septiņus vēršus un septiņus aunus bez vainas, un visas septiņas dienas lai katru dienu par grēka upuri upurē āzi. 24 Pie katra upura vērša un auna lai viņš pienes labības dāvanai vienu ēfu miltu un pie katras ēfas vienu hīnu eļļas.
25 Svētkos, kas ilgst septiņas dienas pirms septītā mēneša piecpadsmitās dienas, lai viņš upurē tādu pašu grēka upuri, sadedzināmo upuri, labības dāvanu un eļļu.