Moses Receives the Commandments Again
(Exodus 34.1-10)1 “Then the Lord said to me, ‘Cut two stone tablets like the first ones and make a wooden Box to put them in. Come up to me on the mountain, 2 and I will write on those tablets what I wrote on the tablets that you broke, and then you are to put them in the Box.’
3 “So I made a Box of acacia wood and cut two stone tablets like the first ones and took them up the mountain. 4 Then the Lord wrote on those tablets the same words that he had written the first time, the Ten Commandments that he gave you when he spoke from the fire on the day you were gathered at the mountain. The Lord gave me the tablets, 5 and I turned and went down the mountain. Then, just as the Lord had commanded, I put them in the Box that I had made—and they have been there ever since.”
( 6 The Israelites set out from the wells that belonged to the people of Jaakan, and went to Moserah. There Aaron died and was buried, and his son Eleazar succeeded him as priest. 7 From there they went to Gudgodah and then on to Jotbathah, a well-watered place. 8 At that time the Lord appointed the men of the tribe of Levi to be in charge of the Covenant Box, to serve him as priests, and to pronounce blessings in his name. And these are still their duties. 9 That is why the tribe of Levi received no land as the other tribes did; what they received was the privilege of being the Lord's priests, as the Lord your God promised.)
10 “I stayed on the mountain forty days and nights, as I did the first time. The Lord listened to me once more and agreed not to destroy you. 11 Then he told me to go and lead you, so that you could take possession of the land that he had promised to give to your ancestors.
What God Demands
12 “Now, people of Israel, listen to what the Lord your God demands of you: Worship the Lord and do all that he commands. Love him, serve him with all your heart, 13 and obey all his laws. I am giving them to you today for your benefit. 14 To the Lord belong even the highest heavens; the earth is his also, and everything on it. 15 But the Lord's love for your ancestors was so strong that he chose you instead of any other people, and you are still his chosen people. 16 So then, from now on be obedient to the Lord and stop being stubborn. 17 The Lord your God is supreme over all gods and over all powers. He is great and mighty, and he is to be obeyed. He does not show partiality, and he does not accept bribes. 18 He makes sure that orphans and widows are treated fairly; he loves the foreigners who live with our people, and gives them food and clothes. 19 So then, show love for those foreigners, because you were once foreigners in Egypt. 20 Have reverence for the Lord your God and worship only him. Be faithful to him and make your promises in his name alone. 21 Praise him—he is your God, and you have seen with your own eyes the great and astounding things that he has done for you. 22 When your ancestors went to Egypt, there were only seventy of them. But now the Lord your God has made you as numerous as the stars in the sky.
Jaunas plāksnes
(2Moz 34:1–9)1 Tolaik Kungs man teica: izcērt divas akmens plāksnes, tādas pašas kā iepriekšējās, kāp pie manis kalnā un taisi koka šķirstu! 2 Es rakstīšu uz šīm plāksnēm tos pašus vārdus, kas bija uz iepriekšējām, ko tu sadauzīji, – liec tās šķirstā! 3 Tad es uztaisīju akācijkoka šķirstu, izcirtu divas tādas pašas akmens plāksnes kā iepriekšējās un ar abām plāksnēm uzkāpu kalnā. 4 Un viņš rakstīja uz akmens plāksnēm tādus pašus rakstus kā uz iepriekšējām – desmit likumus, ko Kungs bija uz jums runājis kalnā no uguns vidus todien, kad tika sasaukta sapulce, – un Kungs deva tās man. 5 Tad es devos lejā no kalna un ieliku tās šķirstā, ko biju taisījis, – tās ir tur, kā Kungs to ir pavēlējis!
6 Tad Israēla dēli devās ceļā no Jaakāna dēlu akām uz Mosērotu. Tur nomira un tika apglabāts Ārons, un viņa dēls Elāzārs kļuva priesteris viņa vietā. 7 No turienes tie devās ceļā uz Gudgodu un no Gudgodas uz Jotbātu, zemi ar ūdens upēm. 8 Tolaik Kungs nodalīja Levija cilti, lai tā nes Kunga derības šķirstu, lai stāv Kunga priekšā, kalpo viņam un lai viņa vārdā dod svētību līdz pat šai dienai! 9 Tādēļ levītiem nav daļas un mantojuma kopā ar saviem brāļiem – Kungs ir viņu mantojums, kā Kungs, tavs Dievs, viņiem teicis. 10 Un es paliku kalnā tāpat kā iepriekšējo reizi – četrdesmit dienas un četrdesmit naktis, un Kungs paklausīja man arī šoreiz, Kungs negribēja tevi iznīdēt! 11 Kungs man teica: celies un ej pa priekšu šai tautai, lai tā iet un iemanto zemi, par kuru es viņu tēviem esmu zvērējis, ka došu to viņiem.
Bauslības kopsavilkums
12 Un tagad, Israēl, – ko Kungs, tavs Dievs, prasa no tevis? – vienīgi bīties Kunga, sava Dieva, staigāt visus viņa ceļus, mīlēt viņu un kalpot Kungam, savam Dievam, no visas sirds un dvēseles, 13 un ievērot visus Kunga baušļus un viņa likumus, ko es tev šodien pavēlu tev pašam par labu. 14 Redzi, Kungam, tavam Dievam, pieder debesis un debesu debesis, zeme un viss, kas uz tās! 15 Taču Kungs ir iemīlējis tavus tēvus, mīlējis tos un no visām tautām izraudzījis to pēcnācējus – jūs – kā tas ir šodien! 16 Apgraiziet savas sirds priekšādu, neesiet vairs stūrgalvīgi! 17 Kungs, jūsu Dievs, ir dievu Dievs un kungu Kungs, lielais, varenais un baismīgais Dievs, kas nevērtē nevienu pēc skata un neņem kukuļus! 18 Viņš ir taisnīgs pret bāreni un atraitni un mīl svešinieku, dod tam maizi un drēbes. 19 Mīli arī tu svešinieku, jo svešinieki jūs bijāt Ēģiptes zemē! 20 Bīsties Kunga, sava Dieva, kalpo viņam, pieķeries viņam un zvēri viņa vārdā! 21 Viņš ir tava slava, un viņš ir tavs Dievs, kas tev darījis visas šīs lielās un baismīgās lietas, ko tu esi redzējis! 22 Vien septiņdesmit bija tavu tēvu, kad tie aizgāja uz Ēģipti, bet tagad Kungs, tavs Dievs, ir vairojis tevi kā zvaigznes debesīs!