Garments for the Priests
(Exodus 39.1-7)1 “Summon your brother Aaron and his sons, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. Separate them from the people of Israel, so that they may serve me as priests. 2 Make priestly garments for your brother Aaron, to provide him with dignity and beauty. 3 Call all the skilled workers to whom I have given ability, and tell them to make Aaron's clothes, so that he may be dedicated as a priest in my service. 4 Tell them to make a breastpiece, an ephod, a robe, an embroidered shirt, a turban, and a sash. They are to make these priestly garments for your brother Aaron and his sons, so that they can serve me as priests. 5 The skilled workers are to use blue, purple, and red wool, gold thread, and fine linen.
6 “They are to make the ephod of blue, purple, and red wool, gold thread, and fine linen, decorated with embroidery. 7 Two shoulder straps, by which it can be fastened, are to be attached to the sides. 8 A finely woven belt made of the same materials is to be attached to the ephod so as to form one piece with it. 9 Take two carnelian stones and engrave on them the names of the twelve sons of Jacob, 10 in the order of their birth, with six on one stone and six on the other. 11 Have a skillful jeweler engrave on the two stones the names of the sons of Jacob, and mount the stones in gold settings. 12 Put them on the shoulder straps of the ephod to represent the twelve tribes of Israel. In this way Aaron will carry their names on his shoulders, so that I, the Lord, will always remember my people. 13 Make two gold settings 14 and two chains of pure gold twisted like cords, and attach them to the settings.
The Breastpiece
(Exodus 39.8-21)15 “Make a breastpiece for the High Priest to use in determining God's will. It is to be made of the same materials as the ephod and with similar embroidery. 16 It is to be square and folded double, 9 inches long and 9 inches wide. 17 Mount four rows of precious stones on it; in the first row mount a ruby, a topaz, and a garnet; 18 in the second row, an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond; 19 in the third row, a turquoise, an agate, and an amethyst; 20 and in the fourth row, a beryl, a carnelian, and a jasper. These are to be mounted in gold settings. 21 Each of these twelve stones is to have engraved on it the name of one of the sons of Jacob, to represent the tribes of Israel. 22 For the breastpiece make chains of pure gold, twisted like cords. 23 Make two gold rings and attach them to the upper corners of the breastpiece, 24 and fasten the two gold cords to the two rings. 25 Fasten the other two ends of the cords to the two settings, and in this way attach them in front to the shoulder straps of the ephod. 26 Then make two rings of gold and attach them to the lower corners of the breastpiece on the inside edge next to the ephod. 27 Make two more gold rings and attach them to the lower part of the front of the two shoulder straps of the ephod, near the seam and above the finely woven belt. 28 Tie the rings of the breastpiece to the rings of the ephod with a blue cord, so that the breastpiece rests above the belt and does not come loose.
29 “When Aaron enters the Holy Place, he will wear this breastpiece engraved with the names of the tribes of Israel, so that I, the Lord, will always remember my people. 30 Put the Urim and Thummim in the breastpiece, so that Aaron will carry them when he comes into my holy presence. At such times he must always wear this breastpiece, so that he can determine my will for the people of Israel.
The Other Priestly Garments
(Exodus 39.22-31)31 “The robe that goes under the ephod is to be made entirely of blue wool. 32 It is to have a hole for the head, and this hole is to be reinforced with a woven binding to keep it from tearing. 33-34 All around its lower hem put pomegranates of blue, purple, and red wool, alternating with gold bells. 35 Aaron is to wear this robe when he serves as priest. When he comes into my presence in the Holy Place or when he leaves it, the sound of the bells will be heard, and he will not be killed.
36 “Make an ornament of pure gold and engrave on it ‘Dedicated to the Lord.’ 37 Tie it to the front of the turban with a blue cord. 38 Aaron is to wear it on his forehead, so that I, the Lord, will accept all the offerings that the Israelites dedicate to me, even if the people commit some error in offering them.
39 “Weave Aaron's shirt of fine linen and make a turban of fine linen and also a sash decorated with embroidery.
40 “Make shirts, sashes, and caps for Aaron's sons, to provide them with dignity and beauty. 41 Put these clothes on your brother Aaron and his sons. Then ordain them and dedicate them by anointing them with olive oil, so that they may serve me as priests. 42 Make linen shorts for them, reaching from the waist to the thighs, so that they will not expose themselves. 43 Aaron and his sons must always wear them when they go into the Tent of my presence or approach the altar to serve as priests in the Holy Place, so that they will not be killed for exposing themselves. This is a permanent rule for Aaron and his descendants.
Priesteru drēbes
(2Moz 39:1–7)1 Izraugies no Israēla dēliem savu brāli Āronu un viņa dēlus – lai Ārons un Ārona dēli Nādābs, Abīhū, Elāzārs un Ītāmārs ir man priesteri. 2 Darini savam brālim Āronam svētās drēbes godam un greznumam! 3 Un runā ar visiem sirdsgudrajiem, kurus es esmu piepildījis ar gudrības garu, lai viņi darina Āronam drēbes, lai viņš ir svētīts, lai viņš top man par priesteri. 4 Šīs ir drēbes, kas tiem jātaisa: krūšu uzliktnis, efods, virssvārki, austi svārki, turbāns un josta – lai viņi darina tavam brālim Āronam un viņa dēliem svētas drēbes, ka viņš top man par priesteri. 5 Lai viņi ņem zeltu un purpurzilu, purpuru, sarkanu un smalka lina audumu.
