God Gives Moses Miraculous Power
1 Then Moses answered the Lord, “But suppose the Israelites do not believe me and will not listen to what I say. What shall I do if they say that you did not appear to me?”
2 So the Lord asked him, “What are you holding?”
“A walking stick,” he answered.
3 The Lord said, “Throw it on the ground.” When Moses threw it down, it turned into a snake, and he ran away from it. 4 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Reach down and pick it up by the tail.” So Moses reached down and caught it, and it became a walking stick again. 5 The Lord said, “Do this to prove to the Israelites that the Lord, the God of their ancestors, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, has appeared to you.”
6 The Lord spoke to Moses again, “Put your hand inside your robe.” Moses obeyed; and when he took his hand out, it was diseased, covered with white spots, like snow. 7 Then the Lord said, “Put your hand inside your robe again.” He did so, and when he took it out this time, it was healthy, just like the rest of his body. 8 The Lord said, “If they will not believe you or be convinced by the first miracle, then this one will convince them. 9 If in spite of these two miracles they still will not believe you, and if they refuse to listen to what you say, take some water from the Nile and pour it on the ground. The water will turn into blood.”
10 But Moses said, “No, Lord, don't send me. I have never been a good speaker, and I haven't become one since you began to speak to me. I am a poor speaker, slow and hesitant.”
11 The Lord said to him, “Who gives man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or dumb? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? It is I, the Lord. 12 Now, go! I will help you to speak, and I will tell you what to say.”
13 But Moses answered, “No, Lord, please send someone else.”
14 At this the Lord became angry with Moses and said, “What about your brother Aaron, the Levite? I know that he can speak well. In fact, he is now coming to meet you and will be glad to see you. 15 You can speak to him and tell him what to say. I will help both of you to speak, and I will tell you both what to do. 16 He will be your spokesman and speak to the people for you. Then you will be like God, telling him what to say. 17 Take this walking stick with you; for with it you will perform miracles.”
Moses Returns to Egypt
18 Then Moses went back to Jethro, his father-in-law, and said to him, “Please let me go back to my relatives in Egypt to see if they are still alive.” Jethro agreed and told him good-bye.
19 While Moses was still in Midian, the Lord said to him, “Go back to Egypt, for all those who wanted to kill you are dead.” 20 So Moses took his wife and his sons, put them on a donkey, and set out with them for Egypt, carrying the walking stick that God had told him to take.
21 Again the Lord said to Moses, “Now that you are going back to Egypt, be sure to perform before the king all the miracles which I have given you the power to do. But I will make the king stubborn, and he will not let the people go. 22 Then you must tell him that I, the Lord, say, ‘Israel is my first-born son. 23 I told you to let my son go, so that he might worship me, but you refused. Now I am going to kill your first-born son.’”
24 At a camping place on the way to Egypt, the Lord met Moses and tried to kill him. 25-26 Then Zipporah, his wife, took a sharp stone, cut off the foreskin of her son, and touched Moses' feet with it. Because of the rite of circumcision she said to Moses, “You are a husband of blood to me.” And so the Lord spared Moses' life.
27 Meanwhile the Lord had said to Aaron, “Go into the desert to meet Moses.” So he went to meet him at the holy mountain; and when he met him, he kissed him. 28 Then Moses told Aaron everything that the Lord had said when he told him to return to Egypt; he also told him about the miracles which the Lord had ordered him to perform. 29 So Moses and Aaron went to Egypt and gathered all the Israelite leaders together. 30 Aaron told them everything that the Lord had said to Moses, and then Moses performed all the miracles in front of the people. 31 They believed, and when they heard that the Lord had come to them and had seen how they were being treated cruelly, they bowed down and worshiped.
