Paul and the False Apostles
1 I wish you would tolerate me, even when I am a bit foolish. Please do! 2 I am jealous for you, just as God is; you are like a pure virgin whom I have promised in marriage to one man only, Christ himself. 3 I am afraid that your minds will be corrupted and that you will abandon your full and pure devotion to Christ—in the same way that Eve was deceived by the snake's clever lies. 4 For you gladly tolerate anyone who comes to you and preaches a different Jesus, not the one we preached; and you accept a spirit and a gospel completely different from the Spirit and the gospel you received from us!
5 I do not think that I am the least bit inferior to those very special so-called “apostles” of yours! 6 Perhaps I am an amateur in speaking, but certainly not in knowledge; we have made this clear to you at all times and in all conditions.
7 I did not charge you a thing when I preached the Good News of God to you; I humbled myself in order to make you important. Was that wrong of me? 8 While I was working among you, I was paid by other churches. I was robbing them, so to speak, in order to help you. 9 And during the time I was with you I did not bother you for help when I needed money; the believers who came from Macedonia brought me everything I needed. As in the past, so in the future: I will never be a burden to you! 10 By Christ's truth in me, I promise that this boast of mine will not be silenced anywhere in all of Achaia. 11 Do I say this because I don't love you? God knows I love you!
12 I will go on doing what I am doing now, in order to keep those other “apostles” from having any reason for boasting and saying that they work in the same way that we do. 13 Those men are not true apostles—they are false apostles, who lie about their work and disguise themselves to look like real apostles of Christ. 14 Well, no wonder! Even Satan can disguise himself to look like an angel of light! 15 So it is no great thing if his servants disguise themselves to look like servants of righteousness. In the end they will get exactly what their actions deserve.
Paul's Sufferings as an Apostle
16 I repeat: no one should think that I am a fool. But if you do, at least accept me as a fool, just so I will have a little to boast of. 17 Of course what I am saying now is not what the Lord would have me say; in this matter of boasting I am really talking like a fool. 18 But since there are so many who boast for merely human reasons, I will do the same. 19 You yourselves are so wise, and so you gladly tolerate fools! 20 You tolerate anyone who orders you around or takes advantage of you or traps you or looks down on you or slaps you in the face. 21 I am ashamed to admit that we were too timid to do those things!
But if anyone dares to boast about something—I am talking like a fool—I will be just as daring. 22 Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they Abraham's descendants? So am I. 23 Are they Christ's servants? I sound like a madman—but I am a better servant than they are! I have worked much harder, I have been in prison more times, I have been whipped much more, and I have been near death more often. 24 Five times I was given the thirty-nine lashes by the Jews; 25 three times I was whipped by the Romans; and once I was stoned. I have been in three shipwrecks, and once I spent twenty-four hours in the water. 26 In my many travels I have been in danger from floods and from robbers, in danger from my own people and from Gentiles; there have been dangers in the cities, dangers in the wilds, dangers on the high seas, and dangers from false friends. 27 There has been work and toil; often I have gone without sleep; I have been hungry and thirsty; I have often been without enough food, shelter, or clothing. 28 And not to mention other things, every day I am under the pressure of my concern for all the churches. 29 When someone is weak, then I feel weak too; when someone is led into sin, I am filled with distress.
30 If I must boast, I will boast about things that show how weak I am. 31 The God and Father of the Lord Jesus—blessed be his name forever!—knows that I am not lying. 32 When I was in Damascus, the governor under King Aretas placed guards at the city gates to arrest me. 33 But I was let down in a basket through an opening in the wall and escaped from him.
