War against the Philistines
2 Saul picked three thousand men, keeping two thousand of them with him in Michmash and in the hill country of Bethel and sending one thousand with his son Jonathan to Gibeah, in the territory of the tribe of Benjamin. The rest of the men Saul sent home.
3 Jonathan killed the Philistine commander in Geba, and all the Philistines heard about it. Then Saul sent messengers to call the Hebrews to war by blowing a trumpet throughout the whole country. 4 All the Israelites were told that Saul had killed the Philistine commander and that the Philistines hated them. So the people answered the call to join Saul at Gilgal.
5 The Philistines assembled to fight the Israelites; they had thirty thousand war chariots, six thousand cavalry troops, and as many soldiers as there are grains of sand on the seashore. They went to Michmash, east of Bethaven, and camped there. 6 Then they launched a strong attack against the Israelites, putting them in a desperate situation. Some of the Israelites hid in caves and holes or among the rocks or in pits and wells; 7 others crossed the Jordan River into the territories of Gad and Gilead.
Saul was still at Gilgal, and the people with him were trembling with fear. 8 He waited seven days for Samuel, as Samuel had instructed him to do, but Samuel still had not come to Gilgal. The people began to desert Saul, 9 so he said to them, “Bring me the burnt sacrifices and the fellowship sacrifices.” He offered a burnt sacrifice, 10 and just as he was finishing, Samuel arrived. Saul went out to meet him and welcome him, 11 but Samuel said, “What have you done?”
Saul answered, “The people were deserting me, and you had not come when you said you would; besides that, the Philistines are gathering at Michmash. 12 So I thought, ‘The Philistines are going to attack me here in Gilgal, and I have not tried to win the Lord's favor.’ So I felt I had to offer a sacrifice.”
13 “That was a foolish thing to do,” Samuel answered. “You have not obeyed the command the Lord your God gave you. If you had obeyed, he would have let you and your descendants rule over Israel forever. 14 But now your rule will not continue. Because you have disobeyed him, the Lord will find the kind of man he wants and make him ruler of his people.”
15 Samuel left Gilgal and went on his way. The rest of the people followed Saul as he went to join his soldiers. They went from Gilgal to Gibeah in the territory of Benjamin. Saul inspected his troops, about six hundred men. 16 Saul, his son Jonathan, and their men camped in Geba in the territory of Benjamin; the Philistine camp was at Michmash. 17 The Philistine soldiers went out on raids from their camp in three groups: one group went toward Ophrah in the territory of Shual, 18 another went toward Beth Horon, and the other one went to the border overlooking Zeboim Valley and the wilderness.
19 There were no blacksmiths in Israel because the Philistines were determined to keep the Hebrews from making swords and spears. ( 20 The Israelites had to go to the Philistines to get their plows, hoes, axes, and sickles sharpened; 21 the charge was one small coin for sharpening axes and for fixing goads, and two coins for sharpening plows or hoes.) 22 And so on the day of battle none of the Israelite soldiers except Saul and his son Jonathan had swords or spears.
23 The Philistines sent a group of soldiers to defend Michmash Pass.
Sauls pats pienes upuri
1 Sauls bija gadus vecs un valdīja kā ķēniņš un divus gadus pār Israēlu. 2 Sauls izraudzījās sev no Israēla trīs tūkstošus. Divi tūkstoši bija ar Saulu Mihmāsā un Bēteles kalnā, un tūkstotis bija ar Jonatānu Benjamīna Gibā. Pārējos ļaudis viņš atlaida uz savām teltīm. 3 Jonatāns sakāva filistiešu sardzi Gebā, un filistieši to uzzināja. Tad Sauls pūta ragu visā zemē, sacīdams: “Lai ebreji dzird!” 4 Un viss Israēls dzirdēja: “Sauls ir sakāvis filistiešu sardzi! Nu gan filistieši nīdīs Israēlu!” Tad tautu sauca sekot Saulam uz Gilgālu. 5 Filistieši sapulcēja karam pret Israēlu trīsdesmit tūkstošus kararatu, sešus tūkstošus jātnieku un tik daudz ļaužu kā smilšu jūras krastā. Tie devās augšup un apmetās Mihmāsā uz austrumiem no Bētāvenas. 6 Kad Israēla vīri redzēja, ka tie ir sprukās un tautai gals klāt, ļaudis slēpās alās, brikšņos, klintīs, pagrabos un bedrēs. 7 Ebreji pārcēlās pār Jordānu uz Gada zemi un Gileādu. Bet Sauls aizvien bija Gilgālā, un visa tauta drebēdama viņam sekoja. 8 Viņš gaidīja septiņas dienas līdz Samuēla noteiktajam laikam, bet Samuēls nenāca uz Gilgālu, un ļaudis, kas bija pie Saula, sāka izklīst. 9 Tad Sauls teica: “Atvediet man sadedzināmo upuri un miera upuri!” Un viņš pienesa sadedzināmo upuri. 10 Tiklīdz viņš bija upurējis sadedzināmo upuri, redzi, nāca Samuēls, un Sauls izgāja pretī viņu sveikt. 11 Samuēls teica: “Ko tu esi izdarījis?!” Sauls sacīja: “Kad es redzēju, ka ļaudis, kas palikuši pie manis, sāk izklīst, bet tu noteiktajā laikā neesi atnācis un filistieši jau pulcējas Mihmāsā, 12 es nodomāju: tagad filistieši nāks lejā pret mani uz Gilgālu, bet es neesmu izlūdzies, lai Kungs mani uzlūko. Tad es saņēmos un pienesu sadedzināmo upuri.”
13 Samuēls teica Saulam: “Tu darīji muļķīgi! Tu neturēji Kunga, sava Dieva, pavēli, ko viņš tev devis! Tagad Kungs būtu dibinājis tavu valdīšanu Israēlā uz mūžiem, 14 bet nu tava valdīšana nepastāvēs. Kungs ir izmeklējis vīru pēc savas patikas, un Kungs viņu ir iecēlis par valdnieku savai tautai, jo tu nepildīji Kunga pavēli.”
Israēls bez ieročiem
15 Samuēls cēlās un devās no Gilgālas augšup uz Benjamīna Gibu. Sauls saskaitīja ļaudis, kas atradās pie viņa, to bija ap seši simti vīru. 16 Tad Sauls, viņa dēls Jonatāns un ļaudis, kas bija pie viņiem, apmetās Benjamīna Gebā, kamēr filistieši bija uzslējuši nometni Mihmāsā. 17 Sirotāji iznāca no filistiešu nometnes trīs pulkos. Viens pulks nogriezās uz Ofras pusi, uz Šuāla zemi. 18 Otrs pulks devās uz Bēthoronas pusi, un trešais pulks virzījās uz robežu, kas pār Ceboīmas ieleju pret tuksnesi.
19 Visā Israēla zemē nebija neviena kalēja, jo filistieši teica: “Lai ebreji sev netaisa ne zobenu, ne šķēpu.” 20 Tādēļ visi israēlieši gāja lejā pie filistiešiem asināt savus arklus, kapļus, cirvjus un lemešus; 21 maksa bija pīms par lemesi, par kapli, par dakšām, par cirvi un par dzenuļa piestiprināšanu. 22 Tāpēc kaujas dienā nevienam no ļaudīm, kas bija kopā ar Saulu un Jonatānu, nebija ne zobena, ne šķēpa – tie bija tikai Saulam un viņa dēlam Jonatānam. 23 Bet filistieši izlika sardzi Mihmāsas pārejā.