The King Honors Mordecai
1 That same night the king could not get to sleep, so he had the official records of the empire brought and read to him. 2 The part they read included the account of how Mordecai had uncovered a plot to assassinate the king—the plot made by Bigthana and Teresh, the two palace eunuchs who had guarded the king's rooms. 3 The king asked, “How have we honored and rewarded Mordecai for this?”
His servants answered, “Nothing has been done for him.”
4 “Are any of my officials in the palace?” the king asked.
Now Haman had just entered the courtyard; he had come to ask the king to have Mordecai hanged on the gallows that was now ready. 5 So the servants answered, “Haman is here, waiting to see you.”
“Show him in,” said the king.
6 So Haman came in, and the king said to him, “There is someone I wish very much to honor. What should I do for this man?”
Haman thought to himself, “Now who could the king want to honor so much? Me, of course.”
7-8 So he answered the king, “Have royal robes brought for this man—robes that you yourself wear. Have a royal ornament put on your own horse. 9 Then have one of your highest noblemen dress the man in these robes and lead him, mounted on the horse, through the city square. Have the nobleman announce as they go: ‘See how the king rewards someone he wishes to honor!’”
10 Then the king said to Haman, “Hurry and get the robes and the horse, and provide these honors for Mordecai the Jew. Do everything for him that you have suggested. You will find him sitting at the entrance of the palace.”
11 So Haman got the robes and the horse, and he put the robes on Mordecai. Mordecai got on the horse, and Haman led him through the city square, announcing to the people as they went: “See how the king rewards a man he wishes to honor!”
12 Mordecai then went back to the palace entrance while Haman hurried home, covering his face in embarrassment. 13 He told his wife and all his friends everything that had happened to him. Then she and those wise friends of his told him, “You are beginning to lose power to Mordecai. He is a Jew, and you cannot overcome him. He will certainly defeat you.”
Haman Is Put to Death
14 While they were still talking, the palace eunuchs arrived in a hurry to take Haman to Esther's banquet.
Ķēniņš parāda godu Mordohajam
1 Tonakt ķēniņam nenāca miegs, un viņš lika atnest Piemiņas grāmatu ar dienu notikumiem, un tos lasīja ķēniņam priekšā. 2 Tajos bija rakstīts par to, ko Mordohajs stāstījis par Bigtānu un Terešu, diviem ķēniņa einuhiem, durvju sargiem, kas bija lūkojuši nogalēt ķēniņu Ahasvēru. 3 Un ķēniņš jautāja: “Kāds gods un varenība par to doti Mordohajam?” Bet ķēniņa sulaiņi, kas viņu apkalpoja, teica: “Nekas viņam nav dots.” 4 Un ķēniņš teica: “Kas ienāca pagalmā?” Ķēniņa nama ārpagalmā bija ienācis Hāmāns, lai runātu ar ķēniņu, ka Mordohajs jāpakar karātavās, kuras viņš tam bija uzslējis. 5 Un ķēniņa sulaiņi viņam teica: “Redzi, pagalmā stāv Hāmāns,” un ķēniņš teica: “Lai ienāk!” 6 Hāmāns ienāca, un ķēniņš viņam vaicāja: “Ko lai dara vīram, ko ķēniņš grib pagodināt?” Bet Hāmāns nodomāja – ko gan ķēniņš gribētu pagodināt, ja ne mani? 7 Un Hāmāns teica ķēniņam: “Tam vīram, ko ķēniņš grib pagodināt, 8 lai atnes ķēniņa drēbes, ko valkā ķēniņš, un dod zirgu, uz kura jāj ķēniņš, lai dod tam vīram ķēniņa kroni 9 un kāds no augstmaņiem lai pasniedz tam drēbes un zirgu, ietērpj to vīru, ko ķēniņš grib pagodināt, un sēdina zirgā, ved pilsētas laukumā un sauc: tā tiek darīts vīram, ko ķēniņš grib pagodināt!” 10 Un ķēniņš teica Hāmānam: “Steidz, ņem drēbes un zirgu, kā tikko teici, un dod jūdam Mordohajam, kas sēž ķēniņa vārtos, un neizlaid no sava sacītā neko!” 11 Hāmāns ņēma drēbes un zirgu, ietērpa Mordohaju un veda viņu zirgā pa pilsētas laukumu, saukdams: “Tā tiek darīts vīram, ko ķēniņš grib pagodināt!”
12 Un Mordohajs atgriezās ķēniņa galmā, bet Hāmāns bēdīgs un apklātu galvu steidza mājup. 13 Tur Hāmāns pastāstīja savai sievai Zerešai un saviem draugiem visu, kas ar viņu bija noticis, un viņa padomdevēji un sieva Zereša teica: “Ja Mordohajs ir no jūdu dzimuma un tu esi sācis zemoties viņa priekšā, tev viņu vairs nepievārēt, tagad tu zemosies viņa priekšā vienmēr.”
14 Kamēr viņi vēl runāja, ieradās ķēniņa einuhi un steidza vest Hāmānu uz dzīrēm, ko bija sarīkojusi Estere.