Pāvils un viltus apustuļi
1 Kaut jūs spētu kaut nedaudz panest manu neprātību; panesiet gan! 2 Es degu par jums ar dievišķu dedzību, jo esmu jūs saderinājis ar vienīgo vīru – Kristu, lai vestu jūs viņa priekšā kā šķīstu jaunavu. 3 Bet es gan baidos, ka čūska, kas pievīla Ievu ar savu viltību, arī jūsu prātu varētu samaitāt, novēršot to no vienkāršības un šķīstības Kristū, 4 jo, ja kāds ienācējs pie jums sludina citādu Jēzu, nekā mēs esam sludinājuši, jūs saņemat citādu garu nekā to, ko esat saņēmuši no mums, un citādu evaņģēliju nekā to, ko esat pieņēmuši, – to visu jūs labprāt ņemat pretī. 5 Es domāju, ka man nekā netrūkst no tā, kas ir šiem pārlieku dižajiem apustuļiem. 6 Ja arī esmu neskolots runāšanā, tomēr ne saprašanā. Visādi un visās vietās mēs jums to skaidri esam parādījuši. 7 Vai tad es būtu grēkojis, sevi pazeminot, lai paaugstinātu jūs, par brīvu jums sludinot Dieva evaņģēliju? 8 Citas draudzes es aplaupīju, saņemdams atlīdzību, lai varētu kalpot jums. 9 Uzturēdamies pie jums un ciešot trūkumu, es ne ar ko jūs neapgrūtināju, jo ar trūkstošo mani apgādāja brāļi, kas bija atnākuši no Maķedonijas; es sargājos būt par nastu jums kādā lietā un sargāšos arī turpmāk. 10 Tik tiešām, kā Kristus patiesība ir manī – šī mana slava netiks apslāpēta Ahajas apgabalos. 11 Kādēļ? Vai tad es jūs nemīlētu? Dievs zina, ka mīlu. 12 Bet, ko es daru, to darīšu arī turpmāk, lai izsistu pamatu zem kājām tiem, kas savā lielībā grib nostāties līdzās mums. 13 Šādi cilvēki ir viltus apustuļi, blēdīgi darboņi, kas izliekas par Kristus apustuļiem. 14 Nav jau arī brīnums – jo pats sātans izliekas par gaismas eņģeli. 15 Vai jābrīnās, ka arī viņa kalpi ārēji izliekas par taisnības kalpiem? Kādi viņu darbi, tāds būs iznākums.
Pāvila ciešanas evaņģēlija dēļ
16 Vēlreiz saku: lai kāds neiedomājas, ka esmu muļķis; bet ja tomēr – uzskatiet kaut vai par muļķi, lai es varu kaut nedaudz palielīties. 17 Ko es tagad runāju, es nerunāju saskaņā ar Kungu, bet kā aiz muļķības, būdams lielīgā pašapziņā. 18 Ja daudzi lielās kā pasaulīgi cilvēki, arī es lielīšos. 19 Jūs, būdami gudri, ar labpatiku panesat muļķus; 20 jūs taču panesat, ka jūs kāds paverdzina, aprij, izmanto, ir uzpūtīgs pret jums, sit jūs vaigā. 21 Sev par kaunu es atzīstu, ka mēs to neesam spējuši. Ja kāds kaut ko uzdrošinās – būdams neprātā, es arī uzdrošinos. 22 Viņi ir ebreji? Es arī. Viņi ir israēlieši? Es arī. Viņi ir Ābrahāma pēcnācēji? Es arī. 23 Viņi ir Kristus kalpi? Es, neprāta pārņemts, saku – es daudz vairāk: smagā darbā – daudz vairāk nekā viņi, cietumos – daudz vairāk, šaustīts – pāri mēram, nāves briesmās – tik bieži. 24 No jūdiem pieckārt esmu saņēmis četrdesmit sitienus bez viena; 25 trīskārt esmu pērts ar rīkstēm, vienreiz tiku nomētāts akmeņiem, trīskārt esmu cietis kuģa bojāeju, diennakti pavadīju ūdenī atklātā jūrā. 26 Bieži esmu bijis ceļā: šķērsojot upes apdraudēts, laupītāju apdraudēts, savas tautas apdraudēts, tautu apdraudēts, pilsētā, tuksnesī, jūrā apdraudēts, starp viltus apustuļiem apdraudēts. 27 Esmu bijis grūtībās un sūrā darbā, bieži bez miega, badā un slāpēs, gavēņos, aukstumā un kailumā. 28 Bez visa cita vēl – ikdienas aizņemtība, rūpes par visām draudzēm. 29 Ja ir kāds vājš, vai es neesmu vājš? Ja kāds tiek apgrēcināts, vai es neiedegtos? 30 Ja nepieciešams lielīties, es lielīšos ar savu vājumu. 31 Slavēts uz mūžiem ir Dievs, Kunga Jēzus Tēvs, – viņš zina, ka es nemeloju. 32 Damaskā ķēniņa Hareta pārvaldnieks izvietoja apsardzi ap damaskiešu pilsētu, lai mani notvertu, 33 taču mani pa logu grozā pār mūri nolaida zemē, un es izbēgu no viņa rokām.