Mozum dotās zīmes
1 Mozus atbildēja: “Tiešām, viņi neticēs un mani neklausīs, viņi sacīs: Kungs tev nav parādījies!” 2 Un Kungs sacīja viņam: “Kas tev ir rokā?” Viņš teica: “Spieķis!” 3 Un Kungs teica: “Nomet to zemē!” Viņš nometa to zemē, un tas tapa par čūsku, un Mozus bēga no tās. 4 Un Kungs teica Mozum: “Pasniedzies un paņem to aiz astes!” Viņš pasniedzās, satvēra to, un viņa rokā tā kļuva par spieķi. 5 “Tādēļ viņi ticēs, ka tev parādījies Kungs, viņu tēvu Dievs, Ābrahāma Dievs, Īzaka Dievs un Jēkaba Dievs!” 6 Un vēl Kungs viņam teica: “Liec savu roku azotē!” Viņš ielika savu roku azotē, un, kad viņš izvilka to, redzi – viņa roka bija spitālīga kā sniegs! 7 Un viņš teica: “Liec savu roku atpakaļ azotē!” Viņš ielika roku atpakaļ azotē, un, kad viņš izvilka roku no azotes, redzi, tā atkal bija kā viņa miesa! 8 “Būs tā – ja viņi tev neticēs un neklausīs tavas pirmās zīmes dēļ, tad viņi noticēs tavai nākamajai zīmei! 9 Un, ja viņi neticēs arī nākamajai zīmei, ja viņi tevi neklausīs, tad ņem Nīlas ūdeni un izlej to zemē, un ūdens, ko tu ņemsi no Nīlas, uz zemes kļūs par asinīm!” 10 Bet Mozus teica Kungam: “Ak, mans Kungs! Es neesmu runātājs – ne vakar, ne aizvakar, ne pēc tam, kad tu esi runājis ar savu kalpu! Es esmu lēns vārdos un neveiklu mēli!” 11 Un Kungs tam teica: “Kas cilvēkam devis muti? Kas padara mēmu, kurlu, redzīgu vai aklu? Vai ne es, Kungs?! 12 Un tagad – ej, es būšu ar tavu muti un norādīšu, ko tev runāt!” 13 Bet tas teica: “Ak, mans Kungs! Sūti jel, bet kādu citu!”
14 Tad Kungs iedegās dusmās pret Mozu un sacīja: “Vai levīts Ārons nav tavs brālis?! Es zinu, ka viņš ir runātājs, tad redzi – tur viņš nāks tev pretī, ieraudzīs tevi un priecāsies savā sirdī. 15 Runā ar viņu, liec vārdus viņam mutē, un es būšu ar tavu muti un ar viņa muti un mācīšu, ko jums darīt! 16 Un viņš runās ar tautu tavā vietā, viņš būs tava mute, un tu viņam būsi Dieva vietā! 17 Ņem rokā šo spieķi, ar to tu darīsi zīmes!”
Mozus atgriežas Ēģiptē
18 Un Mozus devās atpakaļ pie sava sievastēva Jetrus un teica viņam: “Es nu iešu, ļauj man atgriezties pie maniem brāļiem, kuri ir Ēģiptē, man jāredz, vai viņi vēl dzīvi.” Un Jetrus teica Mozum: “Ej ar mieru!” 19 Midjānā Kungs teica Mozum: “Ej, atgriezies Ēģiptē, jo visi tie vīri, kuri lūkoja pēc tavas dzīvības, ir miruši!” 20 Mozus ņēma savu sievu, dēlus, uzsēdināja tos uz ēzeļa un atgriezās Ēģiptes zemē. Mozus paņēma Dieva spieķi rokā. 21 Un Kungs teica Mozum: “Kad tu dosies atpakaļ uz Ēģipti, pielūko – es tev esmu devis visus šos brīnumus – dari tos faraona priekšā. Bet es nocietināšu viņa sirdi, un viņš nelaidīs tautu. 22 Saki faraonam: tā saka Kungs: mans pirmdzimtais ir Israēls! 23 Un es tev saku: atlaid manu dēlu, lai viņš man kalpo, bet, ja tu liegsies viņu laist, redzi, es nokaušu tavu dēlu, tavu pirmdzimto!”
24 Un notika tā – pa ceļam nakšņošanas vietā Kungs sastapa viņu un lūkoja viņu nonāvēt. 25 Tad Cipora paņēma klints šķēpeli, nogrieza sava dēla priekšādu, pieskārās viņa kājām un teica: “Nu tu man esi asins līgavainis!” 26 Tad viņš no tā atstājās, un viņa teica: “Asins līgavainis pēc apgraizīšanas!”
27 Un Kungs teica Āronam: “Dodies tuksnesī pretī Mozum!” Viņš gāja un sastapa to pie Dieva kalna un skūpstīja to. 28 Un Mozus pastāstīja Āronam visu Kunga sacīto, ko viņš tam bija teicis, un par visām zīmēm, par kurām viņš tam bija pavēlējis. 29 Tad Mozus un Ārons gāja un sapulcināja visus Israēla dēlu vecajos. 30 Un Ārons runāja visu, ko Kungs bija teicis Mozum, kas tautas priekšā rādīja zīmes. 31 Un tauta ticēja, viņi klausīja, jo Kungs bija stāvējis klāt Israēla dēliem – viņš bija redzējis viņu spaidus, un tie noliecās un zemojās.