David's Activities in Jerusalem
(2 Samuel 5.11-16)1 King Hiram of Tyre sent a trade mission to David; he provided him with cedar logs and with stonemasons and carpenters to build a palace. 2 And so David realized that the Lord had established him as king of Israel and was making his kingdom prosperous for the sake of his people.
3 There in Jerusalem, David married more wives and had more sons and daughters. 4 The following children were born to him in Jerusalem: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon, 5 Ibhar, Elishua, Elpelet, 6 Nogah, Nepheg, Japhia, 7 Elishama, Beeliada, and Eliphelet.
Victory over the Philistines
(2 Samuel 5.17-25)8 When the Philistines heard that David had now been made king over the whole country of Israel, their army went out to capture him. So David marched out to meet them. 9 The Philistines arrived at Rephaim Valley and began plundering. 10 David asked God, “Shall I attack the Philistines? Will you give me the victory?”
The Lord answered, “Yes, attack! I will give you the victory!”
11 So David attacked them at Baal Perazim and defeated them. He said, “God has used me to break through the enemy army like a flood.” So that place is called Baal Perazim. 12 When the Philistines fled, they left their idols behind, and David gave orders for them to be burned.
13 Soon the Philistines returned to the valley and started plundering it again. 14 Once more David consulted God, who answered, “Don't attack them from here, but go around and get ready to attack them from the other side, near the balsam trees. 15 When you hear the sound of marching in the treetops, then attack, because I will be marching ahead of you to defeat the Philistine army.” 16 David did what God had commanded, and so he drove the Philistines back from Gibeon all the way to Gezer. 17 David's fame spread everywhere, and the Lord made every nation afraid of him.
Dāvids nostiprinās Jeruzālemē
(2Sam 5:11–16)1 Tīras ķēniņš Hīrāms sūtīja pie Dāvida vēstnešus un nosūtīja viņam arī ciedru kokus, mūrniekus un namdarus, lai uzceļ viņam namu. 2 Dāvids saprata, ka Kungs nostiprina viņa varu pār Israēlu, jo viņa valsts plauka un zēla viņa tautas Israēla dēļ.
3 Dāvids arī Jeruzālemē ņēma sievas, un Dāvidam tika dzemdēti dēli un meitas. 4 Šie ir viņa bērnu vārdi, kuri dzima Jeruzālemē: Šammua, Šobābs, Nātāns, Sālamans, 5 Jibhārs, Elīšūa, Elfelets, 6 Nogahs, Nefegs, Jāfīa, 7 Elīšāma, Beeljāda un Elīfelets.
Filistiešu sakāve
(2Sam 5:17–25)8 Kad filistieši uzzināja, ka Dāvids svaidīts par ķēniņu visam Israēlam, visi filistieši devās meklēt Dāvidu. To uzzinājis, Dāvids izgāja tiem pretī. 9 Filistieši nāca un ielauzās Refāiešu ielejā. 10 Un Dāvids jautāja Dievam: “Vai man doties pret filistiešiem, vai tu tos nodosi manā rokā?” Kungs viņam atbildēja: “Ej, es viņus nodošu tavā rokā!” 11 Tie gāja uz Baālpracīmu, un Dāvids tur viņus sakāva. Dāvids sacīja: “Dievs satrieca manus ienaidniekus ar manu roku – kā ūdens šalti!” Tāpēc viņi to vietu nosauca par Baālpracīmu . 12 Tur viņi bija pametuši savus dievus. Dāvids lika tos sadedzināt ugunī.
13 Filistieši vēlreiz ielauzās ielejā. 14 Dāvids atkal jautāja Dievam, un Dievs viņam atbildēja: “Neseko tiem, bet ej apkārt un uzbrūc iepretī balzamkokiem. 15 Kad tu balzamkoku galotnēs dzirdēsi soļus, tad ej kaujā, jo Dievs tev pa priekšu būs izgājis sist filistiešu karapulku!” 16 Dāvids darīja, kā Dievs viņam bija pavēlējis, un viņi kāva filistiešu karapulku no Gibeonas līdz Gezerai. 17 Dāvida vārds kļuva zināms visās zemēs, un Kungs visām apkārtējām tautām iedvesa bailes no viņa.