6 Lai viņi darina efodu – zelta, purpurzila, purpura, sarkana un smalka lina auduma, ar izdomu darinātu. 7 Abās malās lai tam ir piestiprināti divi uzpleči. 8 Un pār to lai ir josta, ar izdomu darināta, tāpat kā tas – zelta, purpurzila, purpura, sarkana un smalka lina auduma. 9 Ņem divus oniksus un iegreb tajos Israēla dēlu vārdus – 10 sešus vārdus uz viena akmens un otrus sešus vārdus uz otra akmens – viņu dzimšanas secībā. 11 Kā rotkalis, kas grebj zīmogus, tā tu abos akmeņos iegreb Israēla dēlu vārdus un visapkārt tiem taisi zelta ietvaru. 12 Abus šos akmeņus liec uz efoda uzplečiem – tie lai ir Israēla dēlu piemiņas akmeņi, un Ārons uz abiem pleciem nesīs viņu vārdus Kunga priekšā par piemiņu.
13 Un taisi zelta ietvaru 14 un divas ķēdes no tīra zelta, savītas kā virvju vijēja darinājums, un virvjveida ķēdes pieliec ietvaram.
Krūšu uzliktnis
(2Moz 39:8–21)15 Un darini krūšu uzliktni tiesai, ar izdomu darinātu, tāpat kā efodu darini to no zelta, purpurzila, purpura, sarkana un smalka lina auduma – tādu to darini! 16 Lai tas ir četrstūrains, divkārt salikts, sprīdi garš un sprīdi plats. 17 Pārklāj to ar dārgakmeņiem četrās rindās. Rindā lai ir rubīns, topāzs un smaragds – pirmā rinda. 18 Un otrajā rindā – granāts, safīrs un nefrīts. 19 Un trešajā rindā – opāls, ahāts un ametists. 20 Un ceturtajā rindā – hrizolīts, onikss un berils. Tie savā izkārtojumā lai ir ietverti zeltā. 21 Šie akmeņi lai ir pēc divpadsmit Israēla dēlu vārdiem, kā to vārdi iegrebti zīmogā – uz katra lai ir viens no divpadsmit cilšu vārdiem. 22 Un darini krūšu uzliktnim savītas ķēdes no tīra zelta – savītas kā virvju vijēja darinājums. 23 Darini krūšu uzliktnim divus zelta gredzenus, pieliec abus gredzenus krūšu uzliktnim malās. 24 Ieliec abus zelta vijumus gredzenos krūšu uzliktņa malās. 25 Abus vijumu galus pieliec ietvariem un priekšpusē pievieno efoda uzplečiem. 26 Un darini divus zelta gredzenus un pieliec tos abos galos krūšu uzliktnim tajā malā, kas iekšpusē zem efoda. 27 Un darini divus zelta gredzenus un piestiprini tos priekšpusē zem abiem efoda uzplečiem blakus savienojumam virs efoda jostas. 28 Lai viņi sien krūšu uzliktni aiz gredzeniem pie efoda gredzeniem ar purpurzilu auklu, lai tas atrastos virsū ar izdomu darinātajam efodam un lai krūšu uzliktnis nenoslīd no efoda. 29 Lai Ārons nes Israēla dēlu vārdus uz tiesas krūšu uzliktņa virs savas sirds, kad viņš dodas uz svētvietu. Tie lai ir par piemiņu Kunga priekšā vienmēr! 30 Un liec krūšu uzliktnī urīmu un tumīmu – tie lai ir virs Ārona sirds, kad viņš dosies Kunga priekšā, lai Ārons nes Israēla dēlu tiesu uz savas sirds Kunga priekšā vienmēr.
Pārējais priestera ietērps
(2Moz 39:22–31)31 Un darini efoda virssvārkus – visus no purpurzila. 32 Vidū tiem lai ir atvērums galvai, atvērumam visapkārt lai ir austa mala kā kakla izgriezumam, lai tie neplīst. 33 Malās tiem darini granātābolus – purpurzilus, purpura un sarkana auduma – visapkārt to malām un zelta zvārguļus visapkārt tiem! 34 Zelta zvārgulis un granātābols – zelta zvārgulis un granātābols lai ir uz virssvārku malām visapkārt! 35 Tie Āronam lai ir viņa kalpošanai, to skaņa lai ir dzirdama, kad viņš dodas uz svētvietu Kunga priekšā un no turienes atpakaļ – ka viņš nemirst!
36 Un darini tīra zelta galvas rotu un iegreb zīmoga grebumu: “Svēts Kungam!” 37 Piestiprini to ar purpurzilu auklu uz turbāna – lai tā ir turbāna priekšā. 38 Lai tā atrodas uz Ārona pieres, lai Ārons to nes pie visiem upuriem, kurus Israēla dēli svētīs, pie visām viņu svētajām dāvanām, lai tas vienmēr ir pār viņa pieri – lai tie būtu tīkami Kungam.
39 Un noaud smalka lina svārkus, un darini smalka lina turbānu, un darini jostu – izšūdinātus darinājumus. 40 Arī Ārona dēliem darini svārkus, darini tiem jostas un turbānus, taisi godam un greznībai! 41 Ģērb tajos savu brāli Āronu un viņa dēlus, iesvaidi viņus un iecel tos amatā, un svētī viņus, lai viņi top man par priesteriem. 42 Un darini tiem linu īsbikses, lai apklātu kailo miesu, – tās lai ir no gurniem līdz ceļiem. 43 Lai Āronam un viņa dēliem tās ir uzvilktas, kad viņi dodas uz Saiešanas telti vai kad tuvojas altārim, lai kalpotu svētvietā – lai tie būtu bez vainas un nemirtu! Tas ir mūžīgs likums viņam un viņa pēcnācējiem pēc viņa!