An Egyptian Invasion of Judah
(1 Kings 14.25-28)
1 As soon as Rehoboam had established his authority as king, he and all his people abandoned the Law of the Lord. 2 In the fifth year of Rehoboam's reign their disloyalty to the Lord was punished. King Shishak of Egypt attacked Jerusalem 3 with an army of twelve hundred chariots, sixty thousand cavalry, and more soldiers than could be counted, including Libyan, Sukkite, and Ethiopian troops. 4 He captured the fortified cities of Judah and advanced as far as Jerusalem.
5 Shemaiah the prophet went to King Rehoboam and the Judean leaders who had gathered in Jerusalem to escape Shishak. He said to them, “This is the Lord's message to you: ‘You have abandoned me, so now I have abandoned you to Shishak.’”
6 The king and the leaders admitted that they had sinned, and they said, “What the Lord is doing is just.”
7 When the Lord saw this, he spoke again to Shemaiah and said to him, “Because they admit their sin, I will not destroy them. But when Shishak attacks, they will barely survive. Jerusalem will not feel the full force of my anger, 8 but Shishak will conquer them, and they will learn the difference between serving me and serving earthly rulers.”
9 King Shishak came to Jerusalem and took the treasures from the Temple and from the palace. He took everything, including the gold shields that King Solomon had made. 10 To replace them, Rehoboam made bronze shields and entrusted them to the officers responsible for guarding the palace gates. 11 Every time the king went to the Temple, the guards carried the shields and then returned them to the guardroom. 12 Because he submitted to the Lord, the Lord's anger did not completely destroy him, and things went well for Judah.
Summary of Rehoboam's Reign
13 Rehoboam ruled in Jerusalem and increased his power as king. He was forty-one years old when he became king, and he ruled for seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which the Lord had chosen from all the territory of Israel as the place where he was to be worshiped. Rehoboam's mother was Naamah, from the land of Ammon. 14 He did what was evil, because he did not try to find the Lord's will.
15 Rehoboam's acts from beginning to end and his family records are found in The History of Shemaiah the Prophet and The History of Iddo the Prophet. Rehoboam and Jeroboam were constantly at war with each other. 16 Rehoboam died and was buried in the royal tombs in David's City and his son Abijah succeeded him as king.
Ēģiptes ķēniņa Šīšaka iebrukums
(1Ķēn 14:25–28)
1 Kad Rehabeāma valdīšana bija kļuvusi pamatīga un stipra, viņš atmeta Kunga bauslību un viss Israēls kopā ar viņu. 2 Tādēļ ka viņi kļuva neuzticīgi Kungam, ķēniņa Rehabeāma piektajā gadā Ēģiptes ķēniņš Šīšaks uzbruka Jeruzālemei 3 ar tūkstoti un diviem simtiem kararatu, sešdesmit tūkstošiem jātnieku, un nebija skaita ļaudīm, kas nāca tam līdzi no Ēģiptes, – lūbieši, sukotieši un kūšieši. 4 Viņš ieņēma Jūdas nocietinātās pilsētas un nonāca līdz Jeruzālemei.
5 Tad pie Rehabeāma un Jūdas augstmaņiem, kuri, slēpdamies no Šīšaka, bija sapulcējušies Jeruzālemē, nāca pravietis Šemaja un sacīja: “Tā saka Kungs: jūs pametāt mani, un es jūs pametu Šīšakam!” 6 Tad Israēla augstmaņi un ķēniņš zemojās un sacīja: “Kungs ir taisnīgs!” 7 Kungs redzēja, ka viņi ir pazemīgi. Tad Kunga vārds nāca pār Šemaju: “Tādēļ ka viņi ir zemojušies, es tos neizpostīšu, bet ļaušu tiem kaut mazliet glābties, es neizliešu savu dusmu kvēli pār Jeruzālemi ar Šīšaka roku, 8 taču viņi kļūs tā kalpi, lai saprastu atšķirību starp kalpību man un citu zemju ķēniņiem.”
9 Ēģiptes ķēniņš Šīšaks nāca pret Jeruzālemi un paņēma Kunga nama un ķēniņa nama dārgumus – viņš paņēma visu! Viņš paņēma arī Sālamana darinātos zelta vairogus. 10 To vietā ķēniņš Rehabeāms darināja vara vairogus un deva tos sardzes virsniekiem, kas stāvēja sardzē pie ķēniņa nama durvīm. 11 Ik reizi, kad ķēniņš gāja Kunga namā, sardze gāja un tos ņēma un pēc tam nesa atpakaļ uz sardzes telpu. 12 Kad viņš zemojās, Kunga dusmas novērsās, un viņš netika pilnīgi pazudināts. Arī Jūdā notika labas lietas.
Rehabeāma nāve
(1Ķēn 14:21–22, 1Ķēn 29–31)
13 Ķēniņš Rehabeāms nostiprināja savu varu Jeruzālemē. Viņš sāka valdīt četrdesmit viena gada vecumā. Rehabeāms valdīja septiņpadsmit gadus Jeruzālemē – pilsētā, kuru Kungs no visām Israēla ciltīm bija izvēlējies, lai tur liktu mājot savam vārdam. Viņa mātes vārds bija Naama, amoniete. 14 Viņš darīja ļaunu, jo viņa sirds netiecās pēc Kunga.
15 Un Rehabeāma darbi no pirmā līdz pēdējam – vai tad tie nav aprakstīti pravieša Šemaja un redzētāja Ido vārdiem, lai tas būtu cilts rakstos. Starp Rehabeāmu un Jārobāmu visu laiku bija karš. 16 Rehabeāms apgūlās pie saviem tēviem, un viņu apbedīja Dāvida pilsētā. Pēc tam sāka valdīt viņa dēls Abija.